lol of course i remember u <3 lol yay mkay
D: Y? lol is my 1337 speak too much for you lol
booboop beedoop x'( i'm on skype a lot and so are a lot of u so wtf add me 'cause i can't be on dis site 4 like 5.ever yo my handle is teh saem v_v ~ sleep.walking.elite :v so add meeeee on teh skype >_> everyone. c: put a msg like 'hi i'm from khv's' <3 mkay bai guise 4 nao
I'm sorry for never being around anymore ;c
lol you may have but it's been so long so i probably forgot
ya tell me wat, telll meeeeeee :(
lol i finally know your age now! xD i never really knew at all
I love watching what can be done to graphics even though I don't have any .psd alterin' skills. Sersli though Plums, Beau, and Llave, those are gorgeous <3 keep up the awesome work. can't wait to see what else the graphics section can bring
:3 hai Misty Dx I'm 22 now Triggerrr... *feels like a geezer* D8 you're right.
x3 good good, how've you been?
lol hiiii guyyyss, & omg ^ he's right !
*ominous laughter*
*captured *
UGH is that kirito in your sig ;'c it's awesome effingfeels
*takes it back* no lightsaber for you then
I go along my business of reading, trying to ignore the obvious fact that our usernames had all been turned upside-down. And then I'm just like can't read anymore and I'm just laughing because I guess I'm so used to SHENANIGANS which just made me lol. have this *gives lightsaber* and be a jedi
Haha sounds about right xD
c: hi