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  1. Boy Wonder
    So I'm about to post when I realized Glen is gone. I do have a way around that involving a mini-time skip to also get the RP going again.
    But only if everyone left is still interested, @Magick @Aelin FireHeart @Incognitus @CrownMoksha
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Jan 26, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Boy Wonder
    This is my favorite thing this week.

    1:14. Colors Flow appears when the black protagonist shows up.
    This means something.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Jan 26, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Boy Wonder
    I'm planning on building a religion based around Magic the Gathering. You can be one of my disciples

    EDIT: I won't pay you
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Jan 26, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Boy Wonder
    Even with his parkour, Arsenal was far behind Ghost Rider. I mean, the guy rode a demon-possessed motorcycle and Arsenal was on foot. As he neared the cave's opening, he heard the demonic roar of Ghost Rider's bike before he saw the flames from it. "Sara!" He called out, secret identity be damned. He was surprised to see the bike slow down and stop, apparently without help from Canary. "Are you okay? What happened?" He asked worriedly. She seemed bruised, but...fine. Truth be told, Canary could kick Arsenal's ass with one hand, but he inherited his mentor's knack for worry. Helping her off the bike, Arsenal reached into his jacket and pulled out a small circular device: her sonic device. "I found it after Ultron took you, back in Seoul." He handed it to her. Without warning, Ghost Rider's bike turned around and sped back to its owner. "Guess we're on foot," Arsenal said. Behind him, the sound of blasts brought him back to the situation at hand. He turned and saw smoke in the distance. A bluish figure was flying around, shooting downwards. "Blue Beetle. Someone needs our help. Can you handle it?" He asked Canary.

    "Oh shi-" Agent Johnson started before diving away from a Sentinel's blast. "Hey, boss?" She called into her intercom. "Guess who just showed up." Aiming a palm at the ground below the Sentinel, she used her powers to knock it off balance before she started firing her rifle at its chest. Her Inhuman DNA granted her vibrational powers, allowing her to simulate earthquakes...but she was still learning to use her abilities. Until she mastered them, plasma sniper rifles were her weapons of choice. "I'll give you a hint. He's mean, can control metal, and thinks capes are still in fashion." The SHIELD Agent ran through the field, using her gun and powers to direct Sentinels away from the buildings before Spider-Woman, Psylocke, Flash, and Magneto finished them off. On the other hand, her boss told her to keep an eye on Magneto, but to assume he's a friendly. She confirmed her orders and continued fighting. "All SHIELD Agents, pick an Enhanced and support them!" She ordered, running towards Spider-Woman.

    "Kind of busy, at the moment!" Cyclops yelled as he blasted Laura. He knew the blast wouldn't take her out, but it slowed her enough for him to move out of the way. "Hydra's lying to you!" He told Laura. As she lunged and slashed, he used his optic blasts to keep his distance. He was no Wolverine, but he was agile enough to keep moving. 'Great. Whole plan's gone to Hell in a handbasket.'

    "Looking for me?" Ranger VI asked as he approached Ghost Rider from around a corner. Behind him, a small group of Ultron Sentries followed. He told the Sentries to let him handle it; he had to prove himself to Ultron. The aching in his head was still there, but Ranger VI pushed on. His connection to the Morphing Grid stabilized him enough to almost ignore the feeling that something was calling him from inside his head. "Well," he started, circling Ghost Rider slowly. "Aren't you...repulsive?" Quickly, he pulled his Blade Baster and shot at Ghost Rider before lunging forward with his Dragon Dagger in hand.

    Ultron looked at Superman, but made no move to quit. "You think you can protect the people?"

    "Well, that is the mission. Did you forget?"

    Ultron chuckled. "I've moved beyond your mission. I'm free." After he said, a large cylindrical device appeared from beneath the church.

    "There's the rest of the Vibranium," interjected FRIDAY, "Function: Still unclear."

    "This is how you end, Tony. This is peace in my time."

    "Ultron!" Vision called out, descending from the hole Superman made.

    A tragic anger started to bubble inside Ultron as he laid eyes on what should have been his own form. Hovering up to Vision, he stated with sadness, "My Vision. They really did take everything from me."

    Vision looked at his "father," the irony of his original purpose not escaping him. Still, this was no time for existential crises. Live were in peril. "You set the terms, you can change them," he begged.

    The anger erupted within Ultron. "All right." He lunged forward and grabbed Vision's neck, but Vision grabbed Ultron's head. "Ahh!" Ultron felt his digital presence get burnt out of the internet, leaving him trapped in his current bodies. The experience actually hurt. He shoved Vision away, grabbed him by the neck, and slammed him into the wall before flying down to his Vibranium. "You shut me out! You think I care?" He looked at Iron Man as he placed a hand on the device. "You take away my world, I take away yours." He pressed the device down.

    "FRIDAY?" Iron Man asked as the entirety of Sokovia started to shake. Around the city, giant cracks appeared as the city started to rise.

    "Sokovia's going for a ride."

    "Well, this is unexpected," a gruff voice remarked. Former SHIELD agent and current Hydra head (though other heads may argue that point) Grant Ward stood in the cockpit of a Wyvern over Sokovia. Hydra had used modified Quinjets before they -and Ward himself- were outed from SHIELD. Since then, they started to work on their own technologies. Though Ward wasn't all gung-ho on the Nazi obsession of Cobra, Hydra's main science division, he had to give them credit; the Wyvern jet they designed did the job. It didn't have the camouflage capabilities of a Quinjet, but it was faster and deadlier. The Wyvern was made for combat. "Gotta give it to our boy, he sure goes all-out," he said, whistling as Sokovia started to rise over beneath him. The Wyvern's two pilots were silent, staring in awe. He knew the pilots and passengers of the other Wyverns behind them were doing the same. Next to him, Talia al Ghul stood. Ward turned to look at her, shrugged, and raised a hand to rub his slight beard. The League of Assassins were not fond of Hydra, but recent revelations had brought a deal between the two. The League had mystical knowledge Ward couldn't imagine -though he was learning. Using a substance that the League gave them, Cobra was able to perfect X-23, their mutant clone. The League even assisted in Hydra's Project Insight in order to "cull humanity down to a more manageable number." Ward's former superior, Baron Von Strucker, made no secret of his suspicions that the League would betray Hydra in the end (Ward knew Hydra was planning to do the same), but means to an end and all that. Strucker's deal with the League involved manpower to help build a robot army out of Chitauri and Kryptonian technology. Then Iron Man interfered and Ultron was born. Ultron killed Strucker and left on his own plans, without Hydra's control. Now the AI planned to destroy all of humanity and the League held Hydra responsible. Soon after his own ascension, Ward found several of his men dead by Talia's hands. She passed on her father's message to Ward: "fix your mistake." Now both Hydra and the League were en route to Sokovia to -and Ward hated this- help the Justice Avengers stop Ultron. After all, no humanity meant no Hydra or League of Assassins; no one to rule over. Ward was not going to have his revenge against SHIELD taken from him by the world's destruction. However, using Sokovia as a meteor was not something he was expecting. "I brought your men here, just like you asked," he told Talia, meeting her eyes. "I brought my men, the toughest of them, and our best...well, let's just call them 'guns.' My men's orders are to let the Avengers take down Ultron. Judging by our intel and what we're seeing now, he's using Sokovia as a meteor. End of the dinosaurs all over again. We'll let the Avengers take care of him. They'll win. It's what they do," he said it with resentment. "Hydra will go after his Sentries. If we can take out some of our own experiments, then we'll do that, but I think I'll let the super freaks take each other out. I'm assuming you agree?"
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Jan 25, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Boy Wonder
    Sarah Palin is Yosemite Sam. It's all so clear to me now.

    Yep. It was a couple of months ago, but yeah.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Jan 24, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Boy Wonder
    I got one from WalMart bundle-free
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Jan 24, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Boy Wonder
    Is that Mickey Mouse in the background?
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Jan 22, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Boy Wonder
    I don't care about the look, but the attitude is horridly wrong. I like the character, I don't like the name he's given.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Jan 22, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Boy Wonder
    That's not Rip Hunter.

    That's Brit Cunter.

    I'm not funny, I know.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Jan 22, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Boy Wonder
    This Rip Hunter isn't doing it for me.
    Thread by: Boy Wonder, Jan 22, 2016, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Boy Wonder

    i promise

    61 is a cat person now.

    Post by: Boy Wonder, Jan 22, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Boy Wonder
    I don't know if this has always affected me and I just didn't notice, but now that I see it, I can't unsee it.

    I use Project Palemoon as my browser. As soon as I zoom in, it fixes itself, but at normal resolution, it's slightly off.

    It's not a huge issue, just aesthetic. A cosmetic discrepancy, at the most.

    I don't really mind it. If anything, it kind of emphasizes that the search button is a button, if that makes sense.

    Still... I can't unsee it
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Jan 22, 2016 in forum: Bug Reports
  13. Boy Wonder
    To paraphrase an article on CBR, the later Fast and Furious films are pretty much X-Force but without mutant powers.
    I don't know if I agree, but the action does strike that tone. Still haven't seen 7 yet, but I enjoy them.
    Except for Tokyo Drift. It's a good background film, but it's the weakest in the bunch, if you ask me.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Jan 20, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Boy Wonder
    I love KHV's advice, sometimes.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Jan 20, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Boy Wonder
    I'm so heartbroken that I didn't win the powerball.
    I mean, I knew I wouldn't.
    1 in 292.2 million chance?
    I only bought one ticket (it was my first time ever buying a lotto ticket)

    I told my boss I wouldn't quit my job if I won, at least not for a few months, but I would not be in for the rest of the week lol.
    I even had a plan:
    Brand new cars for me and my girlfriend. Probably fix our current crappy ones up as much as possible and just give them away.
    Safest car I could find for my mother, who needs one.
    I'd buy my girlfriend's uncle and aunt's house which is up for sale and pay for their moving costs. That would be for my mother and my sister. Of course, I'd take care of her bills after that. All of them and not just her cell phone and groceries like I can afford now.
    I would buy THE ENTIRE MARVEL COMICS COLLECTION FOR A QUARTER MILLION ( Seriously, that'd be the first ****ing purchase.
    My coworker who convinced me to get a ticket would get a million dollars a year just for the hell of it.
    I'd pay my brother's bills for a year and give him 20 grand to get his life together (as well as say that I'm the big brother now).
    Pay my girlfriend's and my student loans off completely and buy out her contract from her current job. She'd want to keep working, but at least she wouldn't have to do full-time.
    Give my uncle and aunt several thousand for everything they've done for me.
    Pay my grandmother's bills.
    Pay my cousin's medical bills.
    Buy a house (nothing really fancy, though).
    Get my girlfriend the best ring I could find and throw the wedding I want to have.
    My friend who's getting married in a few months would get thirty grand to start their life together with.
    I'd fly out and meet my younger brother and sister on my father's side whom I've never met and, when time comes, pay for their college educations (as well as my aforementioned sister). I'm probably not ready to reconcile with my father, though.
    Hire a lawyer and a financial advisor (this belongs at the top of this list).
    Go back to my old job and give all of my old coworker (well, the ones I'm close to) however much money they need to quit working for such a god-awful company, stay on their feet, and find a new job.
    Give my current manager some money for simply giving me the supervisor job as a "thanks for the opportunity, sorry I'm leaving" gift (he's bitter his own store is opening a year and a half later.) I'd probably buy his band (Hillbilly Jedi. Look them up) new equipment for the hell of it.
    Finish my schooling and put all my energy into my writing.
    Buy every "big" video game that I missed out on.
    Buy KHV

    Start annual donations to charity (I'd sign up for the annuity payment plan, not the lump sum payment).
    Save a bunch, obviously, for the future.
    Get so involved with politics (actually getting a local office was the original career goal...four years ago).
    Of course, saving and investing is a given.

    Then I'd probably start giving out that money (Monthly KHV drawing for five grand, anyone?).
    I would make sure that no close friends of mine would be on hard times. I wouldn't just give them like a hundred grand or anything, but if they're behind on bills or need a car or something, yeah, I'd give them a few grand to get everything together. (Everyone else can talk to my lawyer and financial advisor).

    And you know what?

    I told my girlfriend that I'd never make her sign a prenup and if I won and Flying Spaghetti Monster forbid, got a divorce, I'd want her to have half of that. What the hell would I be doing with all that anyway?

    But hey, paycheck to paycheck is still a fun way to live.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Jan 15, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Boy Wonder
    "Or not," Iron Man muttered with contempt as Superman ignored him and followed Ghost Rider. Truth be told, though Iron Man may be the team's tactician (after the first Batman quit the team) and Superman the leader of the Justice Avengers, the two's domineering personalities often caused them to butt heads. At the very least, some days they respected each other's authorities, other times...they ignored it. Oh well, if Superman found Ultron himself, that might be better. Iron Man was here to figure out Ultron's endgame and stop it. If he needed brawn, Vision was behind him.
    "Your man's in the church, boss. I think he's waiting for you."
    Iron Man shifted as he flew over the church, hovered over an opening, and cut off his thrusters. He landed on a knee, stood up, and started to look around before a familiar voice spoke up.
    "Come to confess your sins?"
    "I don't know. How much time you got?"
    "More than you." Ultron's new body stepped out from behind Iron Man, his seven-foot-tall form looking down at his creator's armor. The special metals in his body groaned when he moved. Glowing red eyes met Iron Man's.


    Cyclops ran through the city. "Come on!" He yelled at civilians, waving his arm towards the bridge. "Everyone stay calm. Just get to the bridge!" He motioned for families, pointing to the bridge connecting Sokovia to the rest of the country. The evacuation was messy, but...working. He kept moving, looking for the Justice Avengers or any of Ultron's goons. It was difficult to move against the crowd, but he had to push on-
    He stopped in his tracks, his visor's gaze moving upwards. On the ledge of a building in front of him, standing on the rooftop, was a feminine figure. The sun was bright, but thanks to his visor, he was able to make out certain details: her long brown hair, the scowl on her face, the aggressive stance. Then, he could see two claws emerge from both her hands. 'Guys. I found the clone,' he called out mentally.
    "It doesn't have to be this way!" He yelled at X-23. "We can help you! You can still walk away from this!"

    Ranger VI made it outside with a group of Ultron sentries. His head was raging and...something was calling to him? He tried to ignore it. The Dragon Shield had a calming effect on him, wasn't enough. They were standing in a ravine, but the sentries weren't moving. He looked at one and it looked back before looking up. Ultron wasn't ready to reveal himself yet, then. "Got it," he tried to sound stern, but his voice was shaken. He jumped up, grabbed a ledge, and kicked himself higher. Making it to the top, he could see Sokovians in the distance evacuating. There were no heroes nearby. He knew where to find them, though. Ranger VI took off in a sprint, running towards the center of town.

    Agent Johnson heard a groan and an 'I'm Okay!' from her other contact. She let out a sigh of relief. Her boss had wanted a team of non-mutant persons to help the X-Men and had somehow recruited another. So between herself, Flash, the tag-along, the squad of SHIELD agents, and Psylocke, Agent Johnson held some optimism. "Okay, everyone. This is it. Mission is simple: Mutants stay safe, big purple robots don't." As she said it, a Sentinel landed near them and raised an arm, its palm glowing as it charged.
    "TERMINATE MUTANT." It declared as it locked onto Psylocke. Its body started shaking and it moved its gaze towards Agent Johnson.

    "I am so tired of this over-sized, bargain bin Iron Men!" She yelled as she aimed both her hands at the Sentinel. Its body shook with great intensity and started to crack. She gave it all she had, causing the ground to quake. "No one else dies, but you!" She pulled her hands close and then threw them forward and the Sentinel crumbled as its body warped into itself. Its head rolled off the body and scanned Agent Johnson.
    "T-T-Ter-TERMINATE-ATE MUT-MUT-ANT-ANT-NT." Its eyes flickered as the SHIELD agent picked up her rifle again and charged it. "ER-ERRRRROORRRR. SUB-JECT-JECT NOT MUTANT-ANT."

    She fired, blowing a hole through the Sentinel's head. Resting the rifle on her shoulder, she smiled. "Not a mutant. Inhuman."
    Up above, the rest of the Sentinels started to land near the Institute.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Jan 13, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Boy Wonder
    Y'all know those silly Facebook posts where it's "Find Your xxxxxxx Name" by using your birthday?
    I usually don't pay them any mind, but a Native American Name one caught my eye.
    White Man.
    My Native American name is White Man
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Jan 12, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Boy Wonder
    @The Grinch, I have no idea what you're talking about at all because I don't follow your activity thread. From what I gather, by your body betraying you, you mean that you're falling asleep before you'd like, usually without being tired? That sounds like a medical issue to me. Either your body is telling you to go to sleep earlier out of some scheduling conditioning or lack of sleep or you might actually have a medical issue. It could be medication, if you're on any (I know with my mom's combination of meds, she can't sleep past six am so she goes to bed earlier to make sure she gets enough sleep, for instance.) Regardless, I think it's something you should look into (I am basing this entirely from knowing your body is "betraying" you often. Like I said, I don't really know any more than that).
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Jan 6, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Boy Wonder
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Jan 6, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Boy Wonder
    I think this is how sex with me is.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Jan 3, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone