It is?
........ =_=
If you still want me to go on, I'll be there in about 10 minutes.
No, I am >>. A template and all. *sigh* How long are you going to stay on?
Working on something. What for?
All I know is that I LOVE the song, and got it in my iTunes ^o^. Ai no Corrida, that's where I am...! *DANCES* I like my new avie too x3. The words are so threatening, and yet, Larxene looks so harmless and completely adooooorable with those kitty claws, taww.
That's in Shibuya, by the way. District in Tokyo. Part of why I love this is how people just randomly go and dance with the trooper, and then leave like nothing happened xD. Then at 1:12 there's some guy walking with a yellow shoe? I want to go to Japan D:.
I don't know why. Someone is helping her accept people. And to be honest, I believe she's thinking of shutting down the RP, so that might have...
People would argue that. I do agree, however, on his change in KH2. I liked his KH1 self better. He was naive, but not outrageously stupid to the point where Goofy seems smarter. And not as sassy or short-tempered, or harnessing emo. Nomura calls it teen wangst and growing up. I call it done weird. But that must be the Roxas inside him. You know, the adorable blond punk who was so innocent in the beginning and all the crap in Days turned him into the little rude, aggressive, angry badass we know and love.
I had two fishies once when I was young. Then two more to replace the others. They all kept on dying T-T. I had to flush them into their graves ;~;. And then I gave up.
"Cissnei"s weapon is basically a larger sized, and modern Shinra styled, shuriken. Axel's chakrams are...chakrams. The only thing they have in common is that they both work like frisbees. This kind of connection is just as bad as me believing that Reno is Larxene because he has a rod that electrocutes people o.o.
Nah. Her only creation was Naminé. And even then, the blonde girl is connected to Sora in some form, and has power over his memories. Xion just looks like Kairi because of certain circumstances. Think of Xion like a missing chain of memory that holds Sora's memories of Kairi. Thus, the appearance. But everything else is technically Sora. Let's not even get to Ven.
With Demyx. Now that is some fanservice since I've ever seen one. The yaoi girls must be exploding with yowls of glee. And another one who sees the light. Then again, Repliku, you were always practical =P. Are you actually trying to prove the manga is canon? It isn't. Everyone knows this. I don't see why is it so hard to take this fact in. Zexion does not do half the stuff he commits there in the game. It distorts his personality. He's different. And considering he appears as if he does not mind playing the game, I doubt it's a bet. Let alone Xaldin actually sitting there and being a part of it by having the spinner when we know he wouldn't for the nonexistent life of him be caught in that mess. That's barely even scratching the surface with what Shiro did to Marluxia and everyone else. I can't believe you're actually even arguing this. The only reason I thought, which is they keyword, that Nomura had something to do with the manga, it's because I read it in a website where in the description it had Nomura's name inserted. But I should have known better, as most of the stuff is written by a person, who perhaps didn't have much information in the first place. Questionable to begin with. If Nomura isn't credited, then he does have nothing to do with it officially. It makes sense with his interview too, with the way he kind of distanced himself from it, and called it the other writers' creations. He just gives permission and oversees it to make certain nothing gets out of hand. And of course he's not going to refuse them, just because it's comedic. There isn't anything wrong with someone making an adaption of something from his point of view, and who loves doing them, probably. Nomura just knows that it has nothing to do with the game except the name, characters, and basic plot elements in a crack summary of the series. Doubtful it's Nomura. He isn't that crazy, nor would he be able to come up with all the stuff that has appeared in the manga. If that was the case, the game would've been very, very very different, with a change of atmosphere, wouldn't you think? Xion is another story. It was stupid, but they needed something to drag over in the Days plotline. The whole, better than sit and be bored was something that none of the Organization members even complained about. Larxene was fine just relaxing, Demyx was alright playing his Sitar in the lounge. Saix was doing his job emotionless as ever. And if they do something, I really don't think it's going to be Twister, lawl. This is merely a person's imagination appearing on his work. I don't think you also get that this "character development" is by someone else. Not the creator. Not anyone working for the company. Not anyone working on the games. But someone else. How do you even think or take those contrasting personalities as those of the real characters of the games and their development as fact or true, it''s like...I don't even understand your reasoning. Nomura did give the go ahead for Shiro Amano to create what he wanted. That doesn't mean the ideas are from Nomura himself. All Shiro does is take the information and plot of the games that he is knowledgeable of, and does his own rendition of it with obvious contradictions and changes. Which... Isn't canon. It needs to be repeated. Isn't canon. You're talking about Nobodies here. We barely even know their anatomy or what their core is. For all you know, all they need is sleep to regain their energy. It seems that they can eat, if they want to be social and it was an activity, or if they have this fetish that comes from their memories, but they don't really need to. If you want to take things into reality so much, normally, a whole year of unhealthy ice cream consumption will inevitably make you fatally sick, or gain diabetes. And it isn't much of a good diet, I'd say. You're also talking about a universe where hearts of feelings are floating pink things that go up into the sky and into some big Kingdom Hearts. They are not humans. They don't age. They fade away in a cloud of darkness and wisps. They probably do have organs, but we don't know if the switch when their body and soul were discarded made their skin be a bit weaker than normal, or if anything was altered. Said by the Ansem Reports. We have no idea if they had reverted to a sort of odd component and basis. You have to keep in mind that they are simply humanoid, and their Hearts were strong enough to retain some human form and appearance. For all you know, they could easily, and can become, judging by Xemnas's threat, Dusks. And what can you do to explain that one? And the anime comparison is useless, considering that all of them have some form of food and daily life. And they are humans. I have yet to see one where they don't eat or show certain things. Even Pokémon has its moments. Don't tell this "proves" anything until it is fact. Because it's just as much speculation as any next theory. The fact that you doubt the novel who is written by someone who works for Nomura and the company, and was the scenario writer for Days, saying it seems "broken up" (like the other isn't full of pure crack), to the manga by some dude that likes to make his works off of a game series, says enough. At least the novels have something called realism and don't butcher the characters until you can't recognize them or question how in the world would they ever do that. And fill in way more gaps. Granted, it's been translated by fans. But it's needless to say they know their stuff. And some are ones that work to translate the interview and information, along with the scenes. So, really... The manga is what it is as long as you don't connect or tie it in with the real games.
I do hope that some of you know that half of the things happening are not in his fault entirely. He was asleep for a year. He had nothing to do with the characters' decisions or what they suffered through except make them exist. His memories were the ones that were messed with, not that he did it on purpose to make his other selves have bad lives. He didn't tell Xemnas or Vexen to make a Replica of himself. The Xion idea was kind of stupid anyway. There was no reason to make it complicated just for some plot device to be created. What he needs to do is stop being pregnant. Somebody get this boy a birth pill before the next thing we know he has another part of himself made with his energy this time.
"We are told not to feel compassion because we can't, and we are nothing. But he was still moving, breathing, talking, looking, like any normal human would. If anything, we are creatures that have a mind of our own with memories. So it doesn't matter to me what we are, or what we aren't, or what we cannot feel or do. Frankly, I just don't care," Roxas responded in a low tone, just slightly ticked at the words that were directed at him. And if it wasn't, he heard them. He was tired of listening to the same thing over and over. He's gotten the speech ever since his birth, and it was etched on his brain just for how many times he was reminded of it. It was almost like it wasn't allowed to think otherwise. He knew what he was. But then, why, if the personality a Nobody depicts come from the memories of their past lives, did he have his own view on things? His own attitude? Then again, it was said he was special. Nonetheless, people could act the way they wanted to. There was no need for correction. And the multitude of it was grating on his nerves lately. A lot of things have been. "And as I said, I don't want to accidentally witness Vexen's dead body any time soon, and be jittery or careful for a long time. Anyone willing to put it over him?" By this point, whoever volunteered was alright by his view.