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  1. Death_Of_Saint_Micheal
    'Allo. I would very much like a knuckles (From sonic the hedgehog) sig. I don't know how to fill out the form, though. >.>
    Post by: Death_Of_Saint_Micheal, Feb 20, 2009 in forum: Art Shop
  2. Death_Of_Saint_Micheal
  3. Death_Of_Saint_Micheal
  4. Death_Of_Saint_Micheal
    The angels. SO VERY COOL! I wish I had one as a pet...>.>
    Post by: Death_Of_Saint_Micheal, Feb 20, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Death_Of_Saint_Micheal
  6. Death_Of_Saint_Micheal
    Flare lept off the corner of the roof, hitching onto bricks on his way down. He landed with a thump, turning towards the cave-filled mountains. That was a good place to hide and rest. The roof was too open.

    As Flare peered in different caves, he heard a soft sound. White ears perked up from his hair, and he listened. What is that? He padded over to the mouth of the cave silently, peeking in. He quickly pulled his head out. Oh, Jeez.

    (Lol. I needed interaction. Hi, Rayne. TIME TO SAVE DEH CAPTIVE! Or at least, try to.)
    Post by: Death_Of_Saint_Micheal, Feb 20, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Death_Of_Saint_Micheal
    Profile Post

    Lol so forgiving....

    Lol so forgiving....
    Profile Post by Death_Of_Saint_Micheal for Maka Albarn, Feb 20, 2009
  8. Death_Of_Saint_Micheal
  9. Death_Of_Saint_Micheal
  10. Death_Of_Saint_Micheal
  11. Death_Of_Saint_Micheal
    Flare hid behind a large air conditioning unit on a roof of a building, panting heavily. He resisted the urge to change as an Eraser sniffed around, trying to locate him. He allowed his hands to change to white paws, and he lept out from his hiding place, sneaking up behind the Eraser. It turned around, and Flare slammed a palm into it's chest. The creature doubled over, coughing. Flare gave it a roundhouse kick, propelling it off of the roof. He changed back falling against the air conditioning unit, sighing and falling back. I'm a freak...why can't I just be human?
    Post by: Death_Of_Saint_Micheal, Feb 19, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Death_Of_Saint_Micheal
  13. Death_Of_Saint_Micheal
  14. Death_Of_Saint_Micheal
  15. Death_Of_Saint_Micheal
    (I had clicked edit, then i had forgotten what I was gonna do. I ish sorry. *bows to FH* )
    Post by: Death_Of_Saint_Micheal, Feb 19, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Death_Of_Saint_Micheal
  17. Death_Of_Saint_Micheal
    Username: Death_Of_Saint_Micheal MUAHAHA DARK ROSE!
    Name: Flare
    Type of Experiment: Bolt
    Bio: He was given up at the age of fourteen. After he was experimented on, Flare fell into a deep depression, trying to never change. He accepted it, though, and is now an excellent fighter. He tried to guard people, and when he is with someone, he will die before they do.
    Special Abilities (for experiments only): Ability to sense the weak points in things and can make time slow in his eyes.
    Appearance: [​IMG] Human

    Side: Good
    Other: Tries never to turn.
    And lol, sorry, My computer doesn't let me use links...
    Post by: Death_Of_Saint_Micheal, Feb 19, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Death_Of_Saint_Micheal
    'Allo. I may join. *Waves to FH*
    Post by: Death_Of_Saint_Micheal, Feb 19, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Death_Of_Saint_Micheal
  20. Death_Of_Saint_Micheal
    "I'm not stealing it, I sw-"
    "Shut up. I didn't ask what you were doing, did I? I asked who you were!" The voice said, irritated.
    "James. My name is James."
    "Do you have any open wounds, James?"
    "Then turn around and talk to me. It's impolite if you don't."

    James turned, seeing the weapon-wielding woman. She had blond hair, tied back in a ponytail. Extremely pale skin contrasted with her grey tank top and camouflage pants. Large, laced up boots went half way up her shin. A rather dangerous-looking Desert Rose magnum was clutched in her left hand, a very sharp dagger in her right. The woman towered over him at an amazing 6'1.

    "Can I know your name?" James questioned, relaxed a bit now that his brain was out of the path of a bullet.
    "My name is Emiline." James nodded, backing away from her slowly. "Stupid. I'm not going to hurt you. Are you hungry, boy?" She demanded.
    "I suppose." James said, smiling and sitting down. He hadn't eaten since yesterday's lunch.

    Emiline grabbed an instant-noodle packet from behind the counter, filling it up with a water bottle. "Isn't that that store's?" He asked.
    "I really don't think they'll mind." She said, lifting up a dead body by the collar.
    "AH! Where'd that come from? Did you kill him?" James asked, scuttling away.
    "Calm down, kid. He was like this when I got here." James nodded, slowly sitting down. A dull mechanical humming sounded as the store microwave turned on.

    Emiline sat down with a sigh. "I'm 23. How old are you? You know how to use a gun, kid?" She questioned, popping open the chamber of the Desert Eagle and counting the bullets inside.
    "I'm 14." James replied, looking at the floor.
    "Way to young for this kind of ****...." She muttered, tossing him the Desert Eagle. "Just point and pull the trigger. Don't get cocky and use one hand. That stuff has some serious recoil." She said, chucking. "It's got six bullets, here's twelve more." She tossed a box to him. "Use 'em wisely-it's a really strong gun."

    The microwave beeped, and Emiline rose. James placed the gun next to him, almost as if he was afraid to touch it. She placed a bowl of ramen in front of him, throwing a plastic fork in his direction. She swiped her own from the table, eating a mouthful. James took a small bite, realizing how hungry he was. James ate the food in silence with Emiline.

    As James dropped the forks in the trash, he heard some voices outside.
    "Who do you think they are?" He asked, moving in front of the window.
    "Dip****!" She whispered angrily, yanking him down by his hair. "It might be one of the hybrids!" Voices floated in through the window, reaching Emiline and James's ears.

    "I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to let them get away!" A deep, gravelly voice said.
    "Sorry doesn't fix it!" A small, but still strong voice retorted.
    "Insolent fool!" A loud crack, then a thump that made the building shake reached the two eavesdroppers. "Next time you fail, you will die!"
    "Ye...Yes, Ophelia." The voice croaked, followed by a wet cough.

    James looked at Emiline, eyes wide. He felt a familiar tickle, then sneezed exceptionally loudly.
    "What was that?" The feminine voice yelled. Emiline slapped James, whispering in his ear. "We have to leave. Now." A light childish voice echoed creepily through the shop.
    "Found you, little mice."

    James scooped up the Desert Eagle and the box of bullets, an eerie silence suddenly draping over the area. Suddenly, a square foot of wall was disintegrated. A second later, a six foot by six foot piece of wall fell out. Emiline grabbed her gun from the counter.
    "Oh my god!" James yelled, running for the back door. "She punched through the wall!"

    Ophelia stepped through the makeshift doorway, the dust clearing to reveal her. "No way. This is Ophelia?" James giggled, doubling over in laughter.
    "James, shut up!" Emiline yelled, trying to open the door. "****! It's jammed!" James continued laughing, Ophelia glaring at him dangerously.

    Ophelia was about five feet tall, maybe less. Her brownish-black fair was pulled back into pigtails, and she had large brown eyes. She had knee-length black boots, but leather the slip on kind.

    Ophelia had fair skin, except for the few freckles on her cheeks. She had a small, snakeskin shirt that revealed a lot of her thighs. She had on an undershirt that was a deep purple edged with neon green. Over that, there was a black jacket with green lining, though not as bright as the color of her undershirt.

    A snake wound it's way around her neck and arms, flicking it's tongue out. It was striped colorfully with red, yellow and black. Grim black eyes stared at James. Ophelia smiling evilly, showing small fangs that were dripping a clear liquid-obviously not saliva.
    "Oh, crap."

    James began backing away. Without warning, the snake leapt from Ophelia's shoulders, directed at James. His eyes widened, and he ducked, the deadly snake flying over his head. He hid behind a table as another lunge was directed at him.
    "That's a good boy, Casp. If you kill this one, I’ll let you eat as much as you want!"

    "Wha?" James asked as the snake seemed to move with new vigor, leaping at him almost every other second. He spied a jar on the other side of the room, and began hatching a plan inside his brain. If I could just get it in a jar, I could fight off Ophelia.

    "How's that lock coming, Emiline?" He asked as he looked around.
    "Almost done...I think."
    "Who cares if you escape? I can always track you later. This one looks tasty. Or...maybe something more..." Ophelia said, raising a perfectly-formed eyebrow. "Of course, I can't use you for anything if you die from little Casp's venom." She said lightheartedly, playing with one of her pigtails. "This is fun, isn't it, Casp?"

    James dove to the side, grabbing the jar as the snake approached. Casp lunged again, but James did a somersault, and Casp hit the wall behind him. He slammed the jar down upon him, trapping him inside it. James laughed with triumph.
    "You seem to be forgetting about me." Opheila said. "That's not very nice."

    Ophelia rose, walking towards him. There was a small pop as Emiline unlocked the door. James shot Ophelia with the Desert Eagle, the recoil knocking him back a few steps. The bullet simply fell once it hit Ophelia's skin, doing no damage ast all. "That's not kind, either." Opheila said, shaking her head.

    James ran through the open door, running into Emiline who was waiting outside for him. "Why are you running?" Ophelia called our from inside the shop. "It's really not that bad...working for me..." She said. Emiline tossed him a set of keys.
    "Rev up my Jeep, will 'ya?" She asked.
    "I don't know how to drive!" James yelled.
    "**** it, follow directions. I said, rev it up."

    James ran to the parked Jeep, inserting the key in the ignition. He turned it right, the car giving a rumble. Emiline hopped in, pushing him out of the driver's seat. She pulled an egg-shaped object out of her bra.
    "What is that?" James asked. Emiline threw it at the building at the same time Ophelia emerged from it. Emiline slammed on the gas.
    "A hand grenade."
    Post by: Death_Of_Saint_Micheal, Feb 19, 2009 in forum: Archives