horray 61~!
c: hellu, i like your batwoman icon c:
'cause i've never seen it and i heard it was good happy monday everybody
D8 I JUST REALIZED you joined the site 9 days after i did lol c: and hello shizzy , long time no seee
c: hai i'm HB I joined when i was 15 and i'm almost 23 now v_v i feel old now
c: can i be returning...
Imma have to go with @libregkd !!
aw, peace out evil man, u shall be missed @_@ who would take his place
^.^ Yuuuppp! Same for you, yes?! >;c it better be
well it's goin' lol, sort of i'm like half way through my BA but i took a break last december till now. i miss my family a lot so i'm moving back home at the beginning of august. and I guess when i'm ready i'll finish school if that's what i decide to do. or pick something else, idk lol.
c: gotta catch 'em all pokemon
BUMP :v nuu don't goooo :'c *cry*
;o ello dahling
c: hellu
*ENGAGING LINK STRUCTURE* *link complete* B| welcome to no return
lol that's fine u guise, i won't be butthurt i promise xD
I HAVE ONE and yes it's KH related this picture is probably gonna be horrible and blurry. it's a mix of the KH heart and the nobody symbol b/c reasons (Kh2 is my fav and the nobody one looks coolest) View attachment 39304 derp
I have one~!
hero person not in my state, lol welcome back
lol CAWZ AH KAN. lol but no srsli i've been doing school /life, that's about it lol... :c u should get skype c: yayyyyy