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  1. Boy Wonder
    Not sure what that is referring to in the quoted post? If it's the part about her being a FemOlsen, that wasn't true in the end (unless you're of the train of thought that it was the intention and then changed after backlash). He ended up being the guy with Lois at the beginning of BvS but Om not happy with that either
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Mar 29, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Boy Wonder
    At work on my phone so I'll savbe my detailed response when I get to my laptop but really wanted to respond to this:
    The girl from The Daily Planet (was she an intern?) who everyone thought was a female Jimmy Olsen in Man of Steel and her initial storyline was "Here's Jenny. Here's Jenny again. SAVE JENNY FROM THE FALLING BUILDING." In BvS, she was given a line when Perry told her to write a headline down and then another line later on, but that was it.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Mar 29, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Boy Wonder
    Coming in late to the topic, but I think the whole violence/misogyny trend in games > violence/misogyny in actual society has always been a flawed premise. Neither one necessarily leads to someone deliberately acting it out in person, but it definitely desensitizes the audience to it. However, misogyny is much more subtle than violence in games and that's why I think it's more effective at naturalizing anti-women societal standards in the audience's mind. On top of that, it's much more common-place all throughout society than violence because it's so subtle.
    There's always the talk about feminism in films and the role women play. I just saw Batman v Superman so I'll use that as an example: the violence in the film was obvious in the fight scenes, but the female portrayal was very lackluster. Yes, we had Wonder Woman -a huge female icon who not only kept up with the boys, but probably did better in general- but then we had Lois Lane who, as the actual female lead, was and her role (as well as ) was only meant to lead up to them being used against Superman. You have both Mercy and Senator Finch, one who is there to wordlessly help Luthor before , needlessly in Mercy's case. Those two, I'll grant you aren't leads so they're not vital to the film in the grand scheme of things, but when the entirety of their roles is just to push Luthor's agenda up to that moment, eh. We have Jenny who is virtually nonexistent in both films except to have two lines in this one so we know she exists and to be there enough so her rescue matters in Man of Steel. And then there's Batgirl who got cut from the film entirely even though Snyder really just wanted this to be Batman's film, apparently, but only had room for one of his related characters. What should have been a win for Wonder Woman and her status as a feminist icon was undercut by the use of the rest of the women in the film and the fact that her first film appearance is as a "glorified cameo" in Batman's Superman film.

    That was a bit wordier than I had meant it to be, but my point is that the subtlety of anti-woman works because it works on a subliminal level. You see it all around day-to-day in how they're portrayed in all forms of media, what's marketed to them and how it's marketed, how they're treated in the workplace, and so many other instances and don't even question it as anti-women, but violence is virtually always blatant and obvious. (Same thing for racism, but that's not the topic at hand).
    It reminds me of something I read about women in comic books:
    Meninists say it's okay for superheroines to be dressed overtly sexualized and scantily dressed because the male counterparts are drawn overtly muscular, handsome, and badass. The thing is: those are both male fantasies.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Mar 29, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Boy Wonder
    Just watched BvS. I liked it.
    I still like Snyder, but I still think he's not meant for Superman films.
    Whatever genre of film he wanted to make was not the one he ended up making it. Those scene-transitions were just...horribly non-existent.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Mar 28, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Boy Wonder
    Just finished Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare, the newest Shadowhunters novel less than ten minutes ago. Maybe it was the length of time that's passed since I've last read one of her works, but the writing style seemed a bit different. Not necessarily in a bad way; though the way she writes love scenes are still so damn passionate and artful. Really enjoyed it and it actually taught me a good method for writing characters.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Mar 28, 2016 in forum: Literature
  6. Boy Wonder
    Misty must be Team Iron Man
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Mar 27, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Boy Wonder
    Ugh. I thought DC's Rebirth would save me money, but that doesn't seem likely.
    But can we please not let Brett Booth near team books?
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Mar 27, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Boy Wonder
    Refusing to go see the film til I catch up on homework.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Mar 27, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Boy Wonder
  10. Boy Wonder
  11. Boy Wonder
    Several times. Smallville will always have a place in my heart... As will Justin Hartley
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Mar 22, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Boy Wonder
    Name: Kyra Blackthorn & Tox
    Sex: Female
    Age: 34
    Species: Setesh & Ryve
    Appearance: Kyra Blackthorn
    Rank: Lieutenant Commander
    Division: Engineer
    Bio: Always the hands-on type, Kyra knew her calling was in engineering. She initially had trouble with the machinations of of ships, but her Ryve companion, Tox, helped her understand it. Tox is slightly more active in Kyra's life than other Ryve are with their Setesh. Though it still lacks most emotional capacity, Tox seems to get some sort of twisted enjoyment out of causing Kyra to say or do something unintentionally like using the completely wrong word in a sentence. Kyra may be the host and the actual Coalition officer, but Tox has a high respect for the Coalition's ships, virtually worshiping them, as the Ryve sees the ships as hosts to their symbotic crew: one can't survive without the other. The Ouranos is Kyra's and Tox's second ship and Kyra suspects Tox is slightly bitter about leaving their last one... well as bitter as Ryve could be.
    Other: [Optional.]

    Name: Relaganos "Rel" Gavi
    Sex: Male
    Age: 139
    Species: Varuna
    Appearance: Rel Gavi
    Rank: Lieutenant
    Division: Security
    Bio: Born to a lower branch of a noble Varuna family, Rel always felt out of place with his own people. Though others ignored him in favor of his royal relatives, his cousins always treated him as one of their own. However, a tragic incident in his "teenage" years caused him to be exiled from his home community. Not wanting to make a home with other Varuna, he enrolled in the Coalition Corps Academy three years ago. A volatile anger made a great fighter and -though he's refused to kill due to the Varuna respect of life- successfully became a Security officer. After getting a position on the ship of his choice, he found out that he's been transferred to the Ouranos under Captain Altius.
    Other: Rel carries two swords in tight-fitting wooden sheaths. He rarely unsheaths them and instead wields them completely sheathed as he has an aversion to killing. However, drastic enough situations could cause him to unsheath them.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Mar 22, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Boy Wonder
    I remember being so confused at first when I first saw this (before I was aware that dubbing and editing was a thing). I thought the threat was that he was going to jam his fingers into his skull.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Mar 21, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Boy Wonder
    Would've responded earlier, but I was part of a wedding this weekend and my mind's been all over the place!
    Looks good~ What did the teacher teach him, though? It doesn't seem like it's the use of Crossover since he didn't join RDB until afterwards.
    Crossover Medals look good. I'm not entirely sure what Matoi Kasane Method does. Looks like he's faster and stronger? Looking at the wiki page, he can summon other yokai? If he does that, his Genre will be in control of them, but everything else seems fine~

    Your character looks good, though you can get one more Medal; Beginner's limit is three Medals. I'm curious as to what strange abilities she has; can you PM me a little info about them?

    Something I didn't mention earlier, but while using someone's Crossover Medal, you get all their skills and abilities (so Teliana looks like she'll have really good swordsmanship in either form) as well as any and all weakness. The upside to this is that it applies only while they're in that form. To use Teliana as an example again, if she uses too much blood while using Hemokinesis, exiting that form or going into another one will instantly get her back to normal. There may be a moment of unbalance, extreme discomfort, or recovery as the user's body readjusts to being back to normal, though. That only applies to weaknesses from the Crossover Medals, though. Any injury or ill effects from anything else, even if it was only received because of the weakness, still stays (Teliana won't be paralyzed if she changes out of Dragon Eyes, but if someone had cut her because she was paralyzed, she'd still have that cut after changing).
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Mar 21, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Boy Wonder
    Thankfully, the missus isn't wanting kids at least for another fiveish years.
    I'm in no rush at all.
    Her family's always asking about when we're having kids and my response is usually "we can barely afford two cats and a puppy."
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Mar 21, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Boy Wonder
    So my puppy was running around presumably chasing my roommate's dog when I heard a crash. It looked like he had ran across my laptop's charger, pulled it, and caused my laptop to hit the ground on the side. The laptop's okay, but I guess it landed on the side and jammed the receiver of my wireless mouse deep into the USB port. I couldn't get it out and the port next to it was turned slightly like the whole thing had been pushed in and it wasn't picking anything up. After messing around with it, I got the rubber guard (the part you grip) and the chip out, but the metal part of the jack is still in. I got a peek inside and it looks like whole chip had actually snapped in half (though it's still almost in place) rendering both ports useless and one of them even moreso since part of a receiver is still inside leaving me with a single working USB port. On top of that, my backup wireless mouse's left button is weird. It doesn't always click and when it does, it sticks. So I'm ordering a 4-port USB hub and a new receiver for my good mouse.

    This puppy is lucky he's cute.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Mar 21, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Boy Wonder
    Our temperature dropped this week, but it's a little higher today. Hopefully it'll warm up some more.

    Post by: Boy Wonder, Mar 21, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Boy Wonder
    What did you think the T stood for?
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Mar 17, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Boy Wonder
    Thanks, guys.
    She said yes!
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Mar 14, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Boy Wonder
    So I'm proposing in a few minutes
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Mar 14, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone