That was supposed to be endearing but I just realized I wrote "with" instead of "without."
AFTER THE WEDDING. The bands are locked away somewhere safe until then. I MEANT TO BUT THEN I GOT HIGH. Our AC broke and this heat has me motivated me to just lie here and die slowly instead of actually doing anything[DOUBLEPOST=1466392046][/DOUBLEPOST] Would watch this but she's asleep near me and my headphones are somewhere not here so...I'll just agree. QUICK, WHAT ARE THE THREE RINGS OF MARRIAGE?
We might as well have been dead with you
Glad to see another RPer on the site!
Got our wedding bands today~
Sideways is the motorcycle, if we're talking about Armada.
Wow, new owner. Awesome. Welcome to the community officially. Can't wait to see some of the changes in action.
I remember when my dorm got those. I had to get a job because of that.
In less than a month, I'm going to be married. Married.
Watching that new Voltron show and for some reason, I'm wanting to watch Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce, Go! again.
Sounds similar to mine. I go in with my budget of 50 bucks (thank god for my discount). I leave with 70 dollars of the current week's release, 20 dollars of the previous week's releases, and probably another 7 issues of a series I didn't want to keep up with originally but am now all over.
Do not make me hit you with my Invincible Vol. 1.
I felt like posting here.
I'm sure there's a way using Constantine but I kind of just want Jensen Ackles to play an evil Barry now.
Catching up on Supernatural. Teenage Dean looks like Grant Gustin.
Square will be producing more copies of the Ultimate Collector's Edition They may not be ready in time for the release, though but they'll try to help that.
do this
Okay, so I had a character sheet for a character and I forgot to save it. We'll be starting in a few days after I get the character filled back out. Once we officially start (when I make the first post), I'll post the list of worlds we will be visiting here and we can choose which world to go to first and move on from there~