Isn't there one where you just have to press revert and that's it?
Nope, completely impossible. Their weapon is built into their model, sorry! Could someone please post the Valor and Final form normal command menu codes? I already know that they are glitchy.
Thank you so much.
Does anyone know a drive guage mod that gives you 99 bars? Thanks in advance!
Is there a code that will permanantly replace Roxas with Sora during Sora's story? I hate having to load up my Codebreaker or ARMAX every time I want Roxas. You know something, if that code hasn't already been made that's a good idea for a new one.
When PCSX2 version 0.9.4 comes out, then we can make live dumps and get codes like that, right?
How about a Mickey with his command menu code? (the one that has Pearl) We could work on that code couldn't we?
You know something, we all really need to start working on a code again.
Hey everyone. I'm back from my vacation in Florida. Anyway, what's been going on since around page 910? (it would take me FOREVER to read it all) I just need the basic idea.
Mind telling us what it does? It's not another Sephiroth code, is it? Okay then. I'm about to leave for vacation. As I said before, I may be able to get on when we get there using my dad's laptop. So when I get back on (whenever that is) someone fill me in. Alright?
I need a code that gives Sora 60 HP. Please! RAW or ARMAX, whatever is fine.
Getting kinda bored. . .
You know that list goes a lot farther, DjC.
I used that Roxas with Way 2 Dawn code. It gave him no keyblade. Anyway, can I have the moveset and status modifiers? Please?
DjC, can I have the moveset modifier and status modifier? I already have all of the digits that go with them.
No. I just think it's good to have both. Because sometimes when a code doesn't work on one (example: the code gives you a BSOD) it may work on the other. It's happened to me before.
It's always 0 on ARMAX. Never O. Do you only have ARMAX?
K, give me a minute. Takes me forever to find the digits on this huge list of them.
The Vivi code freezes the game when you kill him do you still want it?
Yes they both exist. Do you want them?