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  1. Boy Wonder
    "Damn it. Superman, kill the bot," Iron Man commanded wryly as he flew from the church.

    Throughout Sokovia, Ultron's voice rang out through his Sentries. "Do you see? The beauty of it?" They echoed, "The inevitability. You rise...only to fall. You, Avengers, are my meteor. My swift and terrible sword. And the earth will crack with the weight of your failure. Purge me from your computers, turn my own flesh against me. It means nothing. When the dust settles, the only thing living in this world...will be metal." Ending his monologue, Ultron tackled Superman, slamming the Kryptonian through the wall.

    As Sokovia rose, Iron Man flew to analyze the city from the side.
    Numbers and lines appeared on his hologram as FRIDAY translated, "The Nth Metal casing around the core has a gravitational pull and the vibranium core's got a magnetic field. That's what's keeping the rock together."
    "If it drops?"
    "Right now, the impact can kill thousands."
    "Once it gets high enough?" He asked, already knowing the answer.
    "Global extinction."
    "That's what I was afraid of," responded the armored Avenger as he flew closer the rising city, looking for weak spots in the core's structure. "I'll worry about bringing the city down safely," Iron Man spoke into his comm. "The rest of you, tear Ultron apart."

    Ranger VI's head cocked, a look of whimsy hidden beneath his visor. His opponent was all bone, evidentl- The blow to the stomach knocked the wind out of him. 'Okay. This guy's got power,' he thought, stepping back and bracing himself. He took the first couple of hits head-on, slightly deflected the next one into a more protected spot, dodged the one after that, blocked the following punch, took a hit to his helmet, then a hit to his chest, then took an opening and jabbed the Ghost Rider in the chest. The two fought, one using Demonic energy to strengthen his hits and the other augmented by the Power Grid. Ranger VI might not have the power Ghost Rider did, but his speed made up for it. Ranger VI was able to block, dodge, and counter most of Ghost Rider's attacks, but the Demon just kept taking it. Unlike himself, his opponent showed no sign of slowing down and that damned buzzing in his head would not stop distracting him.


    "I hate to secondguess your tactics, but he looks pretty armored," Arsenal called out as he sent two arrows flying towards Blue Beetle. "The city is flying, we're fighting an army of robots, clones, aliens, and clowns, and I have a bow and arrow. None of this makes sense," he grumbled to Canary, letting another arrow -this one tipped with an explosive- and ran to the side. The red-clad hero doubted even his explosive arrows could do much against alien armor, but if they could hold him off until Agent Grayson's friend showed up with that weapon...

    "Coward?" The word brought a recent memory to Ward's mind, but he pushed it back. "Cowardice, strategy, call it what you want," he responded with his arms crossed. "Honor isn't really part of Hydra's mission statement." Behind him, several Hydra agents were parachuting from the Wyvern jet, ready to fight Ultron's Sentries. "X-23 isn't a concern. She's just the prototype. If you're worried about her...genetic secrets, she'd have to be dissected thoroughly to reveal anything and the heroes are too queasy for that. But if you wanted to do something about her," he shrugged, letting Talia finish the thought for herself.


    Agent Johnson aimed her vibrational waves at the last Sentinel standing. She was exhausted, but still focused. Her teeth were grinding as she increased the intensity of the vibrations. This last Sentinel was either very well-built or she was more worn out that she had thought. Within seconds, her fellow SHIELD agents, the Flash, Psylocke, and Magneto joined in and the Sentinel was obliterated in one magnificent explosion. Letting out one long sigh of relief, she looked around; the school was intact and there were no corpses around. "Alright, team!" She cheered. "All it took from saving mutants from a racist-genocidal robot attack was a team of humans, mutants, Inhuman, and Metahuman? There's a lesson here somewhere," she joked. Still, the agent in charge of this mission had fallen on the Quinjet, but SHIELD would have to mourn later. An update on Sokovia came through the commlink. "It's WHAT? How is that even possib-okay, got it." She looked at Psylocke, Magneto, and Flash. "Ultron is using vibranium and Nth Metal to lift Sokovia into the sky. He plans on destroying the dinosaurs...which is us. We need to get there fast." She pointed to a nearby Quinjet. 'I'll catch my breath on the way.'
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Feb 13, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Boy Wonder
    She's also not in my deck of Game of Thrones playing cards.
    It's an affront to my honor is what it really is.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Feb 13, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Boy Wonder
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Feb 13, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Boy Wonder
    I heard The Forest is only a good film if you really like trees.
    But freakin' Natalie Dorner, man.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Feb 13, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Boy Wonder
    Ted Kord.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Feb 13, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  6. Boy Wonder
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Feb 8, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Boy Wonder
    This is the best suggestion I've ever heard to any situation.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Feb 7, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Boy Wonder
    I just remembered how dark Tamers got near the end.
    I wasn't ready for that.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Feb 6, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Boy Wonder
    It's a multiverse, if I remember correctly.
    Adventure 01 and 02 take place in the same universe.
    Tamers takes place in a universe where Adventure 01/02 are a fictional form of media.
    Ryo is a kid in Adventure 01 and 02 who in the Anode/Cathode series of games leaves the universe for Tamers' after feeling used (Though there is a discrepancy in how he has a home life).
    Frontier is its own universe.
    Data Squad/Savers is its own universe.
    I stopped watching after those, but I assume it's the same way for Xros Wars and Hunters or whatever.
    Tri is a direct sequel to Adventure 01/02.
    So they have the same general mythology in each one, but each is free from the laws/rules/boundaries/exact mythology of any other series.

    In other words, enjoy each season for itself.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Feb 5, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Boy Wonder

    If you could write a book, animated series, live-action film, or anything of the sort taking any two characters from any form of media ever and making one the sidekick to the other, who would you choose and who would be the sidekick?

    What's the tone of the above series?

    What's the overarching plot?

    Who would be the villain?

    Now what's the tagline?
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Feb 3, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  11. Boy Wonder
    I'm actually with you there.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Feb 3, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Boy Wonder
    I think I need to stop reading The Vision. Not because it may just be the best thing Marvel has at the moment, but because I can't handle how good it is.
    You didn't see that coming?
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Feb 3, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Boy Wonder

    i kinda

    I always recommend S-Cry-ed for anime.
    I don't even care what the asker is asking for.

    There's also Shin-chan
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Feb 2, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Boy Wonder
    You know what show I really liked?
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Feb 1, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Boy Wonder
    Was going to say it on Facebook, but since I have this page open now,
    Happy birthday~ Hope it's a great one~
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Feb 1, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Boy Wonder
    I've been dealing with something irl, but I'll be back tomorrow night or night after.
    Also, got an idea I need everyone's opinion on. We officially got past the talky part of Age of Ultron's climax. If you can't tell, I was trying to follow the script of the film as closely as possible. That may not have been the best idea, but whatevs.
    So I was thinking, since most of us have like 17 characters, some of which are from completely different corner of superheroics/villainy, about doing a core team with an event-like story.
    What I mean is: everyone (with more than a single character) picks their main character (or characters if you'd like a hero or villain) and after our Age of Ultron storyline, those characters will be the main team for the RP.
    Then we might do various storylines from actual comic books, films, animated series, television series, etc. obviously altered to fit within the RP's crossover universe. That way, we'd include all characters of the main team and then everyone who wants more characters can pick from characters that would work in the next storyline. Of course, any characters that everyone has already claimed will still be reserved for them for whenever they'd like to use them unless they freed them for use.
    So let's say, our Special Team gets involved in an X-Men story. Then the story would involve them and everyone can also pick X-Men-related characters (and any characters from other media we can twist to fit the story or turn into mutants as well as other characters we can justify be there). Then next story, we'd cycle through another roster of characters.
    Of course, you would be able to change your main character(s) at will, too.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Feb 1, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Boy Wonder
    Alright, awesome. I'll move us along either tomorrow night or the night after. Something came up irl that I've been dealing with, but I'll have it taken care of tomorrow
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Feb 1, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Boy Wonder
    THISTHISTHISTHIS. I don't want my rival to be the sex I didn't choose or my friend. I want them to be someone I love beating because he is namedan ass
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Feb 1, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Boy Wonder

    Well poop

    I've got my forms, but I'm waiting until I finish my classes Tuesday and then for my next day off before I try. I usually wait until the last minute, but I want to be a responsible adult.

    As long as I get more than $47 like I did two years ago, I'm happy.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Jan 31, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Boy Wonder
    Is this a Digimon thing
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Jan 31, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone