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  1. Boy Wonder
    I know lol. I'm just clarifying that for Pokemon, Nintendo Network means to download through Mystery Gift.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Mar 3, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Boy Wonder
    Me, too, but turns out they're not. I had to go back to this post to figure it out (after I already made my trip to Gamestop. They were busier than normal and I didn't feel like waiting so I left).
    So by my experience, the ones that say Nintendo Network (Celebi, Jirachi, Manaphy, Shaymin, Victini, Keldeo, and Meloetta) you can just download via mystery gift.
    And by extension, download one per game.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Mar 3, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Boy Wonder
    -First: hey, this hipster likes comic books.
    -Current: You're the bomb. We don't really talk much (though honestly, I rarely talk to anyone from here outside of threads anyway. Not by choice, just a bad antisocial habit), but you're one of the members I like the most. Sometimes I don't get your opinions, but then I remember the whole point of opinions. You have a unique outlook on a lot of things in life that I don't think many people understand, let alone appreciate. We should talk more.

    This is a very difficult question for me! Right now, Tom King's Vision is climbing the ranks, but it's still young. I love so many but if I have to narrow it down (and this is in no way concrete): the two comics I come back to regularly are Jeph Loeb's Spider-Man: Blue (the whole thing) and the first two issues of the Endgame arc of Scott Snyder's Batman. Blue is just such an emotional ride for me and it breaks my heart reading it. Endgame on the other hand is for Batman vs. the League (also, Tower of Babel). I am not a diehard Batman and I am a little tired of the overbaturation (lol) of the character and how "badass" he's supposed to be, but Snyder's mention of how far Batman had to go and the resources he had to use to be able to go against the League is exactly how it should be done. I don't want Batman to be able to fight the rest of the Justice League just because he's that badass, I want him to be able to fight against them because he's willing to go far to do it and he has to ****ing struggle for it (even if it is a little bit ridiculous). Also, for his answer on the famous Batman vs Superman question: "Who would win in a fight? The answer is always the same: neither of us." There's also the twist at the end of the first issue, revealing the villain. It should have been obvious and just too much of that character, but unlike almost everything else, that plotpoint wasn't spoiled or leaked ahead of time and the reveal was just...well, it was good.
    Oh, there's also the Red Robin series. I love Pre-52 Tim Drake (and New 52 when he's not in the Teen Titans book is slowly reclaiming his glory) and that series cemented my love for the character.

    I like cats more than I can tolerate people.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Mar 3, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  4. Boy Wonder
    Celebi is through Mystery Gift, not a code. Just Receive Gift Via Internet.
    I got one for both AS and Y, aside from the other two I already have.
    Also, Pokemon Bank is giving out the three Regis sometime this month through October.
    EDIT: Turns out, it starts tomorrow! And they have their Hidden Abilities~
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Mar 3, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Boy Wonder


    Can't be crazier than the **** he actually says
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Mar 3, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Boy Wonder
    Really late, buttttt
    Depends what you mean by whole family. My mother would never move and it wouldn't be a good idea for her unless other family came along.
    My girlfriend, though...maybe. I'd have to have friends there, though.
    It wouldn't be for religious reasons, though. Europe just seems...better all around. Even if everyone there is weird.
    I'll leave that to Simon Williams.
    Already am where it counts.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Feb 29, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  7. Boy Wonder
    She actually took me to see it.
    Just more evidence that she's the one~
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Feb 29, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Boy Wonder
    Thanks, guys, but it's really just making it official at this point.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Feb 29, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Boy Wonder
    I might buy my girlfriend's engagement ring today
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Feb 29, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Boy Wonder
    I just think Candace Cameron is a moron and I can't enjoy anything with her anymore.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Feb 28, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Boy Wonder
    Instead of guests sitting by who they know, will you make them sit by which side of the Force?
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Feb 27, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Boy Wonder
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Feb 27, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Boy Wonder
    People in my life aren't excited about Pokemon Sun/Moon but think they should be invited to my wedding.
    Okay, whatever.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Feb 27, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Boy Wonder
    Coworker: "Hey, Bueno. What are you going to do if Trump gets elected?"
    Me: "Probably get deported."

    At least I won't have to pay for travel costs, right?
    The Dominican President will.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Feb 26, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Boy Wonder
    Just because it's a new generation doesn't mean we're completely done with Kalos. I'm hoping for something like how Gen II was a sequel to Gen I.

    Though I just learned this, "generation" is a fan-made term, not an official one so them blurring the lines between gens like 61 says is entirely likely. Especially since the re-releases of RBY can transfer Pokemon to SM via Pokebank.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Feb 26, 2016 in forum: Gaming
  16. Boy Wonder
    They didn't have any. That's why I wasn't able to get one! But I got one from someone at PC so I'm fine now~
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Feb 25, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Boy Wonder
    Ultron pulled his arms from Superman to no avail. However, his head endured the intense heat. "You think this could stop me? I respect the effort," he remarked, twisting his hands to grab onto Superman's wrists as well. A powerful blow struck both, knocking them into the debris and shattering the ground further. Ultron rolled with Superman and broke free, chuckling as he stood up and floated away. All that stood of the church was the Vibranium/Nth Metal construct at the center. Near him floated what had struck the two: a second Ultron-Prime, virtually identical to himself. Ultron spoke simultaneously through both, "You didn't really think that I'd make an army of myself and comprise entirely of fodder, did you?" He/They chuckled, opening their arms wide. "Vibranium beats Steel. God beats Man. Here, 'hero,' let me show you." The two flew to Superman.

    "For you, maybe," smirked Ranger VI. Knowing he couldn't break free from the demon's grip, he stepped forward to embrace Ghost Rider. "Teleport!" Energy from the Morphing Grid surrounded the Ranger in a bright green light. He started to teleport away before the energy unpredictably absorbed the Rider into the Ranger's teleportation field. "What? No!" As they started to turn into the alien energy, the process became compromised with Ghost Rider's demonic energies. The two rose in a flash of green light before crashing back down, bouncing off of Ghost Rider's bike, and taking form again. Ranger VI bounced away and his suit shattered into light, revealing Tommy Oliver in plainclothes. The young man stood up, body bruised and bloody in many places. He breathed heavily, looking down at his tattered clothes. "No! The Morphing Grid! severed my connection to it!" Tommy swung his arms in a dramatic pose, attempting to reactivate his powers. Green light appeared around him, but fractured and his suit faded on and off. He could still feel the Morphing Grid, but it was fading. "Give it back!" He yelled. His body glowed green and the Dragon Dagger reappeared in his hand; this was all he could muster as the Morphing Grid started to disappear from him. "I'll kill you!" He lunged forward in blind fury, green energy crackling around the dagger's blade as he swung it toward the Rider.


    "He burnt out my arrows," Arsenal growled as he docked another arrow into his bow. "Guess I'm just a distractio-" he stopped to look at the ship. 'Seriously? Right now?' He thought as he ran away towards a car. Its doors were wide open, no doubt left that way from the evacuation. He jumped on the car and leapt from the hood for air and shot three more arrows at Blue Beetle. The tips peeled away from the air and expanded into nets. They were meant to electrify, but Blue Beetle's attacks nullified them. He wondered if getting tangled in nets would even slow Beetle down. " that ship a friend? Please tell me it's a friend," he asked aloud.

    "I know who I am," Ward called out after Talia, crossing his arms. After she left, he smiled. "Fortunately, you have no idea what kind of man I am." He turned to his pilot, commanding him to take the Wyvern to the air. Now it was time for his real mission.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Feb 24, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Boy Wonder
    I can't even do that in person
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Feb 23, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Boy Wonder
    >Can't get a 20th anniversary Mew Code
    >Sign into Pokecommunity
    >two free Mew codes giveaway
    >Mew #4

    I don't even know why I'm playing Pokemon anymore
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Feb 23, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Boy Wonder
    I remember daxma. Unfortunately, I don't remember that post and he hasn't been active in quite some time. Good luck finding it, though.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Feb 19, 2016 in forum: Introductions & Departures