Hai hero plz stay
Yup lol
I work for the neighboring city in the communications department. I update their website and help with graphical things from time to time like flyers and banners.
You have no idea. Lol that's good. Glad to hear. And oh yeah total conformist here lol. B| now you must tell us the truth :3 they sure do
D: that first thing is lamesauce but the rest is awesome! C: Yay same age buddies! ... i actually work for the government.
:v i am noob, how to discord Edit: nvmd plz hold c:
WELL YOU ASKED FOR IT. :] well im 26 now and its been 10 years since my join date... O_O :] and my work as an adult or whatever is goin good! XD;
Lol ikr... surprise! And thank you for the welcome lol. X_X VERY LONG TIME. I'm doin pretty good. Just working full time/life lol. You? Hhhhoooolaaaaaaaaa! :3 XD it does kinda hurt, doesnt it lol :3 hellu
B] ikr lol, hayhaayyy It's going well! We all grown up now ;_; About that.. lol i need to change my name. XD; ive had this one for TOO long...
So i saw this movie for my birthday two weeks ago and i kind of totally love it in every way. :3 definitely want to own it. Ps: i havent read the original comics but i might now. Anybody seen it?
Hello. This placed has changed a bunch since the last time i logged in. How's everyone?
After watching it just once I kinda felt like Sandman had one of the most powerful talents. i actually saw this a few days ago and i thought it was pretty great, everyone go watch it!
:s ah I'm sorry, I meant Proud mode. I've played BBS too much. :s also i seem to be stuck on the trickmaster
well i didn't finish recom but rise of the guardians was really cute c:
Epic Santa will have to wait. B|
lol you're definitely right, but... kingdom hearts plus i haven't actually played this all the way through before and it's my day off
lol I'm going to try and finish up re com instead. save rotg for later~~~! i'm on riku's story, critical mode! kickin ass and takin names.
well i never read those so i'm in luck
lol u read l33t speak hai george i remember a time when we were all noobs speaking leet that time is no more v_v *BLUSH* LOL WORD XD