You ish on! *YAYAYAYAY!*
8D Okay! *peeks at Blue*
*huggles* I dun' know anyone on this site. D: You're the only one, so I have to CLING. D:
I'm sorry. My Gaia is being stupid. D:
(Sorry about not replying, FH, I lost my password. D: And this is before the large fight occuring. The scene was like from three pages ago )Autix blinked, then turned around to look at what she was looking at. "Aahhh!" What? No!" He whimpered, groaning as the girl's bony shoulder slammed into him. "Ow!" He yelled, swinging his sickle in a wide arc. It gained traction on the ground, stopping Autix for the moment. He grabbed the girl's legs, muttering angrily to himself. "What the hell's wrong with you?! I don't wanna go in there!" He yelled, but his grip was fading fast. He felt a funny feeling on the half of his body in the portal, too. "I hate you..." He grumbled, slipping into the darkness. For a little while, it was like he was sleeping. He tried to scream, but all that came out was an angry growl. Blinking, he opened his eyes. Where was he? He looked down, seeing paws. His eye twitched. He looked at his reflection in a pond nearby, sitting down emotionlessly. He was a lion. "I hate you." He growled.
ME TOO! It's sexy!
8D Yesh. Hahaha I can't wait for this to start.
Yeah. Lol I'm filling out a skellie for all the canons.
Oh hells yes. 8D I;m also playing Monk.
Okay lol. We're gonna make the funniest rivals.
It's finally completed. 8D Lol. I can't wait to play Hara Masako. You're playing Mai. Lol that's gonna be funny as hell.
Yesh.Yesh. Make a custom. 8D Hopefully people will join when I proclaim it open. D:
Nuuuu! You don't have to fill one out if you play a canon! Silly Mc.Muffin. Just for the customs.
YushYushYushYush. 8D I'm almost done with it.
On your friends list. Someone's avatar is a Tomberry from FFX.
8D Lol. I'm exited. :D
SQUEES! *licklicklick* I enjoy ice cream. Lol looking at your friend list reminds me of the little tomberry. Oh my God I hated those things in FFX.
*cough* Creepy Arch. D:
Do I get a treat? I thought so. >D
Blaaaarrrghh! *rawrs* I'm goin...