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  1. Boy Wonder
    I feel like I'm hitting on everyone I try to befriend
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Apr 9, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Boy Wonder
    So Gerard Way is getting his own imprint at DC.
    I'm kind of okay with this.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Apr 7, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Boy Wonder

    i i i i i

    Post by: Boy Wonder, Apr 7, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Boy Wonder
    Rel kept his grip on the drunk as the young woman stomped on him and released herself. Though his grip was loose, he didn't lose hold. The moment she was free and the drunk took a step toward her, Rel was instantly between them, his grip tightening. In one fluid movement, he placed his foot between the man's feet, crouched, and pulled the man over his body as he spun and straightened out, dropping the man on his back. Rel stood up, placing a foot on the man's chest. His heartbeat stayed steady throughout the whole ordeal. "I may not be a superior officer, but," he turned around, seeing the bar's security moving toward them, "I believe that's a demerit." As the bouncers grabbed the patron and hauled him away, Rel turned to the female officer. He pointed to the red bands on his uniform. "Security Division," he noted. "Also, security here." He pointed back inside. "Even though I am no longer working here until I return from my deployment, I apologize for that patron, ma'am."

    "Captain Altius?" Kyra asked as she approached the Captain. As soon as she was close enough, she stood straight and saluted. "Engineering Lieutenant Commander Kyra Blackthorn, reporting for duty!" She held the hand to her head. Even though she technically reported earlier, that was just a formality as she needed entrance to the ship for personal inspection. Now it was time to officially report for her position. "It will be an honor to serve under you as part of the Ouranos -Yes, it will be, hush-. You will be happy to hear that the ship has passed every official inspection by the Coalition, our own Engineers, and an extra one by myself -Of course you helped- with flying colors," she kept her salute as she spoke, knowing her rank (though not waiting for permission to speak). Her platinum hair was tied into a tight ponytail -its "currently busy with engineering stuff" look- and she was ready to let it down. "If I can speak freely, it is a grand ship -shut up, yes it is- and I cannot wait to see it in action."
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Apr 7, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Boy Wonder

    i i i i i

    You know what's a great band?
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Apr 7, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Boy Wonder
    I like it! I've been thinking about using someone from RWBY, but I haven't been able to choose one.
    @CrownMoksha @Magick Still wondering what your characters were taught (MoK) and can do (Magick)
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Apr 7, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Boy Wonder

    i i i i i kids and your emo
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Apr 6, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Boy Wonder

    I don't know, I recommend it for everything.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Apr 6, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Boy Wonder
    That in itself is the complete opposite of how most black men are stereotyped. Way to go, Square.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Apr 6, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Boy Wonder
    What kind of argument is that? It isn't an impossibility that Obama secretly sent them a letter requesting that they do or otherwise he isn't getting laid tonight but that doesn't mean that that is also a legitimate possibility. The only evidence is going by what's actually been said, shown, and done and from what I can tell (feel free to correct me as I don't know Blizzard's track record on this type of issue) goes against any ulterior feminist or PR motive. Your argument and those who are coming up with similar ones is silly because you're coming up with it for the sake of coming up with it. You said it yourself, there is no evidence that what you said is the case, but you still think it's a possibility because you want to find some ulterior motive and, for some reason, you're implicating blame on feminist pressure. It can't just be that they're doing it for the reason they said, there has to be some pressure (there isn't) that they caved into (they didn't) and you're automatically putting the blame on some "anti-sex" crowd.

    The GamerGate crowd is the type of people who would project their own insecurities onto a company's decision. Is it the exact same people involved? Irrelevant; it's the same mentality.
    No, it didn't open up dialogue because they were considering changing it anyway. They didn't do it to avoid bad press, they did it because they were already thinking about it. Maybe they did it now instead of later because of the person's comment; that's not avoid bad press, that's just another reason to change it.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Apr 5, 2016 in forum: Gaming
  11. Boy Wonder

    i i i i i

    You kids and your screamo
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Apr 5, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Boy Wonder
    There is absolutely no evidence for either of these points and it seems like you're just projecting your own thoughts onto them to make the company fit your narrative. Yes, "one could argue" literally whatever, but no evidence points to one not being mentioned due to her inhumanity or the company trying to have its cake and eat it. You are subjectively coming up with justification over faux outrage.

    There was no pressure on Blizzard from what I've seen just more reason to do what they were already considering doing. Pressure implies it was something they were adverse to doing.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Apr 5, 2016 in forum: Gaming
  13. Boy Wonder
    "No one dies, but it's cool to grab their neck with a chain, pull them over the railing, and drop them on their back on a set of stairs two flights down."
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Apr 4, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Boy Wonder
    The Varuna are often said to walk on land how fish swim in water, but Relaganos was different. The Security officer moved more like water itself -quickly, silently, and fluidly- as he moved through the crowd. Due to his species' biology, he felt the vibration of the music around him within his bones much more than those actually enjoying the music. His eyes were narrowed, a bit sensitive to the changing neon lights. Though the club was crowded, Rel effortlessly moved without making physical contact with anyone else. Unless one knew what to look for, Rel's movements were indiscernible from anyone dancing. As such, he moved from the office to the exit in one gallant trip, like the flow of a current.
    He wasn't there for enjoyment -Rel was far too serious for that- but for employment. The Lieutenant was a semi-recent graduate of the Coalition Corps Academy. He had successfully applied to be a Security Officer on the ship in which he trained -the Mendes- and should have been three months in to his first space voyage. That is, until he found out he was reassigned to the Ouranos' maiden voyage. He wasn't bitter about the decision -the inconvenience coupled with his excellent Academy scores resulted in an immediate officer position- but he ended up with three months of free time. So he got a job. It wasn't much of one, mostly security but the occasional custodial or maintenance task, really whatever his boss needed. Now that it was time to officially leave as a Coalition officer, Rel had asked his boss if he could continue to work there whenever he was off duty. As that was a routine deal for Coalition officers, there was the appropriate paperwork to file. So here he was, just having signed his official Permanent Off-Duty Employment Form 14b.
    And of course, because the universe had some form of a sense of humor, as soon as he clocked out on his "last" day, he realized he wasn't done working security. Spotting the drunk getting a bit too handy with a uniformed officer, Rel stepped between them and gently placed a hand on the drunk's arm. Keeping the "Bouncer" air on for a few more minutes, Rel told him, "I'm blue and I'd like to dance with you more than she does." He said it gently and nodded to the female Varuna before adding in a very serious voice, "And I do not want to dance with you at all."

    "And...that...does it!" A collective sigh punctuated the statement as Lieutenant Commander Blackthorn stepped away from the door. The three Engineer ensigns that accompanied her nodded and one grabbed the device from Kyra as another held a card to the door's panel. A single quick whoosh and the door was open. "See? No more squeaking. Now I know this may seem like it's a bit too tedious to worry about a single door's hinges on a ship of this size, but as we learned, it wasn't oil that the door needed." She pointed to the device in the Ensign's hand, "Instead, a magnetic tightening of a loose screw. Tedious, yes, but one loose screw inside a sliding door could become a screw lost inside the wall," she tapped on the metal, "and then a jammed door. As Engineers, we take no chances with our ships. Understood?" After confirming their understanding, Kyra dismissed them. She had taken two Ensigns from the Ouranos and one who was visiting from another ship and checked the Ouranos from top to bottom back to top (minus the areas the Ensigns were forbidden to enter) and checked every single thing after the Ouranos' Engineering officers had already completed all of their checks. Of course, they either missed this door or simply didn't care.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Apr 4, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Boy Wonder
    I wouldn't use the former as evidence for the latter.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Apr 3, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Boy Wonder
    It's not "getting censored" if they chose to fix it themselves
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Apr 2, 2016 in forum: Gaming
  17. Boy Wonder
    In the second episode, you can see my place of work in the background of a shot (well, one location of our company).
    It was weird for me.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Apr 1, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Boy Wonder
    I agree entirely and that's why I haven't done it myself. Now plenty of creators are able to do it; hell, Bendis lives in Cali and Sara Pichelli in Italy and she doesn't speak English and they're able to work together real well....but for a group of amateurs to do it? I'm really hesitant to try it. Seems riskier
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Mar 30, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Boy Wonder
    I'd like to mention how I like this current conversation switching seamlessly between feminism and critique of the BvS film lol.
    Don't apologize for your opinion unless you think it's actually offending someone.
    Also, and this is on a much more personal note, I don't understand what it is with you wanting to avoid sharing your opinion, then sharing it while talking about how you probably shouldn't because it'd be controversial or something. Just something I noticed that leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

    Sexuality is fine, but when it comes to females (and don't get me wrong, I see a lot of chick-flicks do it with men, but the issue is how overwhelmingly it's used to market females to males), it tends to reduce them to only their sexuality. I'll concede that individual instances these days aren't as bad as they've been, but when you look at the history of it, it's there and subtle and it's a result of an anti-woman history that people try to hide. It's like racism: it's institutionalized and it's almost always subliminal. Drug laws are overwhelmingly used against African-Americans and the history of Blacks in America have led the laws to be manufactured towards "drugs in general," but the target is almost always low-income Blacks who, because of a much more racist history, are in the place they are now. Does that mean the lawyers and cops are running around yelling the N-word everywhere? Of course not. Most of them aren't racist at all and are probably damn good and moral people, but they're a part of an institutionalized system that has racism [and social warfare] subtly integrated throughout it. Sexism is the same thing. It's not a singular trend that you only see in one industry, it's an omni-present trend that's found virtually everywhere and most people don't even see it consciously and it becomes a norm to them.
    Good for you. Glad you treat women with respect. I try as well whether it's my fiance, my kid sister, my mother, or my employees. But here's the thing: How you and I treat women individually doesn't amount to ****. Were you one of the attackers during GamerGate? I'm willing to bet not, but that doesn't erase the fact that women were horribly, unfairly, and viciously attacked just for being women with opinions in a male-dominated industry. Doesn't matter if you or I had anything to do with it, but it's evidence that there is an anti-women sentiment. Like Haya (or was it Misty?) said before, I can't speak for Blizzard's [or anyone else, really] creative vision, but in this particular case, from what I've personally read about the whole fiasco, showing a character's ass is not and was never their artistic vision to begin with and they're fixing it to better align the character with their vision.
    Hell, look at the whole outcry is actually about: we can't see the outline of a character's ass anymore. That's it. That's the whole issue. We could before and now we can't and people are pissed about it. Is it all men? No, I'm sure there are female players (or non-playing but opinionated spectators) who think that Blizzard is taking away a form of empowerment away from Tracer. That's all fine. But the overwhelming majority of the outcry, from what I can see, is people mad that they're "censoring" a singular character's ass."
    You saying LoL (if I'm understanding the undertone correctly) has not affected how you treat women isn't entirely relevant because LoL is a prime example of treating women like sexual objects (maybe. I don't play LoL and never have, but I'm going from your comment of what it's filled to the brim with). My point is that if it does affect how you treat women, it's on a much more subtle and subconscious level due to society around you doing the same thing. In addition, it's not exactly how these things makes you (or anyone) treat women, but how it makes you think of them. It's the whole "friend zone," "nice guys" thing for instance. Now you may never have had a sexist thought at all, even one you didn't even know was sexist, then good for you. But a few good apples do not erase the issue.
    Exactly. No one can, but there is a point where that group is trying to speak for themselves as a group and their opinion gets brushed aside. And it usually gets brushed aside by deflection.
    For example: "Black Lives Matter!" "No, All Lives Matter." I'll let anyone reading this apply it to the current topic themselves, but there was something I've seen before that said #AllLivesMatter is like sitting down for dinner and seeing a delicious cake and everyone but you gets a slice so you say "I think I deserve a piece of cake" only to have your dad say, "Well, everyone deserves a piece of cake." Which is a good sentiment in itself, but it was kind of your point to begin with.

    Same. Someone in one of my classes suggested going to artistic communities (there are some Facebook pages they suggested but I can't remember them) like DeviantArt since you might find someone who can draw, but doesn't have something to draw. We should cowrite something sometime.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Mar 30, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Boy Wonder
    Okay, here we go:
    I mean, aren't things like that expected during betas? I don't play betas ever so I can't speak for the actual changes companies tend to make between betas and the actual releases and I have absolutely not followed Overwatch (though the gifs I see around do seem really ****ing awesome) so my opinion means jack ****, but isn't it plausible that they had this one thing during the beta and after it's been seen so many times and Blizzard themselves seeing in play so often, maybe they just felt like it didn't work and actually agreed with the feedback and decided to change it.
    I understand the logic here and -in most cases- agree with it. But with this specific instance, it seems highly impractical. Giving one character an option for a different victory pose? Especially a pose that apparently "doesn't fit the character." Now, to reiterate: I haven't followed Overwatch so I don't know how customizable these characters are, if they're completely customizable like MMORPG characters or if they actually have relevant backstories and personality traits. If they're blank slates and the characters are highly customizable, then sure, an option for all characters to choose a victory pose may work (I remember DCUO let you choose a "personality" trait which was really just how your character stood). But to keep a view of a female character's wedgie as an option just seems unnecessary.
    What's the issue exactly with them doing it now because of the post as opposed to doing it later for altruistic reasons? I think they had to publicize it at least to make respond to the feedback; if they did it silently, then it'd go unnoticed for too long and they would have to deal with the negativity of a pose that didn't exist anymore. Though I agree with you with options being taken away sucking (though I'm probably not as against it as you since some options shouldn't be there anyway), from what I understand, it was never an option to begin with. It was one thing and now it's another altogether. The choice wasn't there to begin with.

    Depends which headlines you're reading, honestly. Also, I agree with what Misty said about conversations about feminism conversations being derailed. Not that you're doing it now, mind you, just that topics of misogyny are topics of misogyny and other unrelated topics don't belong in that specific discussion. I absolutely loathe how much airtime the Kardashians and their ilk get; I wouldn't go to a thread about their clothing lines to talk about how we should talk more about politics and not them.

    I'm a little biased because Smallville's version is to date, my absolute favorite and I think Erica Durance set the bar high for her portrayal, but after some getting used to, I did like Amy Adams as her if we would have had more of her actually doing Lois stuff. But she was the female lead in BvS and what the hell did she do there?
    Yeah. Don't get me wrong, I could have taken or given Mercy as a character. I would have really preferred to keep her with a damn good role, but if she was just reduced to a normal assistant, then fine.
    Not saying her role specifically was sexist or misogynistic. Originally, I thought she was going to be a political antagonist, but she was far more reasonable in the film than I expected. However, she was set up to be Now one can argue that Lex himself is misogynistic and what I've been saying was supposed to be a way to subtly show that, but that didn't come across as that at all. Every scene Finch was in, the focus was on her reaction to Lex and Superman. The female senator could have been a legitimate ally or antagonist to either Lex or Superman and was instead reduced to Lex's stepping stone. Alone, it wouldn't be a big deal, but it's enhanced by the way the other women were portrayed.

    Agreed. "Glorified cameo" is what they called it and that's what it was. It was handled poorly. The Superman/Lois scene should have been
    Lois getting the spear to Wonder Woman without almost drowning.
    That would have solved two problems right there. I'm guessing we're on the same page about what I said regarding Wonder Woman's feminism icon status and how it was handled poorly since you didn't counter it?
    I gave my opinion earlier in this post, but originally I didn't since, like I said, I haven't kept up with Overwatch and I felt like my opinion itself wasn't well-informed enough to share. Regardless, I've now said it. I'd like to add that it isn't necessarily degrading in this instance (in my opinion), but it's highly intensified by how often the "wedgie" look is used elsewhere where it's completely impractical and unnecessary and literally just there to show that the character has an ass. That is the whole point of the feature: "this character has an ass."
    In other instances, it's highly unnecessary and a bad artistic choice that I think gets made because the artist/creator doesn't see it as emphasizing a backside because they're so used to seeing it. Either women are wearing yoga pants or they have wedgies that are never noticed.

    Honestly, I would have much rather they went with the concept of a femJimmy than what they actually did to both Jenny and Jimmy.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Mar 30, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone