"Wow. That's going to be easy." Flare muttered, looking outside. "The scientists made us like this, they're not just going to help us. They're trying to kill us!"
You is here~!
Flare nodded. "But...still. Masses. We need to free some. Maybe we could find one of those isolation tanks or something, one that doesn't have many guards." (Not talking about Abby...)
-Joo ignored me! T^T-
MMMMM I'm eating hot fries....
'Allo! I'm glad you're still on! ^^
"Where's the gain in living in fear?" He asked. "But, still. There's no gain in dying. We'd have to get up a reasonable force to take down a faciliity. Or....if we free enough, they could go beserk and help us. The hard part is letting them loose." He felt his fangs lengnthen in anticipation.
Whas wrong, Rayne? *pokes*
"Yeah...that's what i'm good at! Like, I can make someone die an hour after I get into contact with them. Hearts are durable." He said, tapping a finger anxiously. They tipped with claws, making clicking sounds on the rock.
"That's true. But hey, we'll hit 'em where it hurts. Their soldiers. They don't have an infinite amount of elites." He said, leaning against a wall. He needed to change...he felt it building up inside of him. It was a quirk of his experimentation. "Anyway, that's dangerous. What can we do?"
Flare raised an eyebrow. "How many people does she have in there?" He asked. "And, besides, I was just saying, it's better to have me with you than against you. I'm not saying it's gonna change the world or anything. No need to get all fortune-cookie...."
Yeah!!!! SQUEE
Bwahaha i'm back!
James coughed as he had some air knocked out of him from Zoey's glomp. "Oof." He looked up, smiling. "That's okay. Getting exited is easy to do." Flare said, grinning. He turned to Adair. "So, you ready to get revenge? You'll be happy to have me with you instead of against you..."
Flare nodded. "Hey, Adair. So, guess we're on a team now, huh?" He said happily. "I'm glad that you share my point of view with the scientists." He said.
Blah. I'm not back anymore. I may call you....>.> I'm sorry, i'm getting booted off. T^T
Flare shifted uncomfortably. "I...saw what they did to you in the school. Well..heard." He said, leaning against a wall. "I'm sure you share my view of the scientists now, eh?" He asked. "Now that we're not trying to kill each other..." Flare extended a hand. "I'm Flare."
Meep I'm back!
I postied, Rayne.