What? Reword what you just said please. Clearer this time, okay?
If anyone is willing to do it, here's the code: Code: 20303BB0 3C030010 20303BB4 3C050030 This is not the place for that.
20303BB0 3C030010 20303BB4 3C050030
Hey can someone make me a dump? Is anyone willing to make me a dump? Jlhack! You're here too. We just keep running into each other.
He wants the FAKE to be replaced w/ the Dark Realm Key.
That's what I was just saying Evil. Some of these people have no respect. They don't even say please.
Would it kill you to say please?
No it doesn't.
No, you don't put a 1 at the beginning. That code runs in 8-bit. So it stays a 0.
You're in the wrong thread. I'll get you a link to the correct one in a sec . . . http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=1076
Reaction Boost. It's an ability.
Yeah, it's called your strength stat, lol. Hey oldman. Did you find an interesting value for that code I gave you?
Too late. He's already gone.
That's what he was doing! Hey erkz.
No, I have used it too. It has no effect on gameplay.
No that code doesn't work! Khkid just told me. He never ported to this game.
You tell em evil. I understand how hard it is to hack. It can't be done! Bosses cannot be playable. End of discussion.
DW Roxas cannot drive to my knowledge unless you get turned into a card by that one nobody and then revert. I heard that once, but I'm not sure if it really works. DW Roxas cannot use certain reaction commands because he was never programmed to use them. No way to get around it. We will never be able to play as a boss. Ever.
Oh, I get what she means now. Hey khkid, is there a speed mod for Sora only?
How can you not know? You go to the code you want to add a line to, press right. Then press circle to add a line.
Cool. Good job, evil.