72 A new person! :O
68 Yeah, same for me. Guess it was the site.
65 That's right, Chepi. :P
62 Yay for going fast!
57 They probably figure it hasn't gotten very far.
55 If it gets reset again, I'll be angry.
52 You were close, Jettie.
50 I saw that edit, Chepi. :P
47 Counting is difficult. xD
45 We're all screwed up. xD
42 *twiddles thumbs innocently*
40 Trust me.
38 Edit fail, Jettie.
36 I hate it when it goes onto the next page.
31 ...Boo!
25 *coughs* Sure you can.
23 Diamond, maybe? Sorry, Jettie. D:
16 Maybe we should make a new one. All the staff are subscribed to this one, I'm pretty sure.
13 Wow. Jettie fails. Jettie posted 7. Guy after her posted 5, then Jettie posted 6. *facepalms*
I saw a TV ad for it when I was nine or something. The ad was for KH1. I remember seeing it and being like "ZOMG. That. Is. AWESOME!" That was years before I even had a ps2. I've had my ps2 for about a year and a half. I had to wait a long time. xD Years.