Finally! Something to do! What form do you want the code in? Forget it! I'll just do both. Donald is replaced with Shadow Roxas 11C9561A 00000754 0FFY-W5ER-TDRYM RR75-CWFY-5E601
Awesome news!
I need to get final mix. . .
You sure they aren't for final mix only? So do you know when it comes out DjC?
I didn't know there even was a code like that. So does anyone know when PCSX2 version 0.9.4 comes out?
Thanks for saving me DjC. The boredom almost took me. . . . . . . . . . jk. So bored. . . Does anyone know if PCSX2 version 0.9.4 is out yet?
Darn it! At least there's someone to talk to now. Never mind, I guess there is no one to talk to. . . Well I'm officially bored. Anyone need anything? Oh yeah, one more thing. My family and I are going to Florida for vacation tomorrow so I might not be able to get on for a while unless my Dad let's me use his laptop. (It's fall break!) So no one needs any codes, because I 'd be happy to look them up for you seeing as how I have nothing better to do. . . Dude, am I the only one on? Someone please post before the boredom kills me!
Hey will someone please give me the code that makes it so Sora always runs around carrying his keyblade in both hands (like when you encounter enemies)?
I've got all A's so no problems for me.
Hey guys. Will someone give me the code that gives Master Form Glide Max? Thanks in advance!
Has anyone talked to jlhack about the next tutorial update and when it is coming?
I hope both codes together won't give me that stupid black screen. DjC'll fill ya in while I test it. Explain to him what I was telling you yesterday DjC.
He was sick I think. . . Hey guys. I'm about to test my new idea for Riku.
Wow. No effence, but that sounds like something you hear in a cheap animated movie. . . lol. I just wish finding him would be a lot easier. I have a new idea that I'm about to test right now though. . .
See you later! Don't forget!
PM it to me then, okay?
Can I have the codes just to try it? You never know. . . RAW please if you can.
Pretty sure. Can someone answer my other question? If I use the master with normal commands code and the master form at final battle code together then revert at the final battle, is there a chance of your supporting characters both emerging?
No, u use both codes at the same time. That will work right?
No to the second question. ( that's off topic)