So I'm thinking about creating another RP, but I'm stuck on exactly which idea to flesh out. I figured I could see what seems the most interesting to people here and make my decision based on that. I've got a few ideas: A tournament-style RP that's sci-fi based. Something like a Mecha-Battling RP, Racing (jets? Robots a la IGPX/Immortal Grand Prix?) Something like a handler/fighter relationship like Medabots?) Something like this makes me lean more towards Mecha Battling, but I'm not entirely sold on this idea. This could be either OC based, based off of an existing material (or several for a Crossover), or a mixture. A tournament-style RP that's fantasy inspired. Something like this would definitely have a class system (Knight, Monk, Archer, etc.) that wouldn't play too heavily into the RP and be that much of a big deal; I just like class systems. There would be a magic system. This one would probably strictly OC, but the classes and magic system would be broad, likely taking them from Final Fantasy. As for the tournament itself, it could be something as simple as a fight but would likely be more complicated (something akin to Hunger Games?) Possibly a revamped version of this Harry Potter RP. The original idea meant for elements from other popular young adult series like Hunger Games, Shadowhunters, and possibly Divergent and maybe certain others. There are different ways to do this. Originally, it was strictly Harry Potter, but certain items and terms from the other series would be included. There's another way I thought of where it's the Harry Potter world, but the Triwizard Tournament itself is replaced with something more akin to the Hunger Games (or some kind of merger between the two) and maybe...Shadowhunters are competing against Wizards? There's a way to merge the mythologies of the two into a cohesive story, I just haven't put the effort into it yet (don't want to get ahead of myself). This would be OC based (historical figures and possibly authority figures from the series are still there, but not the main characters). A streamlined (see: fewer characters) version of this Nintendo crossover RP. Some kind of Dissidia-like RP, but using Nintendo properties. Theoretically, it could turn into a Super Smash Brothers RP or be expanded to include other properties somehow. In other words, a crossover RP based on popular video game series. Pokemon x Digimon Crossover RP. Not 100% sure exactly what to do with this, but there are a few ways: Combine the universes into one so Digimon and Pokemon have always coexisted or -what I'm leaning towards- some event happens that smashes the two universes together and the characters have to fix it. This would be OC based. I've thought about including other similar properties, but I don't know many of them like this (Yokai Watch? Puzzles and Dragons?). OC-based Similar to #5, someone once suggested a kind of creature and master version of other series. Taking Final Fantasy for example, but instead of Pokemon/Digimon, the characters are partnered with domesticated (and smaller/weaker) versions of Summons and monsters. Kingdom Hearts, but with Heartless, Unversed, Nobodies, etc. being the creatures. I'm not too fond of this idea, but regardless, I had the idea anyway from brainstorming romhacks. OC-based or with existing characters or both. A Power Rangers RP. Either with an original idea, one of the existing series, a crossover between the series, or a crossover between series with new OC rangers included. Any tournament centered RP would not be stats based or predetermined. I'd let Role-Players work it out in-story and only intervene when necessary. And the tournament itself won't be the whole story, either. There would be plenty of room for a story and character moments. I've thought about doing a tournament with teams, but that would require either several Role-Players or several characters per Role-Players. Depending on interest, I'll keep my mind open for this. So...any thought, ideas?
I had similar ideas for both of these! Maybe telling you what I thought of might give you a bit of inspiration? KH/Star Wars sounds like a good mix. There are two ways to do it (well two ways easier than others). One is to keep the overall atmosphere of KH and the tone and mechanics and all that and simply have it take place in a Star Wars world. That alone branches off into a few different possibilities: The Star Wars world is one of many, like in the actual games. Why are the characters here? Do any Star Wars characters travel with the KH characters? Which Star Wars setting exactly (original trilogy, prequels, Force Awakens, one of the animated series?) The Star Wars world is the main universe with no branched off worlds like Disney worlds (you could theoretically change these to be a Star Wars-like planet. Hm, that sounds like a great fanfic idea). The Force and Keyblades lore are two separate mythologies (Jedi or Keybearer? Could you be both? Could a Dark Keybearer be a Jedi and could a Sith be a Keybearer of Light?) Another way to go about it is with the second option above, but combine the Keyblade lore with the Jedi lore. Instead of Lightsabers, Jedi use Keyblades (Lightblades? Keysabers?) Organization XIII in place of the Sith, s,tuff like that. @Captain Arch and I did something similar by mixing Final Fantasy with Games of Thrones (see: Some mythologies do go real well together; Star Wars and Kingdom Hearts may have that potential if done right. Also, these can be done as canon as possible or strictly OC or a mix of both. As for a strictly OC Harry Potter idea, you could always take the history of the Harry Potter world and then use OCs in any specific time frame instead of canon characters. I did it with Harry's story ( It was the exact same world as the books, but everyone from Dumbledore/Voldemort's generation to Harry's didn't exist. Same history, magics, and everything, but all OCs. My story itself was centered around the Triwizard Tournament and the Chamber of Secrets (how would those two go if there was no Dark War or Voldemort?). Something similar to that would be interesting. You could also do something like the new Fantastic Beasts film and set a Harry Potter RP in a different region with different rules.
When I was in school, the pedestrians won. As soon as there was a break in traffic, two geniuses would start crossing and then everyone else was like "**** it" and followed so cars had to stop to avoid hitting 30+ people
Maybe we want your overanalysis
As the engines vroomed, thrummed, and vrrrraahhed, Kyra power-walked from part to part on the engineering deck, double checking all numbers with her officers and triple checking all gauges herself ('check the subordinates' job, check your job, and then Tox checks yours again' she told herself). She made sure to give each Ensign an approving smile (the job required confidence and as their Lieutenant Commander, giving it to them was a part of her job description). Finally, she stopped in front of the Aether Drive, her eyes lost in its light. It was beautiful, a technological wonder, and gave her a sense of impossibility just being in its presence. Sighing to herself, she pulled a small device; it was simply a a screen with a golden frame around it and a small panel on the back. She held it over a similar panel near the Aether Drive's control center. There was a quick infrared flash and her own device flashed to life. Aether Drive at 100% Efficiency. No Further Inspection Necessary. The words flashed across the screen twice before fading into black. According to her superiors, the "Aether Monitor" would alert her if the drive had any issue, even so much as a speck of dust in the wrong place. At which point, she was to contact Coalition Intelligence who would take care of the problem. These Aether Drives were...something else. "Our job is not being replaced by machines" She mumbled, not sure if she was reassuring Tox or herself. Setting the Aether Monitor in her pocket, Kyra turned around and saluted the rest of the Engineers. "Great job, everyone! Just because it's a brand new ship doesn't mean accidents can't happen at launch. If this kind of vigilance is the kind Captain Altius can expect from Ouranos Engineers, then we're in good hands yes I'll keep an eye on everything. I'm going to log our numbers into the main system. Man your stations and keep an ear out for loose screws no, you're a few screws loose!" She ended her salute (noticing a few raised eyebrows) and finally let down her hair, platinum locks falling behind her. She gave the Aether Drive one last look and then moved toward the elevator. Rel had thanked the Captain, but he did not head towards the VR Room. As a Security officer, the Varuna was tasked with the safety of his crew. Need a bodyguard for a Commander while meeting with another party? Rel was the man for that. Need some muscle to protect a scouting crew in a mysterious environment? Rel trained for that job. Need someone to "stand security" aboard the ship during flight? That wasn't active enough for Rel. Fortunately for the rest the crew, Security Division had a secret: intelligence was just as important as muscle. Rel walked towards his destination, he made a mental note of every detail of the ship, memorizing what every door led to (remind himself to make an inventory of what could be found in every non-dormitory room later on) and where any air shafts, hidden areas, and even one-way window was located. Of course, he wouldn't retain all of that information immediately, but he had to be aware of his surroundings. Next step after that? Be aware of everyone in his surroundings. He understood that those responsibilities belonged more to the Lieutenant Commander of the Security Division (Rel made another mental note to report to his direct superior later on, before the division's first meeting), but Rel was eager to prove his worthiness. Finding the weapons room (well, one of them according to his map), he flashed his clearance to the Ensign guarding it -the irony that he should have been in that position if not for being transferred to the Ouranos did not escape him- and walked inside. After a few minutes of studying the contents, Rel located the Pyres. After deciding on two, he strapped one to his belt and hid the other one within a boot. He also grabbed a smaller device resembling a small, cylindrical remote while musing to himself about the Trem-Blade's capabilities. Before he left, he added his own two katana to the ship's inventory and swiped his badge to check out the weapons he had chosen. Nodding to the saluting Ensign as he left, Rel decided to head toward the bridge with a singular visible Pyre on his belt.
That's all the confirmation I need for Tommy.
I haven't played Unchained since I downloaded it.
I love The Batman. Never got around to seeing the final season, though.
My fiancee and I bought a new car (2014 Hyundai Sonata) on Friday. I was already going to be an hour late for work (someone was staying later for me), but we still had to get it registered and put on my fiancee's insurance, as well as put me on the insurance. The person staying an hour later for me had plans and couldn't stay an extra hour even though I offered her 20 bucks so the missus had to get it registered and insured without me. Of course, they couldn't put me on her insurance without me being physically present with my license and other info. Due to her being in class the entire time their office is open, we can't go back to get me insured until Wednesday morning. GUYS, THERE IS A BRAND NEW CAR IN MY DRIVE WAY AND I CAN'T ****ING DRIVE IT. well, I drive it around town but not to work since it's 40 minutes away but still
...people liked Karen but not Elektra? That's weird to me.
Did you throw a Pokeball at him
Only two (plus #0) issues in and I am liking Boom! Studios' Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, but...I want something else out of a Power Rangers series. Nothing to replace this one, mind you, but an animated series? Kind of like an in-universe multi-generational series. I guess kind of like a Marvel/DC universe but with Power Rangers lore. Start out with MMPR as an original team granted access to the Morphin' Grid -a metaphysical alien power force- by Zordon and later on, branch off: different people accessing it different ways (given access by different mentors?) to become other kinds of Power Rangers.
New clip:
Don't think "wrecked" is the word I would have used in this context
I can't see a whole forum being added just to test minor things like that. Technically speaking, you could always try to recreate it in the Spam Zone. I've seen (and made) "test threads" there for minor coding stuff. Also, staff usually tries to reproduce it themselves when reported, right? I do agree that it would help to be able to reproduce it beforehand, but I don't think the few bugs we have warrant a whole section (that's actually a good thing, in my opinion).
I'm with you on that headcanon, but I'd wager that officially, Marvel didn't mind casting him in a lead role because he only had one scene and one line. For Woodard, I'm assuming that she was cast by two departments near-simultaneously and her MCU role was considered too minor for it to affect her Netflix visibility (or one role led to her getting the other). However, I'm assuming that her role is pretty much Miriam Sharpe's from the Civil War comics: she loses her child in the incident and becomes the face of superhero registration. For the film, if it is a minor one scene role, I'm going to assume that instead of becoming the face of superhero accountability, Iron Man sees her (or is confronted by her) as she talks about her child's death and that's what influences him to be on the government's side. Now, there is still a chance that her roles are one and the same (Maybe she was vacationing in Sokovia or moved from there to New York after losing her kid?) and that would give a decent backstory (as well as a connection to the film). It wouldn't have to be touched on too much by Luke Cage, but what if her politician takes a cue from Daredevil S2 and takes an anti-vigilante role due to her role in Civil War.[DOUBLEPOST=1460399905][/DOUBLEPOST]Netflix Defenders to start filming this year according to Charlie Cox who hasn't heard anything about an official season 3 for Daredevil.
Kyra marveled at the Ouranos beside her captain. Her posture relaxed slightly and she sighed. "Indeed they are." She stayed silent for a moment, running through a check-list in her head with Ryve. "Oh! I need to make sure I didn't forget any of my tools! Shut up, you're the tool If you'll excuse me, Captain Altius," she gave a farewell salute and marched into the ship, mumbling to herself about magnetic screwdrivers, gravitational adjusters, and digital aroma scanners. Rel wore a headscarf that was usually kept unraveled around his neck. Those who didn't know many Varunas assumed it was a cultural thing. In actuality, it was a comfort thing. As someone who studied security --particular non-lethal-- Rel learned certain fighting styles. The one that suited him the most was based on stealth, quick attacks, and flexibility. His mentor had called it "Faux-Assassin" as the style was used by assassins, but Rel meant to use it as protection of his crew, not the plotted murder of another. The headscarf, originally an experiment, became something Rel was comfortable wearing. He often adjusted it subconsciously when he was anxious. Now was one of those times. He tightened it around his neck, lifting it slightly as he followed the other Varuna. "I am actually leaving for my deployment today, though judging by the direction you are going," he nodded towards the dock which they were nearing, "I would assume so are you." As they reached the docking area for the Ouranos, his lips arched into a slight smile. "It looks like we are crewmates." He stopped in front of the Captain, stood at attention, and saluted. "Lieutenant Relaganos Gavi, reporting for security duty, Captain."
I'm really excited for this; I love Cloak and Dagger. I wouldn't be too surprised if this was the first of a new set of series for the MCU. We have the films sub-universe, the Netflix sub-universe, the Agents of SHIELD sub-universe (though it's the only property within, it's slowly expanding at least with Most Wanted), and maybe a new one with Cloak and Dagger. All part of one big expansive universe, but each one has its on set of continuity that rarely -if ever- spills directly into one another. The big superheroics in the films, the gritty street level stuff on Netflix, the spy/"other-corners-of-the-marvel-world" on ABC, and the...something else with Cloak and Dagger. Maybe more street level stuff, but less gritty and more flashy (along with your typical teenage drama).
While both descriptions may still fit the same character, I wouldn't be too surprised if she was simply playing two roles AS LONG AS her Civil War role is very minor. Like a singular scene where she's the focus (as opposed to the same role in the comics who popped a few times). The guy who plays Souza in Agent Carter also had a role in Avengers, after all, as a cop with a single line.