It was all a freaking nightmare Xion had, because she does not know her identity. That's all. If you haven't finished the game, keep playing it. You'll understand what Xion is. And I can't answer the question about Riku unless you want to be spoiled.
Let's just say Axel was like an annoying, repetitive parrot who needs to really STFU. Got it memorized?*quawk* Got it memorized?*quawk*Got it memorized?*quawk* Got it memorized?*quawk* Got it memorized?*quawk* Got it memorized?*quawk* Got it memorized?*quawk* They even made variations of it: Get it memorized. You've got the [subject] memorized? Didn't get it memorized? SOMEBODY, HELP.
There's a plot reason for that.
That's sort of official considering Roxas was left with no memory in the first place due to Sora lack of time being a Heartless. Poor boy has a lot of memory problems.
It was actually stated in the game when Roxas was conversing with Axel, in the bubble text boxes, not a cutscene. Axel explicitly says that they ate sea salt ice cream the first time they met and he got his new name, and Roxas goes further to say that he doesn't really remember.
Me? End up hating you? That's like, freaking impossible o.o. WTF is wrong with you, woman?! It would take a lot for me to hate you. Ever. You're too much awesome, and you're a great girl. Perish the thought that I'll ever dislike you D:. And I don't hate anyone in the first place, really (you truly have to screw up big time for that one). It's more of discouragement, but you get over it. The thing is that, you know, after someone says something, you wonder if they are really your friend. That's the problem. So far, no one has given me any reason to shred them to pieces. I love you all <3. Yeah, it is the online world. But I doubt you can come on a board like this, and not expect to know people or make friends of them. So, it's practically the same connection. And that includes the problems with it, unfortunately. I tried to see if you were on last night, I think. Or so. But yeah, I'm usually invisible because there are people there I don't really want to talk to, if you catch my drift (the whole above reply). Well, not that I don't want to talk to them, but it's hard to get back to normalcy when you got two things happening around it. To be approached, how do you approach them? It's in that level. Tension, I think. I've fixed one, like I said. And we'll see how that goes, and if I will talk to each the same before everything happened. But yeah, I'm not on MSN that much either Dx. Shame how things change. Yeah, now it's definitely the most difficult classes. I'm just glad I'm out of English, because essays due each week or certain two weeks just piles it all the more. Philosophy is even more of a pain, considering I have to think deeply about life. And you can bother me when you want, I'm not THAT busy. I'd like to spend time with you and talk. I can't wait until you start college, as well. I want to see your reactions xD. *hugs forever and ever* We'll have it again. WE WILL. And I am 20 as of, well yesterday, the 27th! 8D I feel old, and yet, ecstatic.
Kind of a request, but, is it possible that someone can kindly, if it's not much to ask, color this picture?: Retort/Trainerpk.png I want to make sure it's alright before I give out the shades I would like for it ^^;.
I agree on that. Red looks weird now as well. I would have gotten the dark color of the background and the main User bar as the skin, and the gray for the rest of the extras. But I'm incredibly happy x3. And I'll be using this. DarkDays >>> FunKy 2.0.
I'm acting as if I never made a mistake in my life? Excuse me, who the hell are you again? You aren't Jesus either to make a judgment. An arrogant ass is an arrogant ass no matter which way you look at it. This isn't even about "mistakes". So all the crap he's pulled, and knowing very well he's doing them, is a mistake by your standards? Yeah, he cares a lot about the youth, just like he cared to remark about an unrelated topic in a tribute to help the Katrina victims just so he can have attention to himself. There's a reason why people, celebrities, pull these shocked faces at him and why everyone expects him to pull another stunt. Hell, I've seen Kanye West fans admit he's an ass, but is a musical genius. It's fine. At least they don't kid themselves. Everyone knows and is aware that Kanye is a grade A ******bag. He lives for that. Now, if you can't take my opinion and want to kiss his ass by throwing celebrity donations over me when other artists have done much more if you want to give names out, be my guest. But don't pull your damn attitude on me. Good day.
Being drunk or on alcohol doesn't excuse it :/. In fact, he's done way more arrogant, egotistical quotes and acts sober. And he'll probably continue to do so again. This isn't exactly a one time mishap.
:'D Yeah. It's one of those "you really never knew these people as you thought you did" type of thing. A part that kind of got fixed, but, it's hard, since it doesn't feel the same anymore after you get a view of someone in that matter. And, don't fret. I won't leave at all :3. In the end, I don't think I can really leave KHV and MSN still too damn addicted. But, I won't be so ardently active as I used to before until I...gain that real spark. Things have changed. It's hard to see when we're both on MSN too, since we both go invisible xD. Next time I'm on, I'll send you something to see if you're lurking *_*. But for college, the subjects got harder. You thought English made you use critical thinking? You have no idea what sociology and philosophy does >.>. Wednesdays I have off, spending it catching up with homework, and responding to things I've held off. This time, though, I have a club fair to attend to promote, well, the psychology club I'm in. And PSI BETA. Either way, though, I'm heading off to bed xD. I have to be there early to set up the table and whatnot. I'll talk to you soon, waifu x3.
Dx Been, well, not quite into MSN and KHV after some little problems involving things there. Left me quite discouraged, and now I've kind of lost any motivation. I've only logged on once or twice this month, so I'll probably talk to you about it when I get better free time. College started as well, so I've been busy with that (and sleeping early. Yes, it's possible xD, especially if you have 9AM classes x_x), and I know I'm going to hate this semester. Damn sociology.
A disgusting, sorry excuse for a human being, you mean. One time. okay. Two times. Hmm. Three times. You're crossing the line. Fourth time... You are the definition of a ******bag without any doubt. I don't know how much more pubescent moments he'll have, not like it's any surprise of what an ass he is, but whatever stunt he keeps pulling, it's not going to work for that long. Like Taylor Swift or not, that was a screwed up thing to do to a girl 19 years of age, getting her first award. On the VMAs. God, it wasn't even the Grammys, at least. Defend his music. But not the man behind it. At least Steven Colbert made it entertaining. And Obama calling him a jackass just made me like him up a level more.
*slinks in* Oh, Fiiiirekeyblade... 8D 8D 8D 8D 8D 8D 8D *slinks out*
That's exactly why we got the point of view of Xigbar seeing Ven. It's been hinted long ago since KH2 that he had met TAV. And Ven is obviously connected to Sora, and in turn, Roxas, in some form. Xigbar even said "he used to look at me the same way". And yes, not only is that line in KH2 in describing Roxas, it's in Days as well. You have to recall that it's memories. Even if you weren't really still have that connection. There's been theories of Xigbar being Baldhanort. But that's another topic altogether.
For now xD. Going to bed in five minutes.
Your signature is rather spoilerific >.>. Either way, to make things clear: Xion is a Sora replica made of his memories, that much all of us know. However, the said memories of Sora she holds are those of Kairi, and/or, it's the most strongest memory Sora has. I haven't gotten to which one it is yet. Nevertheless, it doesn't have much influence as you think it does: the only results were the facts that she was able to take a Kairi appearance, and perhaps, as in my theory, is able to see herself as the dark haired girl in her unbiased eyes. Considering she is based and is a component of Sora's memories, people see different things when witnessing Xion depending on their connection to Sora. The audience, and Roxas, see the dark haired girl. Axel sees Xion the same way because of Roxas. Which is why we get the female form most of the time. Xigbar sees Ven. Xemnas sees "Xion", which I don't know if it means the blank doll, and Ven. Even Riku managed to see Xion's "true nature" at the beginning, according to Nomura, which separates the female shape he saw after. I don't know if it means he saw Sora, though it's the highest possibility. In conclusion? Xion's appearance changes with who is watching her. Think of Ditto from pokémon. Except that instead of switching, Xion's are more like illusions (due to the memories) over the blank doll.
I do believe Rock, with its line of generations, and Pop (whether electropop, bubblegum pop, etc.) have definitely made their lines to be upfront for quite a long time.
It's because Roxas has the magic stick. o:
She seems more like Olette to me, though Aqua's more hard-edged.