WAAAH! I want teh person to reply so we can have a fuzzy Autix. :D
Autix tilted his head. "Wait, a Nobody!?" He said, panicking and backing away from the girl. "Like, those zipper-mouths?! Oh, God! Please don't eat my face!" He groaned, singing his sickle akwardly in a circle. He calmed down, though, tilting his head. "Wait, why can you speak and stuff? I thought Nobodies were monsters...." He muttered, shaking his head. "Anyway, sorry." He said, extending his hand with a grin. "I'm Autix." He said, putting on a happy and brave face. Inside, though, he was crazily afraid of this girl. "And if I'm not supposed to be here, how I am I supposed to get out?" He asked, biting his lip. "I don't really wanna get eaten by some Nobodies or Heartless." He chuckled weakly, stepping towards the girl again. Suddenly the Nobody looked very safe.
Autix groaned, the force of water cascading down on him making him fall onto his back again. HOe coughed and sputtered, standing up slowly. He spat out a glob of mud, looking up at the girl. "Yeah, I can see that! Who would want to party in this weather?!" He yelled, and then stopped as she poked his cheek. A couple moments of silence followed it, then he backed away. "What? What isn't allowed here? Don't poke me!" He sai,d then smacked her hand away. "Well, DUH! He yelled, exasperated. We're made of the same material because we're post HUMANS!" He said, wiping some of the mud off him. "I hate this place. And who?" He asked, tilting his head. "X...Eh...Demyx? Who're they?" He asked, looking around warily.
Autix yelled in fear and surprise, swinging his sickle in a large arc right for the girl's face. He pulled it back, though, seeing who she was. He toppled back, slamming onto his back into the muddy muck that was on the floor. "Oooofff..." He groaned, rising dizzily. His sickle wound itself back around his arm, and Autix looked at the girl. "And WHAT did you do that for?!" He asked, folding his arms crossly. "No one invited me here, I didn't realize this was a private party! I'm not even sure how I got here!" He said, gesturing with his arms to illustrate his point. He growled in anger, then stopped and stared at her. "Hey, how're you doing that?" He asked, peering at the sin. "Wow. Strong legs." He said, then looked below the girl. He saw a large puddle of water, and had what one may call a 'premonition'. "Hey, hey wait! Don't splash into that water, now!" He said, backing away slowly.
Autix walked through The World That Never Was, peering around warily. His memory was blurred, and he groaned as he felt a large bump on his head. "How the heck did I get here?" He moaned, walking around quietly. He felt a weight on his arm, but dismissed it, remembering that his weapon was tied there. A weight he was not familiar with, however, was the thing on his back. Peering around slowly, he met face-to-face with a Shadow. It blinked, and clawed at his face. Autix yelped angrily, throwing the Heartless off. A wickedly sharp sickle had a chain welded to the bottom and sides, and the chain was wrapped around Autix's wrist. He swung the sickle, clearly out of reach of the Shadow. However, the chain unravelled, striking the creature roughly. It poofed away, and Autix nodded satisfactorily. "Hmph." He muttered, the chain wrapping around his wrist again. He continued exploring, picking up a couple shiney stones he found along the way. He backed up as he found another glob of Shadows, swinging his sickle angrily. He eventually killed them all, wondering why he suddenly felt so cold. He looked up, a raindrop hitting him in the eye. "OOOWWWW!" He yelled, grabbing his head. "It burns!" he yelled, moaning. He scrubbed at his eye furiously, panting. Finally, his eyes recovered. "I hate this place..." He whined.
Fangs took a step across the ice bridge he made across the street to the school, quickly crossing. He turned it into water again, returning it to the bottle he carried around. He looked up at Nick, cupping his hands so that the sound only went one direction. "How do ya plan to get in there?" He yelled.
Okay! Meeeeepp...
Flare nodded. "I totally agree." He said. He smiled, showing his fangs. That, and permanent pads on his feet were his little quirks. And, when he ate catnip, he got high.
>: O noooo!
Have fun killing people with flare~!
He's just getting ready to do something. GO~~~~~!
"You're very welcome." He said, grinning. This girl isn't sure about me. He thought, grimly smiling inside.
Okay. Lol I had to make another character 'cause flare was un-replied too
Hallo! Yoo ish back!
Fangs frowned. "Yes, because having GUNS pointed at you is a good position!" He said, rolling his eyes. He kicked the dead bodies out of sight. "No "thank you'?" Fangs asked. He looked around at the two. "What was he attacking you for? If there's a reason, i'll gladly help." Fangs said, extending a hand in friendship.
"Ah ah ah! That's not very nice, now, is it?" Fangs lept on the building, throwing two knives. They thunked home in two Eraser's jugulars, and he ran forwards, slitting another's throat. "Come on, birdie! Help me out, here!" An Eraser shot him, but the bullets slowed. Fangs stepped out of the way, time resuming and the burst of three hitting the ground next to him.
(I NEED SOMETHING TO DO! So....I'M JOINING THE FIGHT!) Username: Death_Of_Saint_Micheal Name: James "Fangs" Tomphson Age: 16 Type of Experiment: Bolt Bio: Fangs was tested on much the same as Kira, though he was thought to have been brainwashed enough to act as a Bolt with Eraser duties. Too bad it didn't work. He broke out during a test run, escaping with his fur intact. He hates the scientists now, from watching all the different experiments and torture rounds that were commited. Special Abilities Ice! &, he can slow down things. :3 Appearance: Without weapons. And, he doesn't have wings. o_O Side: Good Other: DARK ROSE!
Flare grinned. "Getting attention? What I'm best at..." He said happily. "But, the age-old question is, how do you get the attention of the right people? Elementary, Dear Watson! We use something only hybrids could hear! And, to be more specific, make something only hybrids can hear, where Erasers can't get to it! Aren't I brilliant? And the best thing is, I know how to make something like that!"
Flare walked over, looking out at the birds cirlcing in the skies. Different sounds drifted to his ears. The city, the forest....."Yeah, it is."