More like KH2 was made as if Days didn't exist yet (which is true). That paragraph doesn't make Xion less useless. And if Roxas was the reason for the game, they didn't appropriately show it. It looked like both Roxas and Xion's game, with Axel. Rather than "Roxas's time spent with the Organization". I wonder where the hell did the "Organization" part go. CoM and Re: CoM were actually important in the story (it affected many things, including Days). As few as they were, there were hints thrown throughout the entire game. The beginning with Roxas's tutorial. The faces in Luxord's cards of the diseased members. Jiminy's journal. Hell, they even made a comment on traitors and alluded a lot to what went on with Sora's memory recovery in FM+. Xion's existence was nothing, but pointless. Zilch. And it still remains pointless. Never mentioned, nobody remembered. She adds nothing in the large KH plot, and was only there to serve as a plot device to make Days not look like a fanservice game. And disappeared as a plot device. Not to mention, that I expected more personality out of her, but it turned out she was as boring, sweet, and quite predictable. She's better developed than Kairi, but doesn't stand on her own. I still marvel at how people add "cute" as a character and reason to like one >.>. As I said, the "trio" was crap (as much as they try to shove it down). Roxas already had Naminé to represent the Kairi side of the three, along with Axel as the Riku. They just never appeared on-screen together (though Naminé and Axel bonded behind the scenes). This is not adding that Xion is not even a Kairi, or a real female. But a Sora. And honestly, there's no reason to tie in that Roxas is connected to Sora anyway. That's as obvious as five years ago. The important role lies in Ven now.
Sure =P. Limit.
What? Uh, no ^^.
May I have Larxene?
*sigh* Hmm. I think I'll join. Might as well. Can't promise a lot, but I'll try. Has a somewhat interesting plot and everything.
I'm barely able to post properly with the RPs I do have. Might not be so active, so I don't know D:. Especially when school is close to starting.
I figured since the game has come out for quite awhile in Japan, and since the other thread is filled with previous opinions (probably those who posted won't come back again), we can write down our present thoughts about Xion as of now. We are aware of her character, role, and fate, and liable to reserve our feelings properly. The poll also has a lot of options, seeing as not everyone has a specific sentiment (some people might not hate her, but dislike her. Some people might like, but not "OMG!XION<3<3" love). I kind of answered this question on another forum, so I'll post it here as well. Naturally, this will have spoilers for those who have not yet played the game. So, beware and do not step in =P. As the OP, I'll have to say: *** She was o-v-e-r-r-a-t-e-d. - Half of the Organization had more role than she did, despite the lack of depth for each character, and even in more than one game. Axel and Saïx, maybe the others who's real names we haven't figured out will maybe be in BBS. The other half of the Organization are the apprentices, which have a tie in Xehanort's past. - Coming from this, to be truthful, they wasted too much valuable screen time for a character who in the long run, won't matter just as much as Repliku did in the large KH mythos. They went too far. They had other eleven characters to pursue and give some personality to, some deeper meaning, and all we got were Secret Reports, which is bullshit, sorry to say. And that's what bothers me the most out of all of it. This was the only chance to go through the problem and fix it. Not to mention, we had to sit through the constant wangst. It felt more like Roxas's and Xion's game. With Axel. Not just Roxas's time in the Organization. The Organization itself felt like background decoration, and they were there only because that's where Roxas lived. And all because of a being that will never be used again? Yeah, they wanted to develop Xion somewhat. But what about the rest who have near nothing? Riku Replica, we got his story, his thoughts, and his battle about his existence. And CoM didn't spend the whole game on that, while able to concentrate on other things. And this was in the GBA. I know the Organization members would be side characters, minor characters. But, honestly, other than the three, all that was left was Riku to be of importance a little. I would understand if the members were side characters and villains in Sora's game, not on their lives. But's their territory. And there was nothing done. - The whole replica thing was an unneeded complication. KH2, was, honestly, just fine without Days. We just got the simple meaning. Sora needed Roxas because he was his other half. Without him, Sora's memory completion will slow, and he would never wake up. To the point. Nothing more, nothing less. Hell, Xion wasn't ever mentioned, or existed, rather, and there weren't at all any other thoughts in the game itself of her. The only connection that's worth it's the dual-wielding, and why Roxas inherited or it got passed down to him. Which would be explained in BBS, mostly; the Keyblade's methods. Xion wasn't needed for that either. It's that's just the same as Xigbar seeing Ven. Minor hints. BBS will still go through with it, we were just given an example that still wasn't really promising, or needed to be seen. I'm sure there were other probable facts that makes sense that would awaken that power within Roxas. For example, if he really had Ven's Heart, and he was connected with Sora at the same time. It even gives more mystery to BBS in the long run, too. - Xion's personality was bland. She was a mixture of Naminé the most, quiet, bit bashful, and depressing, yet, without her charm. She also got Kairi's spunk, and constant giggling genes. She was nice, sweet, kind. She was so lovely, and an obvious good girl. Xion was designed only as someone to sympathize with, having endless monologues about her existence, and her friends. Angst, angst. And, just really. Just...meh. She didn't stand out among the rest except that she wielded. And she ended up not being a real female. I'm certain people place her in their favorites list because of her saddening, oh so tragic story, and her death. And that's okay. I'm just not a person to fall for it. Sympathize? Of course. Have her death affect my opinion? Not really. A character has to get me from the get-go, because that's what sets me up for the tragedy, if there is any. And if it wasn't for the unnecessary troubles Xion caused that was basically, a summary of the whole game in itself, she would be boring. Riku Replica's fate was much sadder, let me tell you. Everything was a lie to him. He had no friends, the person he cared for and deeply had feelings for...that had been constructed out of nothing, but false memories. While having no happy memories of his own. The whole gang of Organization members were complete asses to him, even Axel, throughout his whole short life. He was manipulated and used. He wanted to be real, and become his own person. Even going as far as fighting the real Riku for it. And he died a death that he didn't expect or wanted. So, any one who said Xion is a sad fate, check again. She had her moments, memories to keep her okay, even though everyone forgot her. She thought for herself, and decided her fate. And she was glad and alright with it. So no, that doesn't work. In fact, the only one I feel sorry for is Roxas in this whole thing. - Also to add in: I felt like they were forcing and trying too hard for Xion's "suffering" >.>. The nightmare, for one. And then that random yell of frustration after Riku handed her ass to her that was suppose to make us think she was so torn (actually, Xion got her ass handed to her a lot of times). Seriously? Girl, or boy, or "it". Whatever. Chill out. Even Roxas had a better reason to yell in anger since he couldn't thwack Diz with his Keyblade repeatedly. - The "trio" was shit :/. Without Roxas having a say, the real connection between the other two, it would have never happened. I shouldn't question the friendship between Xion and Axel if this was a tight group. Speaking of Axel, he blatantly chose Roxas over her. Despite what some views may be, no trio has ever outwardly expressed, or written, in this case, favoritism amongst each other. - She was a plot device to keep the game interesting. That was all she was made for and her role. The Organization were sacrificed for a plot device that Nomura was excited for since she was made so "cleverly"... - Sora gives birth to a lot of things. That's what Days taught me in the end. Next, it's his energy or something of the like. Overall - I am neutral on her character, though it's bordering more on dislike. She certainly isn't my favorite, and she certainly didn't get my attention other than the freak show she gave Roxas at the end. But I'm not going to rant as I did before. She was just...there's still no reason for her to have ever existed, basically. I mean, what was her purpose? Other than being some failed interest? Take Xion out, and the series is not affected at all. And if Nomura isn't creative enough to have figured out another plot point for Days other than a clone, then he shouldn't be a director (not that I'm going to ignore the lack of professionalism, and letting bias and favoritism take over, along with his staff). Because there could be many obstacles that Roxas can go through. Xion didn't need to be given this much attention. Or have a side game wasted on her.
That's not really a spoiler. And... Where the hell did you hear that?
The hips thing is the Organization cloak mostly, for the women who wear it. Even Xion has her moments, and both Kairi and Naminé, who she took the appearance of, are sort of more refined and petite when you compare. I don't know why the graphics do that, but it seems a natural thing (except when we get side views). Maybe Larxene needed more curves to compete with Axel's hips with the cloaks xD. I doubt that would be the case if they've got another outfit. It's too bad we will never see Larxene in casual clothes. Either way: Axel is not a female. Because my dreams will shatter then T-T.
Very well, then.
Among the many RPs, he floated in there by his sixth sense with the radiating energy of the argument that was in Rivals, is that what you mean?...
Things are going fine :P. A bit busy and all, but meh. It happens. And school is already making headway. I start in September 2nd. I wish summer vacation was longer, in this case.
Why would you get rid of all your art? You should always keep it, in case you will ever need it. I never like to throw my stuff because of future regrets. And yeah, I remember that you said you were going to make a fanart of Axel that I was going to se- .... *tight smile* Ohhhhhhhh, Pyyyyyyyyrɸ.... Come here for a moment....
SUPER GLOMPS! Damn, that sucks. You mean, you erased it from the Image site you uploaded it on and stuff? Larxene's gonna rape you!
I don't blame your rant. I agree with you there, it's kind of cheating. The only way for it to be fair is to actually put examples of people's...
The DeepSkyBlue bold user name distracts me ;P. Well, no, not really. Didn't you post it in the fanart section?
Alright. Good night <3.
Of course I talk to you. I haven't been on MSN much. I did yesterday, but I don't think you were on at that time...
Tell me one thing: were you the one who called in the Mod?
LOL. I find it funny that the name of this thread says spoilers, but has the said spoilers in the title anyway.