I've been without Photoshop for nearly three months so this is just getting back into practice and stuff. Posted in order done. cnc would be fantastic. Spoiler Kamen Rider (thanks to Fayt for the stocK) Katniss, top with text Peeta Sharpedo (this was actually done as a joke but it turned out okay lol) Boba Fett Shockwave
Guess how many bots I've banned today. because that's what I've spent pretty much my entire day doing
This week's victim is Starderpdust! The rare specimen is often seen playing Monkey Island in SPAAAAAAAAAACE. Approach with caution, kids. Now as always, before we begin I have some rules for you guys - but if you notice, the question cap has been moved up to ten, as Prems tend to be more active: 1 - Keep it within the rules of the forum, nothing over PG-13. It's still on KHV. 2 - The person in the spotlight does NOT have to answer all the questions. 3 - The person in the spotlight will have to answer the question on a regular basis, daily would be preferred, so dedication will be needed. 4 - You must be nominated in order to be in the spotlight. 5 - Don't start an argument with the person getting questioned. Keep it clean and don't use it as an attempt to flame the person. 6 - Don't ask too many questions. Give the person some time to answer, and let others have a chance to ask. Maximum amount of questions asked to the person in the spotlight by one member is 10, and no more than 50 questions can be put forth at one time. Once that member has answered you may ask more. If you ask more than ten questions at once your post will be edited, and if you continue to do so you may be taken off the list for the following week's vote. Ask on.
Thread Guidelines New members You are welcome to post here if you are new to the KH-Vids Forums. Feel free to make a thread and welcome here! Please make sure that you familiarize yourself to the Rules of the site and happy posting. Tips for a good intro thread – include some interesting stuff about yourself! What hobbies you like, favorite video games, music, things like that. You’d be surprised to see how many things you’ll have in common with other members here! Please refrain from posting links to anything (such as YouTube) in your introductions. We have an anti-bot filter in place that will prevent your thread from being posted if you have fewer than two or three posts. If you notice that you posted a thread and it hasn’t shown up, please contact a moderator and we’ll take care of it for you. Returning members If you have been gone for at least four months to a year, you may use this section to reintroduce yourself to members. However, if you are just returning from a vacation or short time away, we know you already so please post elsewhere to declare you have returned. If you have made a Departure thread, go ahead and post your return there and PM a member of staff so we can close that thread for you. If you have only been gone for a few weeks, do not make a thread here. Make one in the Spam Zone instead. Departing members Please do not make a thread here if you are going to be gone for less than a week. If you are going to be gone for a weekend, please make the thread in the Spam Zone. Suicide threads are NOT allowed under any circumstances. If you feel that depressed we urge you to post a thread explaining your situation in the Help with Life section if you would like help. Posting Guidelines When posting to new members' threads, do not copy and paste your messages. Meaning do not say the same thing you did in one post word for word or extremely similarly in other threads. This is really not a nice thing to do and shows the newcomer some disrespect. Do not just post here for post count. Think out what you say to the new person. If you are just going to be here posting in a repeated fashion saying 'Welcome here, read the rules', then it's asked that you not bother posting at all. When posting in a departure thread, short responses like “see you soon†and “have fun†are not permitted. Again, these sections are not for post count. Thread Locks Introduction Threads The thread is one week old or older. After this time, you probably have posted elsewhere and so people will start to get to know you. The thread has 20 posts or more. The section is not meant for more than a way to introduce yourself with a greeting and for people to respond in kind. Please feel free to go to other areas, such as the Spam Zone, PM a member who wishes to continue discussion, or go to the member's profile and leave comments. If a member is banned, please do not post in the thread. The member most likely won't be returning. If you notice that a thread has been neglected to be closed, please PM a staff member so we can do our jobs. Departure Threads Two weeks pass by since the person has left. The creator of the thread returns. Note: If you are the thread creator and have returned, please PM a staff member so the thread can be closed.
We've been having massive thunderstorms that make me scared to touch my computer in case of a power surge, my dog has been sick, and I have to start getting ready for college. But on the plus side I finally got a new laptop so I will be able to post normally and stuff again providing the storms don't knock my power out yay
2, 3, 5, 7 I'm going on a catching spree and I need nicknames. ...and keep them KHV appropriate please :c
But evidently Tumblr is starting to suspend accounts that have Missing E in use. Two or three people I know have already been suspended. So yeah, if you use it, I'd recommend uninstalling it unfortunately. :/ Edit: And now there's apparently talk that it's a hacked update? Or something like that. Either way Missing E will be gone Saturday so it doesn't matter much at this point.
Vote on. And please feel free to nominate more Prems, we need them~
Are you an active cosplayer, or maybe thinking about cosplaying? Or are you just interested in cosplay itself? Either way, this is the place for you! The goal of this group is to provide a place for cosplayers to share their cosplays, tips, ideas, and so forth. You're encouraged to post pictures of your cosplays too, from works in progress to completed. And if you are new to it, you're more than welcome to ask questions here too. While there's no real hierarchy in this, there are a few rules I'd like to lay out. Be respectful to each other and each other's cosplays. Remember, cosplaying is not limited to anime! You are welcome and are encouraged to give constructive criticism on people's cosplays, so long as it's done in a respectful manner. That being said, please don't take a negative comment as a personal attack - constructive criticism exists to help, even if the truth stings a little. Do NOT post other people's cosplays and claim them as your own. Anyone is allowed to ask for help, advice, etc., whether they are new to cosplaying or not. You are also allowed to ask about behavior at cons, share stories about cons, etc. Have fun! More rules may be added over time. So yeah, to sort of introduce yourself if you want, fill this out. Current main character you're cosplaying: Characters you've cosplayed: Characters you want to cosplay: Cosplays you're working on: Been to a con before?: So for me... Character you're mainly cosplaying: Tifa Lockhart (Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children) Characters you've cosplayed: Holo (Spice & Wolf), Toon Link (Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker), Bender (The Breakfast Club), Pokemon Trainer (Pokemon) Characters you want to cosplay: Katniss Everdeen (The Hunger Games), Command Wolf or Sword Wolf (Zoids), Mandalorian (Star Wars), Korra (Avatar: Legend of Korra) Cosplays you're working on: Oki (Okami), Katniss Everdeen, Korra Been to a con before?: New York ComiCon 2010, AnimeNEXT 2011
Now that we have ads and all. Don't buy stuff from Milanoo, cosplay or otherwise. You'll get ripped off completely.
I really want to go out but I can't choose :c Help plz
So after a hiatus, Question Time's back, this time with our very own Ienzo. Now as always, before we begin I have some rules for you guys - but if you notice, the question cap has been moved up to ten, as Prems tend to be more active: 1 - Keep it within the rules of the forum, nothing over PG-13. It's still on KHV. 2 - The person in the spotlight does NOT have to answer all the questions. 3 - The person in the spotlight will have to answer the question on a regular basis, daily would be preferred, so dedication will be needed. 4 - You must be nominated in order to be in the spotlight. 5 - Don't start an argument with the person getting questioned. Keep it clean and don't use it as an attempt to flame the person. 6 - Don't ask too many questions. Give the person some time to answer, and let others have a chance to ask. Maximum amount of questions asked to the person in the spotlight by one member is 10, and no more than 50 questions can be put forth at one time. Once that member has answered you may ask more. If you ask more than ten questions at once your post will be edited, and if you continue to do so you may be taken off the list for the following week's vote. Ask on.
Because you guys really love four way ties, don't you?
What is going on with all these .gif threads/posts? this isn't tumblr [ and inb4everyreplyis.gifs ]
Pretty much what the title says. Right now I've been playing Ocarina of Time 3D, excellent so far. OoT's never looked better and the 3D effect really adds to the gameplay. Definitely look into getting this if you're a Legend of Zelda fan. Also playing Final Fantasy IV: Complete Collection and Dissidia Duodecim. Grinding in both.
As it does not warrant a section yet, please keep all KHIII-related things in this thread. Theories, rumors, worlds, characters, etc. that relate to this game should all be posted here. Any threads made about KHIII will be merged to this one.
Reposting this. Want to pick up a new series but aren't sure what's good? Then post here, both to recommend a series and ask for recommendations. Please put some thought into your posts, if you're asking for recommendations then mention what kind of things you like to see in a series or what your favorite genre is. If you're recommending, don't just list titles. Give legitimate reasons why you're recommending it, either to another member or just why it should be read in general. Any threads asking for recommendations after this will be merged to this thread.
Vote on. EDIT: Ack, forgot Startdust's away. Gonna have to remove her for this week, sorry :x Everyone else on the poll is here.