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  1. Boy Wonder

    • A single reality is called a Universe. Every related universe, usually a parallel version or an alternate timeline of another, composes a single Multiverse. The different Multiverses are separated between extradimensional walls that are navigable through various means and with the right knowledge. Whereas each Universe may have its own set of physics, divinity, and version of reality, they all share similar sets within a Multiverse. Separated by even stronger extradimensional barriers are other Multiverses, with their own versions of reality. Some Multiverses are closer than others, but knowledge of this and the methods of traveling between them are rare outside of Crux. The Omniverse comprises all Multiverses to ever exist and that will exist, except for Crux. The Omniverse 'orbits' around Crux and the two together compose Infinity along with the Bleed, an interdimensional abyss that flows between Universes, Multiverses, and their barriers.

      At the center of Infinity, lies Crux, a single small world unique to itself and existing outside of the Omniverse with a singular government. The Cruxians, a humanoid people, are genetically malleable and able to travel to and exist within any Universe within Infinity. The biology of Cruxians changes to survive within the surrounding Universe and blend in with its inhabitants. The technology of Crux is able to borrow elements from any Universe for indefinite amounts of time for itself. Taking its unique position at the center of Infinity seriously, the Cruxian government established the Reality Defender Brigade to protect the Omniverse from threats to its existence.

    • The Reality Defense Brigade was formed by the Cruxian government to keep the Omniverse and the secrets of Infinity safe. The RDB's resources include Arks, transdimensional ships for travel between Universes, and Crossover Medals to access the abilities, powers, and equipment of the inhabitants of various Universes as well as a central headquarters where the RDB can develop Crossover Medals and observe the Omniverse. The former General of the RDB, Byrus Ander, recently defected from Crux and had his new organization, Access, destroy the central RDB headquarters, crippling the organization. Now led by a soldier-turned-scientist, Dr. Amnael Telos, the RDB has re-purposed itself to investigating Access' motivations and stopping Ander at all cost. The current RDB, now based out of a smaller laboratory with less resources, has taken new recruits after Access' defection killed many of the loyalists. After the defection of Access, the Cruxian government has started to consider recruiting natives of non-Cruxian Universes.

      The purpose of Access is to fulfill an ancient prophecy of "Convergence," though the nature of the event is a secret known only to Generals of the RDB, but Ander has promised his followers great power and dominion over the Omniverse itself. After defecting, Ander commandeered a massive new model Ark as his personal base of command and rode into the Bleed.

      Every Cruxian with a Crossover Medal has access to a personalized A.I. called Genre that houses a database of many Universes and assists in using the Medals.

    • Originally manufactured by the RDB, the Crossover Medals are used to temporarily allow a user to "wear" a copy of the powers, abilities, equipment, and very nature of a singular person from any Universe without consequence. How the Crossover Medals accomplish this is a complicated and ancient Cruxian science. The amount of energy and the complexity of the process necessary to create a Crossover Medal has caused them to be heavily regulated by the Cruxian government and, until recently, only the RDB had the resources to manufacture them. After the destruction of their central headquarters, the RDB has been unable to create any more medals and has restricted their soldiers to three each until the equipment can be replaced. Unbeknownst to the RDB, Ander is able to create new Crossover Medals for Access.

      Each Crossover Medal has the powerset of a single character. Crossover Medals are each named after a title related to the inner powerset and activated by calling out its title after the command 'Crossover!' Crossover Medals can only be used by native Cruxians and have no ill effects on their wearers or those whose powersets they copy. Some Crossover Medals involve a form of summoning of another person or creature; the wearer's Genre controls the other entity for its user when this occurs.

      To keep the secret of Crux and its technology secret, Crossover Medals have a Universe-stabilizing feature. When a Crossover Medal is activated, its power level instantly fluctuates to fit within the surrounding Universe's power levels. This means that when using a Crossover Medal within a Universe it isn't native to, the wearer's powerset would be at a reasonable level within the Universe. This prevents any Crossover user from attempting to conquer a Universe with the powerset of a god-like entity from a different Universe. Due to the nature of reality-bending abilities, Crossover Medals cannot function with any powerset considered "Godly."

      Crossover Medals are genetically tied to the first Cruxian to use them, though it hasn't been unheard of to use another's.

    • As the RDB travels to different Universes, this section will detail each one. After every visit, a small synopsis of the RDB's adventure will be added to each Universe in order to chronicle the RDB's mission. The Cruxian government has named each Multiverse either after a central figure in its Universes, a prominent event in its histories, or a relevant characteristic.

      Resting at the very center of all Infinity, Crux is a planet as old as Infinity itself. It has a humanoid culture, comparable to a very advanced Earth. The entire Omniverse 'orbits' extra-dimensionally around Crux. As such, Crux neither rotates nor orbits. No other celestial object exists in Crux's reality. The atmosphere of Crux can sustain any life form and its clouds glow to give the planet a day/night cycle. At night, Cruxians cannot see stars, as none exist in their reality, but instead can see the lights of various Universes. Traveling away from the planet eventually leads into the Bleed.
      The Bleed is an abyss between Universes, Multiverses, as well as between Crux and the Omniverse. If the barrier between Universes and Multiverses could be considered shores, then the Bleed is the ocean. Though it resembles a neon-colored outer space with celestial explosions, it acts more like a waterfall within a black hole. Within the Bleed, powerful transdimensional currents pull apart the very existence of any living thing or manmade material, regardless of Universe. The Arks of Crux can sustain "Bleedflight" for only moments. To travel to other Universes, the Arks have their own manner of "hyperspace travel" which allows them to near the 'shore' of a Universe before manually landing. Somehow, Access has been able to set up base within the Bleed.


    1. It may be difficult, but no godmodding, powerplaying, etc. Be nice to each other, follow all of KHV's rules, etc. Crossover Medals cannot be used for "Godly" powers that would "break" the RP. "Reality-bending" powersets are forbidden if considered too strong. An example of the power-stabilizing feature of the Crossover Medals is if someone "wore" Superman in the Bleach universe, Superman's power level would be that of a strong Captain and his speed and strength would be comparable to theirs.
    2. Try to stay somewhat active. If you can't post for some time for whatever reason, let someone know. It won't be held against you!
    3. For now, only three Crossover Medals per character. More will become available soon enough. Try to be versatile with them! You don't want to be a one-trick pony, do you? Virtually any character from any form of media can be used as long as it doesn't break Rule #1.
    4. Any Crossover Medal that requires another summoning another personality (think Pokemon or a Shinigami's Zanpakuto spirit in Bleach) will use Genre for the other personality. In other words, a Crossover Medal cannot actually summon forth an individual entity from another universe nor create a new personality altogether.
    5. For now, we're going to stick with two OCs per person.
    6. The point of the RP is to travel and have adventures in the Universes of different franchises a la Kingdom Hearts. In other words, I'll need help controlling characters of these franchises. These characters can be temporary (only using them while we're in their universe), semi-permanent (you get to reserve them for any time we need them), or permanent (be a part of the RDB once and if it gets approved by Crux).
    7. If a non-OC character joins the RDB, they only have access to their own powerset as they are not Cruxian, but the story will allow them to travel with the RDB.
    8. You can have up to five characters total, OC or non-OC, after the RP gets rolling into the first mission.
    9. You can reserve a non-OC character for the RDB ahead of time. Also, you may not have to wait until we visit their world for them to be recruited. We'll work before the RP starts.
    10. Technically, more than one version of a non-OC character or its powerset as a Crossover Medal can exist simultaneously, but let's try to stay away from this unless we're getting really creative. That said, I'm not forbidding it out right.
    11. Crossover Medals cannot have the actual name of the character, but a title related to the character. The name of a weapon or special ability, an actual title from within their Universe, or something original that makes sense can all work for the name of the Medal.
    12. You can stay in any Crossover form indefinitely.
    13. The RDB is tasked with keeping the secret of Infinity, the Omniverse, and Crux secret from everyone else so keep that in mind within the story.
    14. As the creator of this RP, I reserve the right to change and/or break any rules for plot purposes. I will absolutely not change the rules without telling everyone first. I may need certain people to go around the rules for plot purposes as well; I'll ask you if I need you to do so~

    Name: <character's name>
    Age/Appearance: <Age should be reasonable and appearance can be description or image>
    Background/Personality: <short blurb on your character's history and how they act. Should include if they're RDB or Access>
    Crossover Medals: <title of each Medal, the character and franchise it's from, and the powerset/equipment it gives>
    Other: <any other information you consider relevant>

    • Name: Dr. Amnael Telos
      Age/Appearance: 34
      Background/Personality: A decorated soldier of the RDB, Telos joined at a young age and rose through the ranks, traveling between many universes. However, after his partner died during a mission, Telos left the frontline and became a scientist for the RDB instead. Spending his days studying all things Infinity, such as the Omniverse and its relation to Crux, the Bleed, and Crossover Medals, Telos was responsible for many new procedures implemented by the RDB. After Ander formed Access and defected from Crux, killing many RDB agents and crippling the organization, the Cruxian government promoted Telos as the new director and tasked him with finding Access' plan and bringing them to justice. Telos is very stern and by-the-book when it comes to the RDB and its mission, which he believes wholeheartedly in. However, his experience as an RDB soldier has left him emotionally distant from others.
      Crossover Medals: 1. Torchbearer (Kyle Rayner the White Lantern from DC Comics) - Grants Telos a White Lantern Ring which gives him access to the powerful emotion of Life. Its primary purpose is to create constructs out of white energy simply by thinking it into existence and fire energy blasts. It can sustain air and space flight as well as underwater diving. Using the power of white light, its user can even become invisible and pass through certain objects. The ring gives access to the powers of the different lights of the Emotional Electromagnetic Spectrum (Red/Rage, Orange/Avarice, Yellow/Fear, Green/Will, Blue/Hope, Indigo/Compassion, and Violet/Love). However, the ring only functions as long as its wearer has mastery over all of his emotions and its power is tied directly to Telos' will to live.
      2. Paragon (Warrior of Light from the video game Final Fantasy Dissidia) - Gives Telos the weaponry, armor, skills, and abilities of a close-combat warrior with minor magical abilities. He is able to enter a special mode called "Class Change" which turns him into a knight which makes him stronger. Class Change gives him the power of "Oversoul," a flurry of magically-infused sword blows.
      3. Fire Dragon Slayer (Natsu Dragneel from the manga Fairy Tail) - Gives Telos magical abilities with the prominent one being Fire Dragon Slayer Magic. Able to use various magical fire skills, Telos also becomes immune to most types of fires and can eat them for power. He is also able to shift into a Lightning Fire Dragon Mode, though the experience severely weakens him. In either form, Telos' senses are greatly enhanced as are his strength, speed, reflexes, and durability. He also becomes an expert hand-to-hand combatant.
      Other: Due to its volatile nature, he tries to restrict his use of the Torchbearer Crossover Medal.
    Thread by: Boy Wonder, Mar 14, 2016, 8 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Boy Wonder
    If "space" is where and "time" is when, then "infinity" is all. There is a never-ending number of Universes residing within Infinity, held apart by dimensional barriers. Many of these universes are parallel versions of each other, alternate copies of the same people, places, and even histories. Each Universe has its own laws of physics, magic, divinity, and reality; as far as its inhabitants are concerned, their Universe is infinity. However, the real Infinity is much bigger, holding all that is, was, and ever will be as well as the dimensional barriers that divide them. Travel between Universes is not impossible, but dependent on the Universes themselves.

    Unless you are from Crux, of course.

    Crux is a planet with no alternate version. It is completely unique. Its trademark characteristic is its malleable nature. Existing outside of space and time itself, but at the very center of Infinity, those born on Crux have the strange genetic ability to exist within any Universe inside Infinity. Unlike the other Universes, the planet of Crux is completely aware of Infinity and its characteristics; they are able to monitor other Universes and copy their physics and technology. Cruxian scientists have long since discovered how to take technologies and universal laws native to one Universe and copy them into Crux's personal Universe itself. The creation of "Crossover Medals" even allows average Cruxians to temporarily "wear" the abilities, powers, equipment, and nature of anyone from any Universe. The use of Crossover Medals, however, is very regulated.

    Because of its nature, the citizens of Crux have tasked themselves with defending Infinity from cross-dimensional threats --those that would endanger the fabric of reality and the peace between Multiverses. To that end, the Reality Defense Brigade was assembled. Using government-issued Crossover Medals, the RDB is tasked with traveling between Universes and preventing them from learning of Infinity's true nature, as well as defending them from outside threats. The RDB has been very successful in keeping the true nature of Infinity hidden from other Universes, keeping those Universes safe, and borrowing the technology and abilities of those other Universes without issue...until now.

    The head of the RDB, Byrus Ander, inexplicably betrayed all of Crux and destroyed the central base of the organization, crippling the manufacturing of Crossover Medals and stealing a large number for himself and his followers. Ander dubbed his new organization Access. Access disappeared into the Bleed, the unnavigable space between Universes, promising to bring something called "Convergence" to Infinity. Now led by its head scientist and former RDB soldier, Dr. Amnael Telos, the RDB's main division has been restructured into a squad to fight a secret war with Access across the Omniverse within Infinity while its few other agents continue in the RDB's original mission. Due to the loss of resources after the defection, the RDB has opened its door to new recruits. The all-new, all-different Reality Defense Brigade is even considering recruiting warriors from other non-Cruxian Universes, but the Cruxian government has yet to approve this decision.

    Click for Discussion Thread
    Thread by: Boy Wonder, Mar 14, 2016, 0 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Boy Wonder
    Literally 80% of my motivation to buy a New XL. My roommate's made mine look like a baby console.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Mar 14, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Boy Wonder
    That's legitimately my rival's name in Pokemon Yellow right now.
    EDIT: Malo is, not Cassie. I don't want you smelling me later or do I?
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Mar 13, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Boy Wonder
    My exact choices.
    next you're going to tell me you named your character "Bueno."
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Mar 13, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Boy Wonder
    If anybody from this thread is still interested in the idea, I have everything virtually done except for character forms. If you want a peek at it before it's posted, let me know~
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Mar 13, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Boy Wonder
    But they didn't ask for anything! They literally just told him they were doing a scavenger hunt for their church, gave him the pizza, and left. He apparently didn't question it because of free pizza
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Mar 13, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Boy Wonder
    My roommate just told me that two young girls knocked on the door, said they were on some scavenger hunt for their church, and gave him a pizza as part of it.
    A: I don't think that's how scavenger hunts work or is this a religious version of it?
    B: WHAT KIND OF CHURCH GOES AROUND DOOR-TO-DOOR GIVING AWAY PIZZA?! That's an organized religion I can get behind. Must be some New Age Catholicism or something. Communion wafer and wine? Nah, communion pizza and soda.

    EDIT: Jesus Crust, guys.
    EDIT^2: Cheesus Crust
    EDIT^3: I'm laughing so hard at my joke, guys
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Mar 13, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Boy Wonder
    Isn't #thetriggering technically a trigger warning?
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Mar 13, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Boy Wonder
    New clip showing more of the Party Wagon in action along with some nice moves from Raphael (actual clip starts at 0:38:
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Mar 13, 2016 in forum: Movies & Media
  11. Boy Wonder
    When I was 18, I found out that I'm "white." Worst day of my life
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Mar 12, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Boy Wonder
    Honestly, from my point of view, 7 year olds are evil
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Mar 12, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Boy Wonder
    Probably lives on campus
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Mar 12, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Boy Wonder
    I've been saying this since they denied my application for years
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Mar 11, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Boy Wonder
    Love everything about it but two things: the eyes (which I'm so excited about) didn't seem timed right with dialogue but that just may be me and the blackish strips on the costume; it just doesn't seem like something a teenager would design into his costume when becoming Spider-Man[DOUBLEPOST=1457655805][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Well, up until Secret Wars anyway

    Post by: Boy Wonder, Mar 10, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Boy Wonder
    Trump made Alderaan pay for the Death Star.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Mar 9, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Boy Wonder
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Mar 7, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Boy Wonder
  19. Boy Wonder
    I used to when I was hurting for money, but not anymore. Even if don't ever plan on playing them again, I think of it as having a source of creativity around me for inspiration
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Mar 4, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Boy Wonder
    I don't get to play games as much as I like (see: ever) so I'm not very well-versed in games and I'm just not in that field much so I don't really have any fresh in my mind. But Legend of Dragoon and Valkyria Chronicles are probably two games I hold in extremely high reverence. The former is one of the few games I remember playing growing up and the storytelling just blew me away at that point. It's my one of my biggest inspirations. The latter is one of the first games I picked up after buying my PS3 when I decided to get back into gaming and ohmygod, it was just so beautiful and I love strategy games like that (even if the AI was dumb as a ****ing rock). It's the only game that had a death that caught me so off guard, I actually stopped playing for a bit. A distant third would be DMC. I think, despite all of the criticism, it was very fun and a decent reboot (but oh god, it did have its flaws); its biggest draw for me, though, was its Dante: he was the first character in video game to talk in a way which I could relate. You didn't ask for an explanation, but yeah, there's that. Favorite series? Probably Legend of Zelda.

    Real life superpower? My puppy dog eyes.

    Flareon. Commandramon.

    Post by: Boy Wonder, Mar 3, 2016 in forum: The Playground