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  1. Droid
    Time to spam.





    4:30 shenanigans...think I'm gonna make some coffee...
    Thread by: Droid, Feb 8, 2012, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Droid






    Curse you make me laugh..
    Thread by: Droid, Feb 5, 2012, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Droid
    So I was sketching around and had to draw Scar, I'm working on a far nicer one, but I messed up with Simba so he looks like a drug dealer(I'll post it later for lulz).


    Eh, while I'm at it I've got one of Saix I drew up a little while ago and the druggie Simba.



    "Sos I know dis guy." Comment and what not, or make fun fun of Simba.
    Thread by: Droid, Feb 2, 2012, 4 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  4. Droid
    It's been a good while since last I posted a graphic dump, that's due to lots of glitching and lack of time. Now here I have some avis from Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler, because I love the anime and manga. You'll notice a good portion of these are from the manga, first time I've made avis from a manga. If you see an avi that you must have then alert me and I'll give you the 100x100 version, anywho enjoy.~


    Now here I've got a signature, it's fairly simple, but I like how it came out. I'd just use it right now, but I'm attached to my curtsy one.

    Thread by: Droid, Jan 27, 2012, 16 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  5. Droid
    The result of watching the new True Grit, then shizzy use of MS paint, and me being a dork.

    Thread by: Droid, Jan 25, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Droid
    Yeah we're going to play Tic-Tac-Toe, and use MS Paint because that's what MS paint is good for. I'm going first and using X's cause X's are cool. LET'S GO.


    The winner will get an unspecified number of coconuts, and a marvelous surprise.
    Thread by: Droid, Jan 25, 2012, 11 replies, in forum: The Playground
  7. Droid
    Thread by: Droid, Jan 24, 2012, 24 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Droid
    I finally have 300 posts, *applause*.. So I can change my name at last, the question is I don't know what to change it to.. Seeing as it could be a long time before I can change it again I want it to be good. So my friends, halp meh. I came up with a few so vote or give me a suggestion, please and thank you.
    Thread by: Droid, Jan 18, 2012, 32 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Droid
    So I went to see Beauty and the Beast (in 3333DDDD) with my friends last night. Not as amazing as the Lion King *cough*, but it was still great. Obviously they had to do it in 3D because the screen could not hold Gaston.
    Before the movie started they had a short from Tangled about their wedding and it was hilarious, almost worth going just see that.

    Only wrong thing is that the next movie they're bringing back to theaters is Finding Nemo. Great movie and all, but has it really been long enough to put it back in theaters?(If it is I'm going to feel old...) I'd rather they rereleased the Little Mermaid or Aladdin first, but meh.
    Thread by: Droid, Jan 14, 2012, 21 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  10. Droid

    >:OOC Thread:<
    ~Family Thread: Crossover Crib~

    Welcome everyone to Crossover Cove, the Role-Play of unlimited potential and possibility. First I'd like to point anyone who hasn't signed up to the sign up thread, there you can enter with whatever character you'd like from any medium you can think of. Almost all characters are accepted, so don't worry about confirmation from me unless you're unsure.

    For those looking for a taste of what you can expect, take a look here:

    Also check out our very own Tumblr and Wiki, courtesy of Aerith G. and Ventus.

    Now the initial plan had me grouping people together, that changed rather quickly. If you're trying to enter the RP and don't know where to enter at, simply look in OOC thread and ask for some guidance, or read up through the story and burst through a wall somewhere. Below is the orginal story that got this Role-Play off the ground, a first of hopefully many Arcs.


    The land is barren, so few are the number of trees or green substance you'd likely call it a desert. This land wasn't always like this, no, it used to be a thriving savannah inhabited by countless animals and plants. All that changed when the Lion King of the land was murdered by his conniving brother, Scar, whom then assumed control of the Pride Lands.

    It was after this that the circle of life was broken, Scar's army of hyenas drove off the inhabitants and next to nothing was left, but a large stone fortress known as Pride Rock. In there Scar was plotting, "This land isn't suited for a king of my stature...there is no use in ruling over an empty kingdom. What must I do to grow my empire? I'm the rightful king of this land, no..all the land!" as Scar was ranting to himself he failed to notice the appearance of tall slender being in the corner.
    "Pardon, but you seem to be troubled.", the figure made it's presence known to Scar who immediately growled at the intruder. "Who...who are you? Have you come to challenge me?...You're..-" Scar was stopped by the being, "One hell of a butler."


    "Soon the emptiness will shatter your heart, here in this world of nothingness."
    A fortress, a prison, a lair, Castle Oblivion among other names is an ideal place to plan a coup d'état, but now serves as the headquarters for a more widespread goal. Marluxia is Lord of this Castle, thought to have been killed in the struggle that occurred on these grounds years ago, but although drained he is very much alive. To gain a heart is the only real goal a nobody can aspire towards, but thanks to a young boy that goal was shattered to pieces.

    To gain a heart, hearts must be sacrificed. For someone without a heart that can't be too hard of moral dilemma, but finding those to follow him into battle will be Marluxia's greatest undertaking. His old allies are wiped out so the Lord of the Castle must give rise to a new alliance, a new kingdom, a new Kingdom Hearts.


    High above the mountains into a sea of clouds a wise figure watches the ongoing struggles of the world, you'd say he looked blue if he weren't green. Jedi Master Yoda, former leader of the Jedi council has taken the responsibility of watching over Earth, he hopes to train an able group of heros to keep the balance of the force in check. Of course he's troubled, for if an order is needed to protect the well being of this planet, that means there must be a great evil present within it. Yoda has sensed the presence of individuals who intend to do great evil in this world, that is why he has based a new Jedi order in Cloud City, for those who are willing will come.


    The power of a God, decide who lives...and who dies. That is the power of the Death Note, power such a this will make you a stranger to Heaven and an outcast of Hell. Light Yagami has taken a step towards what he aspires to be, a God, by wielding this power. Who among you will follow him? To cleanse something completely the dirt must be obliterated, but can you really destroy the darkness in all hearts?


    Rule Number 1: No godmodding, this is especially important because of the many different mediums we've got characters from. Obviously some characters hold more influence in the world, but don't go overboard with anything. If you're thinking of killing someone off don't do it without the controllers consent(or them choosing to have their character killed off). This rule is smashed to absolute dust by Bushy, but that's okay because he's a god/genie/little girl summoner.

    Rule Number 2: Along with godmodding, please refrain from controlling other characters, influencing something that isn't yours to decide isn't fair to the controller of the character you're tampering with. Simply ask before you go leroy jenkins up in here. This rule can be excepted if the character's controller gives you the right to control their character for a moment, or for minor plot convinces.

    Rule Number 3: Try to keep the language PG-13, some of the characters are more prone to cuss which I understand, just don't go overboard.

    Rule Number 4: If you plan on using a vehicle of any kind, think about posting a picture of the plane/ship/car/bike etc. so that we know what we're dealing with. Along with that pictures and music selections are also allowed, just don't go overboard.

    Rule Number 5: To quote the rules of the RP section: "There is a 20-word minimum for all posts in this section, so kindly think before you post." I want to see good posts out of everyone, we don't need books and I can understand the occasional short post, but generally put you're heart into it. That's all I ask.

    Rule Number 6: I shouldn't have to make this a rule, because you should all be mature enough to not insult or otherwise offend others of their beliefs or way of life. But, if you do insult or make a comment deemed offensive by the KH-Vids rules or the Crossover Cove staff, there will be consequences. First offenders will be banned from the RP for one day. Repeat offenders will be banned from Crossover Cove for good. Plus, depending on the severity of the situation I will get KH-Vds staff involved.

    Rule Number 7: Musical Numbers. Don't we love them? In fact it was I who came up with the nifty idea to start bringing musical numbers into the RP, don't regret that decision one bit. Seriously though, there is a time and place for them. If you're role-playing as Scar and want to sing Be Prepared at some point, it makes perfect sense. If you're role-playing as Winnie the Pooh and want to sing Billie Jean, no. Mostly cause only I can RP as Winnie the Pooh because it be awesome, but also because it's not the least bit in character. Think before you sing. If it doesn't make sense or there has just been a musical number, don't do it, or at least ask DT or I.

    The Bushy Rule: Common sense.
    "If you think about things when posting, and give other people a chance to post like people do in other RPs. Everything would be fine.
    It doesn't have to go super slow then, but if you know other people are going to NEED to post and your own posting or other peoples are getting out of hand, then just stop and wait for a bit.
    If everyone has some courtesy for everyone else, things will go a lot smoother. We all have brains in our skulls. We all have common sense. It shouldn't be too hard as long as that when we post, we consider everyone and how our post will impact them.
    Remember, posting on your own and for yourself is stupid, you may as well write a story on your own and be done with it(and as a aspiring writer, I of all people am saying this).
    The point of an RP, is to work and create a story with others. It's impossible to do such a thing if you don't give everyone else a chance.
    The RP section is a community where we as RPers work together for everyone involved. The same should be said for the RPs in the section itself." ~Bushy Brow

    If there are any more rules that need addressing, simply ask and I'll see what I can do.
    Thread by: Droid, Jan 6, 2012, 5,893 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Droid
    -Sign Up Thread-

    Welcome to the Role-Play about anything and everything, a place where you'll be able to RP as that person you've always wanted to, just never had the right place. Would you like to be unoriginal and RP as Sora? Gotta have it. Want to RP as Batman? Grab the tights and get to it. How about Link? Pursue your dreams of killing Navi. A murderous, treacherous lion? Back off he's mine.

    You can join as anyone, It can be from a video game, anime, show, comic, movie, book, anything, just so long as the character abides to the KH-Vids rules(there are a few exemptions such as religious or political figures). In this thread we'll be accepting new members into the RP, discussing events in the RP, etc. Make sure and read over this list below of all the characters already in use. Some people have reserved characters, make sure and check that list as well before you try and enter with such a character. If the character you desire isn't in use then feel free to use this template below to get in on the action.

    Character Templet:

    Character of Choice:
    Game/Anime/Etc. the Character is from:
    Additional Info:

    Character List:

    Sebastian Michaelis
    Grell Sutciff
    William T. Spears <Presently not active>
    Darth Vader <DECEASED>/Zombie Toaster Muncher - Reanimated thanks to Genie
    Ciel Phantomive
    General Grievous
    Roy Mustang
    Seto Kaiba
    Mizore Shirayuki
    Nick Fury
    Hawkeye(Clint Barton)
    Dr. Leonard McCoy
    Captain James T. Kirk
    Forte the Pipe Organ
    Captain Hook
    Oogie Boogie
    Batman(Bruce Wayne)
    The Flash(Wally West)
    The Green Lantern(Hal Jordan)
    Seras Victoria
    Selim Bradley(Pride)
    Meta Knight
    Solf J. Kimblee
    Sherlock Holmes
    King Bradley(Wrath)

    Stern the Destructor
    Levi the Slasher
    Lord Dearche
    Reinforce Eins
    Thel 'Vadam
    Darth Starkiller <DECEASED>
    Zasalamel <DECEASED>
    Saber (Arturia Pendragon)
    Lightning (Claire Farron)
    Sazh Katzroy
    Thoma Avenir
    Vivo Takamachi
    The Doctor (Tenth Incarnation)
    Galenth Dysley
    Teana Lanster
    Jail Scaglietti
    Zero Berserker (Identity Unknown)
    Yuri Eberwein
    Kurumu Kurono
    Yukari Sendo

    Sonic the Hedgehog
    Albert Wesker
    Ghost Rider
    Naruto Uzumaki
    Dr. Eggman
    Dr. Doom
    Iron Man
    Eddie Riggs (On Hold)
    Megaman X
    Fate Testarossa
    Captain America

    The Supreme Dalek

    Rider (Iskander)
    Berserker (Heracles)
    Archer (EMIYA)
    Lancer (Cu Chulainn)

    Master of Keyblades
    Allen Walker
    Train Heartnet
    Haru Glory
    Azure Flame Kite
    Hiro Kageyama
    The Earl of Millennium
    Shane Riley

    Inner Moka Akashiya
    Outer Moka Akashiya
    Kokoa Shuzen
    L Lawliet

    Tomoki Sakurai
    Tsukune Aono

    Lily - Mahou Senki Lyrical Nanoha Force​

    The Doctor
    Percy Jackson
    Luke Castellan
    Cloud Strife
    Richard the Warlock
    Genesis Rhapsodos.
    Captain Hector Barbossa.
    Teridax Makuta.
    Harley Quinn.
    Eleanor Lamb.
    Mordin Solus.
    Squall Leonhart.
    Played by Bushy Brow
    Subaru Nakajima
    Minato Arisato<DECEASED>
    Natsu Dragneel
    Bushy Brow
    Emiya Shirou

    Played by Rienzel:
    Prince of Persia (Because i don't like the name Dastan)
    Warrior of light
    Jellal Fernandez
    Jin Kazama
    Light Yagami
    T-800 Terminator

    Edward Elric
    Alphonse Elric
    Winry Rockbell
    Samus/ Zero Suit Samus
    Hero's Shade
    Pokémon Trainer Leaf
    Pokémon Trainer Red
    Captain Falcon
    Susan Tyler
    Wolf O'Donell
    Fox McCloud
    Falco Lombardi
    The Tenth Doctor
    Rory Williams
    Ling Yao
    Classic Amy Rose
    Amy Rose

    Played by Protecter212
    Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez
    Kiyoto Maki
    Eiji Hino
    Ichigo Kurosaki

    Aerith G.
    Lockon Stratos
    Oerba Dia Vanille
    Lyle Dylandy
    Oerba Yun Fang
    Hermione Granger
    Kyo Sohma
    Snow Villers
    Setsuna F. Seiei
    Ali Al-Sacchez
    Illyasviel von Einzbern
    Kisa Sohma
    Harry Potter
    Ron Weasley
    Terra Branford
    Draco Malfoy
    Rei Ayamani
    Vivi Orunitia
    Hina Izumi
    Serah Farron
    Kagome Higurashi
    Akiza Izinski
    Tommy Oliver (White Ranger)
    Asuka Langley Soyru
    Yuki Sohma
    Hatsuharu Sohma/Black Haru
    Michal Minato/Kamen Rider Poseidon
    Ivan Ooze
    Ginny Weasley
    Wilykat & Wilykit

    Abaddon the Despoiler
    Michael Wilson
    Jodie Crawford
    Dr. Insano
    Hildegard "Hilde" von Krone
    Aeon Calcos

    Midnight Star
    Black Widow(Natasha Romanova)

    Reserved Characters

    Shere Khan
    Davy Jones
    Jeremy Irons
    Sebastian the Crab
    King Triton
    Ra's al Ghul
    Riza Hawkeye
    Pandora(Kid Icarus)

    Dead Master
    The Incredible Hulk

    Yukio Okumura
    Caius Ballad
    Garrus Vakarian
    Hyuga Ryght
    Karl F. Howzer
    Nove Nakajima
    White Rock Shooter
    Nanoha Takamachi
    Urdnot Wrex
    Urdnot Grunt
    Pyrrha Alexandra
    Axel (Not from Kingdom Hearts)
    The Archdemon
    Chaos (Dissidia)
    Shinji Ikari
    Kaworu Nagisa
    Guy Shishioh
    Knuckles the Echidna
    Homura Akemi
    Eggman Nega
    Kraz Muehler
    Ethan Waber
    Renvolt Magashi
    Reinforce Zwei
    <hidden reserve>
    Shizuru Shu/Kuhman
    <hidden reserve>
    Gendo Ikari
    <hidden reserve>
    Desmond Miles
    Elysium (Soul Calibur)
    Raphael Sorel
    Jaden Yuki Abridged
    Abridged Jack Atlas
    Satire Lordgenome
    Paddra Nsu Yeul
    Alan Wake
    Hayate Yagami
    Madoka Kaname
    Overlord Zetta
    Pram the Oracle
    Lumia Waber
    Kriemhild Gretchen
    Sayaka Miki
    Jotaro Kujo (Abridged)
    Yui Ikari
    Cinque Nakajima
    Einhart Stratos
    N (Natural Harmonia Gropius)
    Ghetsis Harmonia
    Scourge the Hedgehog
    Metal Knuckles
    Sakura Kasugano
    Precia Testarossa
    Black★Rock Shooter (Stella)
    Black★Rock Shooter (Mato Kuroi)
    Banagher Links
    Puru Two
    The Prism Rangers
    Agito Yagami
    Gray Fullbuster
    Kiritsugu Emiya
    Zero Caster (Gilles de Rais)
    Mephisto Pheles

    Kazuya Mishima
    Rock Lee (Naruto Shippuden)
    Shadow the Hedgehog
    Classic Sonic the Hedgehog
    Classic Dr. Eggman
    Dan Hibiki (Street Fighter)
    Master Chief/John 117 (Halo)
    Dante (Devil May Cry)
    Viewtiful Joe
    Hades (Kid Icarus: Uprising)
    Dark Pit
    Emperor Deviculus
    Magneto (Max Eisenhardt)
    Patroklos Alexander
    The Doctor (9th Incarnation)
    Mephiles the Dark
    The Kill Master
    Cosmos (Dissidia Final Fantasy)
    Goddess Viridi (Kid Icarus: Uprising)
    Goddess Palutena (Kid Icarus: Uprising)
    Marcus Fenix
    Yugi Moto Abridged
    Yusei Fudo Abridged
    Ken Masters
    Kiyal Bachika
    Ratchet & Clank
    Captain Qwark
    Dr. Nefarious
    Asura (Asura's Wrath)
    Green/Blue/Gary Motherf*cking Oak
    Silver the Hedgehog

    Bushy Brow
    Simon (Gurren Lagann)
    Kamina (Gurren Lagann)
    Yoko (Gurren Lagann)
    Shu Ouma (Guilty Crow)
    Inori (Guilty Crown)
    Rin Okumura (Ao no Exorcist)
    Mufasa (Lion King)
    Kakashi Bowie (Naruto: The parody of the abridged)
    James Heller (Prototype 2)
    Tohsaka Rin (Fate)
    Madoka Kyouno (Rinne no Lagrange)
    Tidus (Final Fantasy X)
    Petta (Disgaea)
    Asagi Asagiri (Disgaea)
    Coop (MEGAS XLR)
    Emilia Percival (Phantasy Star Portable 2)
    Mika (Phantasy Star Portable 2)
    Commander Shepard (Femshep) - (Mass Effect)
    Renton Thurston (Eureka Seven)
    Eureka (Eureka Seven)
    Fuka Kazamatsuri(Disgaea 4)
    Ulquiorra Schiffer (Bleach)
    Rozalin (Disgaea 2)

    Squall Leonhart.
    Tali'Zorah vas Normandy.
    Mordin Solus.
    Villain 01 - DW.
    Villain 02 - TM(who we now know as The Makuta/Makuta Teridax)
    Richard the Warlock.
    Spyro the Dragon.
    Captain Hector Barbossa.
    Captain Jack Sparrow.
    Sparks the Dragonfly.
    Ezio Auditore Da Firenze
    Thrall son of Durotan(AKA Go'el son of Durotan).
    Poison Ivy
    Jason Bourne
    Harley Quinn
    Arthas the Lichking
    Artix Von Kreiger
    Drakath the Lord of Chaos.
    Jason Grace
    Eleanor Lamb
    Mr. Freeze.
    Nico Di Angelo
    Jaina Proudmoore
    Takanuva(unless someone else wants to.)
    James 'Jimmy' Raynor

    Aerith G.
    Lady (Devil May Cry)
    Rainbow Dash

    Midnight Star
    Kitty Pryde (X-men)
    Laura Brand (H.I.V.E)
    Maid Marian (Robin Hood - BBC version)
    Rue (Hunger Games)
    Scarlett (GI Joe)
    Suki (Avatar the Last Airbender)
    Queen Andromeda
    Barbra Gordan (Batgirl/Oracle)

    Played by Rienzel:
    Weiss the immaculate
    Mickey mouse/King mickey
    Ari(Okage shadow king)
    Lord Stanley Hihat Trinidad XIV(Okage shadow king)

    Tohno Shiki

    Psycho Mantis
    The Sorrow
    The Boss/Peace Walker

    Bowser Jr.
    Shining Armor
    Pinkie Pie
    Twilight Sparkle
    Princess Mi Amore Cadenza (Princess Cadence)
    Queen Chrysalis
    Vlad Vladikoff
    Venom (Eddie Brock)
    Black Cat (Felicia Hardy)
    Gwen Stacy
    Sloth (2003 FMA)
    Wrath (2003)

    Assassin (Jack the Ripper)
    Big Boss
    Dio Brando (Abridged)

    Yoshino "Haru" Harusawa

    Kamen Rider Decade or Double
    Renji Abarai

    Legato Bluesummers

    Master of Keyblades
    Ovan the Rebirth


    Rule Number 1: No godmodding, this is especially important because of the many different mediums we've got characters from. Obviously some characters hold more influence in the world, but don't go overboard with anything. If you're thinking of killing someone off don't do it without the controllers consent(or them choosing to have their character killed off). This rule is smashed to absolute dust by Bushy, but that's okay because he's a god/genie/little girl summoner.

    Rule Number 2: Along with godmodding, please refrain from controlling other characters, influencing something that isn't yours to decide isn't fair to the controller of the character you're tampering with. Simply ask before you go leroy jenkins up in here. This rule can be excepted if the character's controller gives you the right to control their character for a moment, or for minor plot convinces.

    Rule Number 3: Try to keep the language PG-13, some of the characters are more prone to cuss which I understand, just don't go overboard.

    Rule Number 4: If you plan on using a vehicle of any kind, think about posting a picture of the plane/ship/car/bike etc. so that we know what we're dealing with. Along with that pictures and music selections are also allowed, just don't go overboard.

    Rule Number 5: To quote the rules of the RP section: "There is a 20-word minimum for all posts in this section, so kindly think before you post." I want to see good posts out of everyone, we don't need books and I can understand the occasional short post, but generally put you're heart into it. That's all I ask.

    If there are any more rules that need addressing, simply ask and I'll see what I can do.
    Thread by: Droid, Dec 29, 2011, 5,029 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Droid
    Alright I'm going to pose a question to you all, although it applies to my life I don't really need help with it so much as curious as to what you guys would do in the given situation.

    Let's say you've known someone for 7 years or so, give or take, you've come to the realization over this period that you love them and want to be them. The person you care so deeply for isn't ready to have relationship and says you'll have to wait for whatever amount of time until she's/he's ready. You spend most of your time together anyways because you're best friends, but you want that extra mile(cuddling, kissing, that stuff people dating do) and they'll push you away if you try anything more than hugs(their "bubble" for instance).

    My question being would you wait? You know you love the person, but will you wait for them? That means not dating someone else in the meantime, etc. In my case I've waiting long enough now and there isn't anyone else I'm interested in(hard to get seems to be my life's motto, derp) so I'll wait, but would you?
    Thread by: Droid, Dec 27, 2011, 18 replies, in forum: Discussion
  13. Droid
    Welcome to my graphic shop! Here I try to make avatars and signatures for the masses. So please feel free to look at some of my work and deiced if you'd like me to whip something up. I will warn that I'm not always the fastest, things have been very busy lately, but I'll do my best to get any requests finished.

    Without further adieu I'll set up the request template:


    Image: It needs to be a decently high quality image off sites such as zerochan, nothing off deviantart please.
    Border: (yes or no)
    Text: (optional, I don't recommend text, but if you'd like it keep it short)
    Additional Info: Anything you'd like to see from the image such as, but not limited to: Colors, saturation, scheme, etc.


    Image: Same rules as avis apply to sigs.
    Text: (optional)
    Border: (yes or no, I can also put an extremely tiny boarder that adds depth in some sigs)
    Additional info:






    ~/Finished Requests For:
    master of keyblades
    Sora's Apprentice
    Kingdom Hearts530
    Sora's Apprentice
    master of keyblades
    Thread by: Droid, Dec 24, 2011, 35 replies, in forum: Art Shop
  14. Droid
    This fraking apocalyptic rain that's hit made the blow up Pooh bear in my front yard blow away. ;__;
    I worry for my Mailbox decorations, if anyone sees something that appears to be a gaudy bright UFO barreling through the sky please let me know.
    Thread by: Droid, Dec 22, 2011, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Droid
    So I've made a whole bunch of new Avatars and signatures, some of which are presents to my dear friends(inb4 I thought we were the enemy). So yeah, enjoy! All of them can be used be whomever wishes to, if you actually used them I'd just be extremely flattered(So flattered).

    ~100x100 Avatars~


    ~150x150 Avatars~



    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    ~For Daxa<3~



    ~For Llave~



    ~For Terra :lolface:~

    Told you I'd get them finished soon, I know you'll like the avatars.



    ~For Zeonark~

    So I tried to cover a few of the characters you requested, but I do better when I'm familiar with them. At any rate hope you like some of these:



    If there's any I missed that you'd like just let meh know, MERRY CHRISTMAS ZEO.

    I'm going to add some more when I finish up the rest of my Christmas gifts, told you Terra. ;P
    CNC is appreciated, Merry Christmas to you all!
    Thread by: Droid, Dec 13, 2011, 23 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  16. Droid
    I decorated my mailbox today, I think it's visible from outer space. Tomorrow I will add the boosh lights, then the Frosty the snowman who lost his nose 5 years ago.

    I love decorating for Christmas, but soon I'll want to destroy all songs Christmasy.. .__.
    Thread by: Droid, Nov 30, 2011, 19 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Droid
    So I brought her some sprite like beverage and stayed at her house for awhile. We played Kingdom Hearts for 4 hours until she gave me a hug and kicked me out cause her motherboared was moody.

    The moral of this story is that Kingdom Hearts is great, but you already knew that.
    Thread by: Droid, Nov 29, 2011, 16 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Droid
    Alright so I've made a bunch of different avatars over the past bit and decided to post them all neat like. Got some Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, Fullmeatal Alchemists, etc. Here we go~

    ~Regular 100x100~


    ~Prem 150x150~


    Some feedback would be nice, if anyone wants to use one that's fine with me. If you'd like the stock I can try and provide that as well.
    Thread by: Droid, Nov 10, 2011, 9 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  19. Droid

    Welcome newcomers to The Buccaneering Automaton Paladins of the Undead, the artist formally known as the P.R.N.w.a.a.Z. WE WANT YOU to join us in our pillaging and S&G. Our other goal is to run roughshod over our sister thread, the I.N.V.S.P.

    This is your captain typin, Capt. Droid, and by joining this here group of scalawags you understand that I am in charge. Favors will get you that's lie, they'll get you shiny promotions. So please, grab a seat, get to postin, and talk in a piraty accent if you wish BECAUSE THAT'S HOW WE DO.

    Fellow Buccaneers of the past and present are here, active ones then our honorary members that are no longer active, but always welcome back to hardy toast. If ye be wantin to join our fine ranks then please just say the word, give us a nickname for ya and I'll add you to the list.

    ~Active Crew Mates~

    Captain~The Honorable Leader of the B.A.P.U: Capt. Droid
    Commander~The Gambler: Rhiscx
    Lieutenant Colonel~SWAG-er mi timbers: Llave de Espada
    Major~Mod of Margaritas: Terra254

    ~Honorary Members~
    (Please make a post of return if you wish to become an Active Crew mate)

    Arr2-D2: KH2man13
    Artful of The Seven Seas: Ventus PSP Aqua
    The Angsty Jim Hawkins: kellyjelly
    Bearman: Te Deum
    The Goddess of Potatoes: Daxa

    ~Former members/Traitors~

    Lieutenant of Funk: *name redacted*


    This isn't a real RP, more of a hangout and game, "Take what you can and give nothing back." Regardless we have to have rules, or A Code as it were. These rules also cover the battle portion that this and our sister thread can participate in.

    The Code:

    1. Except during a battle, pirates must stay in their own family threads.
    2. When doing battle in a certain family thread, the advantage is with the family the thread belongs to.
    Example: If we're fighting in the I.N.V.S.P.'s thread, they have the advantage and can godmod the fight to end at their discretion. Likewise, if they attack the
    B.A.P.U, we'll have the godmod advantage.
    3. No killing any members. This is not an official RP, there are no OC's involved, so we can't have any members "dying" in our war.
    4. Some powerplay is allowed, but try not to go overboard with it.
    5. While a forum war is all fun and games, you must keep it to the space-pirate threads, don't take the fight to other places like debate corner or the graphic section or a user's
    VM. Keep the war in the proper places.
    6. Except during a battle, pirates/paladins must stay in their own family threads. Anyone caught snooping in the other pirate's thread except during battle in that thread, can be taken prisoner and held hostage by those pirates until either that pirate's team rescues them in battle or any one demand made by the family is met by the team with the rule-breaking pirate. Excepting the captains, of course. The two captains can check on the other's thread without fear of capture, merely because I think it's important for us to be able to see things like the crew roster, so we can be aware of traitors and stuff. I trust that the two captains are trustworthy enough to not abuse our power.
    7. The attacking team must post three consecutive battle posts in a row in order to win. These posts must contain either a gif, vid, pic, or a written battle scene with at least four sentences. If the post does not contain any of these elements, the post does not count for the win. The defending team must also post three consecutive battle posts in a row in order to win.

    The Code for the B.A.P.U:

    1. Please try to keep cussing, swearing, and other foul language to a minimum. I won't be too strict with you guys, but don't over do it.
    2. Be respectful to the other members our gang, don't insult them or pick a fight with them, we're all on the same side maties.
    3. No Mutiny, or I'll show you why I'm one Hell of a Captain. ::L:
    4. No defecting to the other side of the war, and then changing sides again, and again, and again. Pick a side and stick to it, each member only gets one defect. Or I'll issue you stern warning and wag my finger at you.
    5. All in all, just try to have fun with it. Don't take this war too seriously, it's all just fun and games. Drink up me hearties yo-ho.
    Thread by: Droid, Oct 25, 2011, 470 replies, in forum: Forum Families
  20. Droid
    I've been working on a new AMV for awhile, a few actually, but every time I try to publish said movies Windows Movie Maker freezes up, and turns grey before it can start to publish. An error message shows up and the thing either shuts off or reboots.

    I've looked up many fixes to my problem, yet nobody seems to have the answer. This brings me to the Techies of the site to help me. If anyone can help I will be eternally grateful.

    (Yes, I'm aware WMM sucks. It's what I'm stuck with though, and at least it's easy to navigate.)
    Thread by: Droid, Oct 10, 2011, 11 replies, in forum: Technology