It doesn't look gay. Personally, it's rather pretty, and very dimensional. Like the fading and all. If you want to make it more Xigbar, I guess...
Well, I'm sure next year might be different. We already got our winner, I think. As for me, I'm alright =3. Bit busy, but getting more free time now.
Exactly. They are going to complain until there is nothing to complain about. I prefer rainbow as permanent. It has all colors. And I might log...
Well, you can't please everyone. They'll whine no matter what color is used. Personally, I like the rainbow idea. It's pretty =3. And I think the...
I want my name like that too. But then I'll be whoring it, and I don't know where to post xD. I don't know if I'll manage in time. We should have...
I DON'T KNOW D:. But I wants the rainbow. So I'll make up for it like this =P.
I like it. Makes me actually want to be a prem for the first time ever, just to have my name in rainbow. *.* Which will probably end by the time I get there.
Roxas blinked at Axel's response, as he had believed he would be in a more annoyed mood than what was given. Instead, he seemed calm, if not, just a bit irritated. He made certain not to lose his concentration of what was going on around him, though, as he took in what Larxene said of serial killers being highly intelligent in the worst way seriously. So he wanted to be prepared in case they were caught off-guard suddenly. As he went along, now beside Axel as he watched the rest start to go off elsewhere, he didn't know exactly how this was to end. Something was telling him that it wasn't going to be as easy as it appeared to be. A very foreboding feeling, and he felt worse about it when he was getting farther off from everyone. He was worried, he could admit. Surprisingly, he also understood where Larxene was coming from when the proclamation of their plan raised up, and that they should find some other method. But, there weren't any that wouldn't put their lives in danger. They just had to choose the best out of them. Slightly silent for a little in contemplation, he glanced up at the redhead, wanting to give some sort of...consolation? Enough for this to be the smoothest ride as possible. "You shouldn't really be all that mad about Larxene. You know how she is. It was kind of expected, really. I've gotten quite used to it already. Don't take it that hard. She insults everyone. Especially when she's angry. And, you are aware how she is with you the most. Sometimes, I don't know whether she hates your guts, as much as a Nobody could, or...well, if you count the flirting, which I think it's more getting under your skin, then anything..." He scratched his blond head. Due to having no memories, he didn't know a lot of things. So when he asked Axel why Larxene kept touching him in his chest, chin, cheek, arms, shouldes, even lips, for some reason that will only be known to her, he named it "flirting" and "invading personal space". He was told that "flirting" was a sort of gesture or body language that showed you liked someone in more terms than friendship. An interest. That was when the topic led to love or liking a girl. Either way, supposedly "flirting" can be used to tease, and sometimes, it's not really meaningful or true if the person just wanted to mess with your head. Axel also mentioned suing her for "sexual harassment" in a joking manner, but when questioned, his best friend didn't get far in explaining what that one meant. Roxas could only guess it was the same thing as flirting? His eyebrows furrowed. Still, Larxene's motivations were obscured, so it was hard to tell what she was thinking, or her motivation. He shrugged. "And we still don't know what group she's going to choose to go in. So if she's with us...well, uh, the tension wouldn't be really needed now, would it? We have to at least try to agree on a peace verdict." - ✖ - Larxene ignored Marluxia's look that he had directed at her knowingly, the betrayal not being in her mind as of the moment compared to how much he probably thinks about it. She could slice Xemnas's neck right now when he was unconscious, even, if the killer didn't get to him first, and that would solve the biggest problem. Yet, it seemed everyone thought they were safe and were underestimating the actual situation. They had no sense. Now she was stuck between going alone, and getting some outside source, then return; which was better than wandering aimlessly through dark halls with a serial killer around. Or, decide a group to go with, since they were obviously not listening to her. They'll live to regret that, she swore. Despite that they couldn't feel, they did have their brains. And it was only a matter of time before the reality sunk in. Still, going off on her own wasn't smart, as she would become a target, judging by that horror movie she saw once. It was the usual movie genre she liked, along with action, fantasy, and adventure. Romance was...she used to like it. When she was idealistic and stupid, that is. But, she was never as big on it even then, and would rather prefer to see something in a theater worth watching with a big screen and surround sound. So, she was a qualified expert on these things, despite it being fiction. As she had thought before, all one needed was common sense. Separating, for example, would do nothing, but simply make it easier for the killer to choose which group he was going to bother and kill first without so much power in the way. Shaking her head, she wondered for the billionth time what did she do to be stuck with morons. Damn it. As everyone was heading off while she provided the light...that she was dimming slowly when the room was emptying, Zexion began to direct words at her. It took awhile to process this through her buried fury, but she met him with a cold stare as he remarked his opinion. Naturally, she would be more of use with Axel's path. But, really, Axel? The idea of that with the irritation she found herself growling for, didn't make it appear too pleasing. He can stay with Roxas, and be a group of two to get wiped off. The little kid was the only one who could hold his own and was the strongest. Axel, on the other hand, was average. Not that she cared, but she had to choose, after all. Despite her bitterness and misgivings about it. She was leaning more into going with the others, but then Demyx spoke up about his "fun" and "singing", maybe him peeing on himself again, as well as having to deal with his spooks and whines, that easily made her mind up with going with Axel and Roxas. Dealing with the redhead, was better than dealing with that nuisance. Her patience was at its peak, and she was going to go off any given second. Having Demyx around to made her grit her teeth wasn't what she was vying for. Let alone the gay music following it. Next was Lexeaus and Xioimara. Not thrilling either. One barely let out any words, and was too serious, while she'd have to deal with wolf girl. Sighing, with a glare, and a frown, she merely pushed herself off the wall, and sauntered roughly pass Demyx, the door, and into the hall without a glance to anyone as she made a left turn sharply, seeing the mass of red instantly. It was there she "switched off" the light she was bestowing upon them, leaving the vicinity dark. It didn't bother her, and she just walked over with quick feet to the two numskulls ahead. Joy. Now everyone could be split in threes, and be all happy and whatnot. Yeah, they were all going to die. She didn't say anything, or announced her presence when she reached both Axel and Roxas, following behind instead as she pointedly settled her ardent and fiery gaze on Axel's back. Maybe if she tried hard enough, he would fade from the utmost loathing...
Okay. And I eat Cup Noodles! ^^; A lot of junk food. So not alone. Night.
My diet? I'm actually trying to fatten up xD. And no, no tamale.
Mac n Cheese. And some frozen food there.
LOL. Everyone is eating. Just got back from making it.
OH NOES! HOW CAN YOU SEE ME?! Dx *goes to eat cause me hungry*
I don't agree with Axel being a girl. That takes way too many complications that are unneeded. And then we have to wonder if Larxene is really female. Granted, she has more balls than the Organization combined, but...really. No. Just. No. Corruption is not in store for me. I mean, if Axel was a female, and he has his memories, it would be awkward for him to suddenly switch from having a THIS to a THAT. Let alone act so male. Besides, it's stated Lea is unisex. Among all these other names:
Yes, I have looked at the comments. Everyone can be a decent roleplayer if the effort is put there, true. But, for Arch, it is, what it is. It's...
Alright! *off to finish*
I guess he can come back from work, then xD. Larxene will be in the bedroom.
I'm good =3. Trying to finish an RP reply, and see if I'll go to MSN.
Well, where we left off last time.
That's kind of odd to me, really. Very odd. Nomura sometimes talked about the beginning plans with KH, and explained on that Mickey was suppose to be the main character (though there was trouble with that with Disney), so they added Sora, Riku, and Kairi. The Keyblade was originally a chainsaw-like weapon, and the first sketches of Sora was an animal/human hybrid. Along with a lot of his thoughts. That does not sound at all like something SE would do when you take in all their games. Especially since Disney blatantly hosts Gay Parades in their theme parks. I'm taking that with a grain of salt here.