Fur covered Flare's hands as they tipped with claws. As the man was almost upon him, Flare leaned to the left, giving a judo-style chop to his left shoulder. The arm went limp as a sickening pop and crunch was heard. (Permission.) "You wanna keep going?" He rushed into the cave, trying to figure out how to free the girl.
'allo. I ish on.
Flare raised an eybrow. "Hello. May I ask why you are holding that girl captive?" Flare asked. At the man's comment he sighed. "I don't want to leave! Go ahead and try to make me!"
brb, sister.
There are rabbits in Eureka? *thinks of some deformed thing*
*thinks of all the dead roadkill* Wait...you live in Eureka. I understand now.
HA! Wait, you drove in mountains?
Yeah, heh. When I drive, people will begin crying for no reason.
Yeah heh. When I drive people will cry.
Lol no. I'm only thirteen. and i get driven there, i just fetch her and pick her up.
Well, it's like 7 feet of grass then a fence. And i have to go pick up my sister in like fifteen minutes. dang.
It is. But, alas, I have no backyard. .___________.
YUSH! *wills time to go faster*
Poor wittle Mary! :glomp:
Oh. My fifth grade teacher was a meany. :cry: He was really good at teaching, though.
What happened in the fifth grade...? Oh my gawd did someone try to kill you with a black cherry? POOR MARY! :glomp:
Omg those are so good!
Whats it called? *pokes repeatedly*
I have no idea, lol. Look it up.
fig, willow, oak, pine, olive