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  1. *TwilightNight*
  2. *TwilightNight*
  3. *TwilightNight*
  4. *TwilightNight*
  5. *TwilightNight*
  6. *TwilightNight*
  7. *TwilightNight*
  8. *TwilightNight*
  9. *TwilightNight*
  10. *TwilightNight*
  11. *TwilightNight*
  12. *TwilightNight*
    Larxene stopped from trying to create a portal, in conjunction to Axel's words. She somehow expected something to go wrong with the fact that they were all trapped here. Luck was lacking. But indeed, she did think Axel was ******ed enough not to try this, and he didn't bother to say anything. Not to mention that it should be confirmation to the rest in case the question was ever asked. She wasn't disappointed as her ticket out of here easily was trampled on. It just showed her, and everyone, how the serial killer already had them stuck and had messed with the Corridors of Darkness, proving her words more thoroughly. Sick geniuses, they were. Nobody seemed to take this seriously. At least Xioimara agreed with her, and noticed the danger. But she was female, so she predicted that common sense will be ingrained in the genes, unlike the others. She had ignored Axel's previous shout otherwise, and let him realize his lack of leadership skills, not really caring what was twisting in his ass. She was tired of him, and he was getting on her nerves. What she was aware of was that there was no way out. Well, there was, as they had exits. But she doubted that if she said anything about them heading towards it as a whole group, and getting outside sources as she had said, they will go with separating still. And if she went out on it alone, it was a high possibility that she was made to be a target. It was only the cardinal rule. Something which Axel wasn't following as he suddenly decided to be some macho, and leave them. Oh, how manly. She had only noticed because she found the room getting darker, and her gaze turned to his retreating back with a displeased expression. The reality had sunken in on her: she was to stay with them. It was foolish to head off by one's self, as aforementioned. And with whatever the "group" agreed to do, whether to make an exit or go get the power back on, or find the serial killer that would never be found unless he wished it so, she had to go along regardless of her opinion on the matter. And it wasn't a positive one. "Guess we're stuck together."

    Her voice was laced with exasperated, dirty undertones, as her lips curled in dissatisfaction at the prospect, obviously getting through that she wasn't happy with the situation. Not that she had been in the first place since she got inducted into the Organization. And as if to add in why she felt that way, Demyx chose right on cue to be moronic by summoning his Sitar, and believing that they were suddenly going into a phase of Kumbaya. Her patience was tried again. Sometimes...she really wondered. As Axel was off having his way, though, she took it upon herself to provide the light that was slowly missing. She hated it, but she needed to see at best, for her sake. Reluctantly, and sighing dramatically, there was a low crackle heard, and feelings of vibrations, before the outline of her body glowed with a bright white-blue, along sparks of yellow, that expanded throughout the vicinity. It lit up vibrantly the whole entire space clearly, almost as if the real lights were back on, being electricity, and she watched as her cloak and hair was slightly floating from the static energy. She frowned, feeling like a light bulb in the process. She was debating whether to stay here, or go her own path, and let them run into whatever they chose to go off to. That would equate to her being alone, which had to be avoidable, but by this point, she didn't give a damn. It wasn't like she was feeling anything else to stop her from doing so. And they would probably be happy not having her there anyway. Or more preferably, her death, so it all worked out in the end. With a bored stare, she eyed them and gave a motion for them to go, crossing her arms after. "You should all do what you want to do now before the red ****** continues walking off."

    - ✖ -​

    Roxas was in a daze, looking far into a wall, but at the same time, not really looking at anything in particular. Or paying attention to something specific. He was used to the rambunctious meetings when they all huddled together like this without Xemnas, and so it was second nature to tune off his ears, and put them on ignore until a conclusion was made under the racket. It was why he didn't really flinch with Axel yelling, not really taking in the words, or anyone's as he continued to lay back on the wall while sitting in his makeshift chair comfortably. So, it wasn't until he noticed the peculiar difference in lighting that he blinked his deep, cobalt eyes, and snapped back down to earth, glancing around in surprise. He finally settled his focus on Axel, who was leaving, and taking the source of whatever light they had with him. He would question what happened, yet, he connected it with the fact that his best friend got irritated with all the exclamations and disagreements, and stormed off. Now, he didn't have memories, and in turn, he couldn't ever see if he had watched a scary movie once in his life as a human. But, he did trust in what Larxene was saying about being alone, and he wasn't feeling very relaxed anymore as the redhead was disappearing. The sound of a voice distracted him, meeting with the annoyed face of the blonde female. He didn't really understand her sometimes. They were certainly...not the best, but he didn't feel like he was cursed for being with all twelve of them. Shaking his head, he hopped off the hospital bed, fixing his cloak before the woman did something that made him pause. His eyes widened at the white blue hue that now enclosed him, having to grimace as he wasn't use to that type of stark brightness ever since he woke up. Rubbing them, he blinked a few times, wondering why Larxene had held off from doing this if she could. Then again, it wasn't really something to question, he supposed. Letting out a breath, he walked off after Axel as Larxene gave another set of words. And before Demyx somehow dragged him into his whole idea of song out of nowhere.

    He didn't really need to think or argue with himself as to who he would side with, and he wasn't put at ease when he thought that his best friend was going to be on his own depending on what the gang chose to do. It wasn't the smartest idea, he was aware of that, and he still wasn't sure if they should separate, but maybe he could help in lowering the...tension. Going pass the doorway, the red haired man wasn't that far at all, so he took a few, small steps to reach him, warily studying his surroundings in caution. "Hey, Axel..."
    Post by: *TwilightNight*, Jul 30, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. *TwilightNight*
  14. *TwilightNight*
  15. *TwilightNight*
    Profile Post

    What do you mean?

    What do you mean?
    Profile Post by *TwilightNight* for Asterisk, Jul 29, 2009
  16. *TwilightNight*
    Roxas looked around, relieved that he didn't have to be concerned about seeing Vexen's butchered body anymore. He gave Lexeaus a smile of thanks, and eyed the now covered corpse of the scientist freely without having to experience anything grotesque. Puddles of blood had stained the sheets crimson, and he could see some outlines of his figure. An uncomfortable growl and twirl of his stomach made him somewhat curl his lips, as if sick, and the lump in his throat didn't help either as he gazed at it for awhile. He could just imagine what would be under there if he got the full blown picture. Shuddering, and looking away quietly, he went over to the hospital bed perched on the side of the wall, where he got the blanket, and he lifted himself up there, sitting, as everyone else decided what to do. Things have been voted on so far, so his opinion wasn't needed. He honestly, while Axel was his best friend, wasn't sure if this was a good idea as well. Yet, no one else was presenting an alternative to go for. Larxene was the first one who disagreed, but, for now, anyway, she was just silently fuming and giving everyone dirty looks as if they were complete numskulls. In fact, she was so tensed that she appeared ready to literally explode with how sharp her eyes were and how tight her face was. Sighing, he stared at the proceedings, seeing Axel shout for Xioimara to come, as she was lost, from what he heard. And soon enough, the girl appeared. Safe and sound. It wasn't good to stay alone. He eyed her for a moment, glad to have someone his age around, and shocked that he had forgotten about her through this. Then again, with everything going on...

    - ✖ -​

    They were all going to die.

    That's the conclusion that infiltrated her mind in the end when everyone finished with their "business", opinions, decisions, and after a certain someone shouted at Xioimara for her to follow his voice: that they were all going to die. And she was stuck with meeting the same fate because she was surrounded by complete and utter idiots. How did she ever find herself with the misfortune of getting into a group of males who were morons, was beyond her understanding. Larxene had blamed, and hated, Xemnas for his obvious low opinion on females and their strength. In fact, she was highly furious that she was the only girl found that had a strong enough Heart to retain human form, compared to the, she didn't know; twelve other damn males in the whole castle! Naturally, the sexism that this represented didn't escape her. And she was in a very serious and bad mood until Xioimara came along. For once in this place, she was quite satisfied that she was not the sole soul who had boobs. Or stuck with imbeciles. Another sane being had joined the ranks. While she was a bit bothered that she wasn't special and unique anymore in being the only female, the truth that there were other Nobodies of her gender remained as a blessing. She didn't really speak to the girl, as she wouldn't be caught dead hanging out with little twerps. But there was at least feminine company who she can rant to. And that small remark on Axel's part of the alarm clock didn't escape her either, and he received the flip of her middle finger for it with an ardent glare. Making certain he witnessed it. That didn't matter, nonetheless. And that was the least of the problems as of presently.

    Those "problems" for her being that not only did Vexen foolishly create a serial killer by doing his damn experimenting all the time, putting them all in danger, and having no lights, but that they will go with Axel's plan. His plan. Separating. And, truthfully, she shouldn't be surprised at the choice they made considering who they were. Yet, ignoring her better judgment, she decided to give the faith that they might have brains and some levels of IQ under those thick heads. Oh, so wrong she was. They were as idiotic as ever. Now that all of the gang was here, while the others were still unconscious, they were going to get picked off one by one to their death. Or at least they will be played with. This was coming from her sadistic point of view and horror movie experience. There was no doubt that if she was the killer, she would have her fun for the pure essence of entertainment. Period. She watched with a heavy frown as they were all getting ready to leave. A loud snarl came from her, her body still leaning against the wall as she eyed them with the most murderous expression. Rather, as if they were all pathetic too. She had never wanted to smack them all as she did now. "So, you're ignoring the warning? Despite that we are Nobodies, and have powers, this is a serial killer. While they are disgusting, and evil, they have a genius and brilliant mind to accomplish things. As sick as it is. They find a way to get rid of us all." Her aqua eyes dilated to dots as she eyed them, raising her voice to a good volume for them to hear, since things have gotten quiet. "I've witnessed it. Everyone thinks it will be all dandy and fine, as we go and fix the lights and whatnot. And that's exactly what the serial killer is waiting for. For us to stupidly go and do it, and plunge to oblivion. Hell, he might be listening to this as we speak. Forget the damn lights for once, or find this guy and take him down, as Axel puts it so eloquently. The thing will not be found unless it wishes to. Let's just get the hell out of here and make an exit, and find outside sources to first get, for awhile, the lights back on to deal with the matters at hand. Or a source that the killer won't get his hands on and turn if off again. Then we can hunt for the serial killer as a whole group, instead of going separate ways. Exploring in the dark is basically signing your Will. I'm telling you people..."

    She didn't know why she was bothering to explain this to a bunch of boulders. It was going to fall on deaf ears no matter what she spewed. She rolled her eyes, scoffing. Yeah. Why was she wasting her time? They outvoted her with the wrong decision on their parts. And really, why can't they learn things the hard way? "Actually, just go ahead and die, for all I care. Follow the flame head. I'm going to portal off to Twilight Town or somewhere else that fits my needs while you guys are dismembered one by one." She didn't want to go with them. But she was aware by the movies that being alone was just as ridiculous, and she'll be waving the red flag that way. Raising her arm, she began to create a portal, pondering if the serial killer would follow. They usually stay in one place and around the vicinity.
    Post by: *TwilightNight*, Jul 28, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. *TwilightNight*
  18. *TwilightNight*


    Post by: *TwilightNight*, Jul 24, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  19. *TwilightNight*
    Post by: *TwilightNight*, Jul 24, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  20. *TwilightNight*

    Poor mini chick.
    Post by: *TwilightNight*, Jul 24, 2009 in forum: Forum Families