But don't stop talking to me! >:O
Do your tree thingy.
TWO MORE? Oh yeah, it's 3:30 here. Darn you, time change. Anyway, No, I don't .
Is Rayne almost out of school?
I am sorry.
Hmm....I'm not sure. Maybe try getting a new Internet provider.
It's okay.
Yeh, you're right.
*ish all sinked in bean bag* *muffled okay*
I quite enjoyed Of Mice and Men. A book that I couldn't bear was Peace like a River. Ugh.
*sits in bean bag*
No rush, dear FH.
*pokes her* Blah. I'm bored, kind of. Have you read the third chapter to my story?
WHY CAN'T SHE SNEAK TEXT? Anyway, maybe people can't do it was well as I can. She probably just is taking a while because she wants a long post.
She refuses to text me back, however.
No. She asked me to do it before! I'm still a naughty little monkey.
Oh, yes. In fact, it was almost impossible for me. My TV had no volume, so I couldn't hear him say "Sin Harvest" Then i'd always die. T^T
I know her password. I'm gonna text her and ask what she wants to happen. YES! ACTIVITY!
I'ma gonna go post. ^^ I'll do a time-lapse to get him over there.
I do own a PS3. As long as you don't ask anything about the Playstation Network (I don't have it), I'll try my best to answer it.