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  1. Korra
    Had my first real intro to Illustrator about a week ago, I've used it in the past but only for typography so what you see here is what I've learned/taught myself in the past few days.
    Cnc is welcome.

    Self portrait

    Superhero emblems - I'm not sure what's up with the outlines of these because there weren't any problems when I saved them

    (this one's for a friend)

    And some sprites because why not. These were done in Photoshop.
    Katniss from The Hunger Games, Cloud and Tifa from FFVII.

    Thread by: Korra, Oct 6, 2011, 4 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  2. Korra
    Apologies for the delay, my internet has been temperamental due to the weather. In any case, this week's QT goes to Jayn.

    Now as always, before we begin I have some rules for you guys - but if you notice, the question cap has been moved up to ten, as Prems tend to be more active:

    1 - Keep it within the rules of the forum, nothing over PG-13. It's still on KHV.

    2 - The person in the spotlight does NOT have to answer all the questions.

    3 - The person in the spotlight will have to answer the question on a regular basis, daily would be preferred, so dedication will be needed.

    4 - You must be nominated in order to be in the spotlight.

    5 - Don't start an argument with the person getting questioned. Keep it clean and don't use it as an attempt to flame the person.

    6 - Don't ask too many questions. Give the person some time to answer, and let others have a chance to ask. Maximum amount of questions asked to the person in the spotlight by one member is 10, and no more than 50 questions can be put forth at one time. Once that member has answered you may ask more. If you ask more than ten questions at once your post will be edited, and if you continue to do so you may be taken off the list for the following week's vote.

    Ask on.
    Thread by: Korra, Oct 4, 2011, 55 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Korra
    Vote on .
    Thread by: Korra, Sep 30, 2011, 17 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Korra
    This thing.
    Thread by: Korra, Sep 30, 2011, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Korra

    Hi KHV

    Been at college for a week now, life is pretty good.
    Internet sucks but is is workable. Kind of.

    How've you all been?
    Thread by: Korra, Sep 22, 2011, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Korra
    After a very close poll...this week's QT goes to DPWolf.
    It's weird talking in third person.

    Now as always, before we begin I have some rules for you guys - but if you notice, the question cap has been moved up to ten, as Prems tend to be more active:

    1 - Keep it within the rules of the forum, nothing over PG-13. It's still on KHV.

    2 - The person in the spotlight does NOT have to answer all the questions.

    3 - The person in the spotlight will have to answer the question on a regular basis, daily would be preferred, so dedication will be needed.

    4 - You must be nominated in order to be in the spotlight.

    5 - Don't start an argument with the person getting questioned. Keep it clean and don't use it as an attempt to flame the person.

    6 - Don't ask too many questions. Give the person some time to answer, and let others have a chance to ask. Maximum amount of questions asked to the person in the spotlight by one member is 10, and no more than 50 questions can be put forth at one time. Once that member has answered you may ask more. If you ask more than ten questions at once your post will be edited, and if you continue to do so you may be taken off the list for the following week's vote.

    Ask on.
    Thread by: Korra, Sep 12, 2011, 46 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Korra
    Because you guys are just really good at tying polls.
    Thread by: Korra, Sep 11, 2011, 27 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Korra
    Messing with some textures and fractals. Really had no direction with it, but eh, I don't mind how it came out. Original scan from the manga and inspiration.
    Thread by: Korra, Sep 9, 2011, 6 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  9. Korra
    Vote on .
    Thread by: Korra, Sep 9, 2011, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Korra
    and it's already one of my favorite things ever

    Thread by: Korra, Sep 6, 2011, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Korra
    yikes what a creative title

    Anyway, I'm making this for a very good friend of mine - Rayku here - for his male Maka (this is evidently canon?) cosplay for NYCC/AF this year. First time doing anything this large, only others I've done were two knives and modding some Nerf guns.
    I've never watched/read Soul Eater but from the specifications he told me this scythe is ****ing huge so yeah. :'D

    WIP shots:
    For size comparison, I'm 5'4". :B

    Decided to make it disassembleable...collapsible, whatever, for easy transport. It breaks down into three pieces.

    Cut out the blade piece, pre-sanding.

    Result of last night's work (minus the dog toy, she dropped that there as I took the picture).

    Progress as of about 20 minutes ago.

    All I have left to do is further secure the blade, then prime and paint it. I'll probably be finished tonight or tomorrow, not bad considering I started yesterday.
    Cut the smaller PVC pipes with a hacksaw then cut the blade out of a piece of plywood with a jigsaw (as well as the larger pipe), sanded the blade by hand, then assembled it.
    And yes that is the same set of clothes, they're my work clothes for this project because there is literally sawdust everywhere.

    Cnc, etc.
    Thread by: Korra, Sep 5, 2011, 17 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  12. Korra
    This week we have the forum's resident Fruitbender up for questioning - Plums. Don't hit him too hard with questions, he might bruise.
    ...Nah just kidding verbally assault him all you'd like.

    Now as always, before we begin I have some rules for you guys - but if you notice, the question cap has been moved up to ten, as Prems tend to be more active:

    1 - Keep it within the rules of the forum, nothing over PG-13. It's still on KHV.

    2 - The person in the spotlight does NOT have to answer all the questions.

    3 - The person in the spotlight will have to answer the question on a regular basis, daily would be preferred, so dedication will be needed.

    4 - You must be nominated in order to be in the spotlight.

    5 - Don't start an argument with the person getting questioned. Keep it clean and don't use it as an attempt to flame the person.

    6 - Don't ask too many questions. Give the person some time to answer, and let others have a chance to ask. Maximum amount of questions asked to the person in the spotlight by one member is 10, and no more than 50 questions can be put forth at one time. Once that member has answered you may ask more. If you ask more than ten questions at once your post will be edited, and if you continue to do so you may be taken off the list for the following week's vote.

    Ask on.
    Thread by: Korra, Sep 3, 2011, 54 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Korra

    Here's a bigger version.
    Thread by: Korra, Sep 2, 2011, 28 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Korra
    If so did you have trouble creating a seller's account?
    Because every time I try and activate the account by logging into PayPal from eBay's redirect, it tells me the page is old and doesn't work.
    Yet I can log into PayPal separately just fine and I'm about to punch something at this point :|

    Also the help center is useless because the tab they tell me to click on isn't there.
    Thread by: Korra, Aug 31, 2011, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Korra

    hey Stardust

    Thread by: Korra, Aug 30, 2011, 17 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Korra


    This idea's been bugging me for a while and when I was finally about to get around to writing it, Irene hit. Go figure.
    Anyway, this is a KHV based story.

    The images are not exactly what the armor looks like, but I'm using them as a reference to make it easier for me to write and for people to reference if needed.

    CODERS – White armor with yellow-orange markings. Computer hacking geniuses. Armed with electrical stunguns and EMP grenades.
    REPORTERS – Green armor. Proficient in recon and gathering data. Armed with standard short range guns and standard grenades.
    SEC MODS – White armor with red markings. Good at keeping track of specific areas, but don’t often work together. Armed with standard midrange guns, a handgun, and standard grenades.
    SUPERMODS – Deep purple armor with white cloth. Essentially the special forces and black ops, work in a squad. Armed with a gun that can be configured for short, mid, or long range; carry EMP, standard, and flashbang grenades. Answer only to Admins.
    ADMINS – White armor with blue markings. All other ranks answer to them, each are masters of a specific skill. Armed with a standard midrange gun, handgun, and standard grenades. Often seen with Sec Mods nearby as support.

    Chapter I. Endgame, Part One
    Chapter II. The Fallen Future
    Chapter III. Beginnings
    Chapter IV. Calm Before the Storm
    Chapter V. Resolute Strength

    This night will fall like any other
    Daylight subsides and shadows crawl
    Up from under black corners hiding

    Chapter I. Endgame, Part One
    Summer of 2009

    “Hold them off, dammit!” the female voice growled over the armored soldiers’ helmet audio link. “This is the first time all of us are together in one place, if we can’t stop these things from breaching Off Topic what good are we?”
    She didn’t want to discourage her troops, but the odds were beginning to become overwhelming. Sections of the blue paint on her armor were chipping off and she knew the others weren’t any better off. “Where did all of these bots come from? KHV’s borders were secure up until recently, I’m sure of that.”
    It wasn’t something she could consider for much longer, as a second voice broke over the audio – it too was female, but several years younger.
    “Grenades incoming, clear out!”
    The blue-armored warrior barely had time to dive back behind the massive wall that separated Forum Assistance from Tech Support. Seconds later, a handful of grenades was tossed over the wreckage of part of the wall, detonating almost instantly in the swarm of bots that were trying to break into Tech Support. The younger voice rang out again. “C’mon guys, we got ‘em on the run! And we got a blue watchin’!”
    A blue. The affectionate nickname Sec Mods gave Admins. Said Admin watched as five red-armored Sec Mods charged past her, weapons firing into whatever the grenades didn’t take out. She was proud of them, that she knew for sure. They’d never had a drill anywhere close to this intensity but they all seemed to be holding their own well.
    “Wolf, Advent, Trigger, Fayt, Styx – hold this line, do not let those bots through. If they get through the wall and into Tech Support who knows what they could do to the rest of the Forum. I’m going to find the Supermods and see if they can’t rearrange some architecture to block off whatever else tries to come through that wall,” the Admin said. She saw them all nod, and then one speak to the rest , no doubt using the private communication link. The Sec Mod threw another grenade into the attacking bots, then turned and ran back to the Admin.
    “You gonna be alright on your own, Mom- er, Admin Catch the Rain?” she said over another private link to the Admin. The worry was clear in her voice.
    “Yes Wolfie, I should be fine. Those purples probably aren’t too far away anyway…but I suppose you can never tell with them,” CtR responded. Wolfie nodded, but a few moments of tense silence followed.
    She spoke up again. “I want to go with you. Even if it’s dangerous, it’d be safer for you to have a gun watching your six.”

    CtR sighed. Wolfie was stubborn, almost everyone knew that. But she was also right, it would be safer to have someone else with her. She closed her eyes, though she knew her adoptive daughter couldn’t see it. “That is true. You can come along but I want to take another Sec Mod with us. You may pick, when you’re through meet me up at Suggestions and we’ll go from there,” CtR said.
    Wolfie gave an excited nod of agreement. Finding bots had always been a bit of a game for her, but finding the Supermods? It was a new type of excitement for a Sec Mod. She trotted back down to her fellow reds and gave a summary of the situation, though none stopped fighting during it.
    “So, who wants to jump through flaming hoops with me to find the Supermods?” Wolfie asked the others. None responded at first. They were all afraid of the Supermods, and with good reason. Finally, one Sec Mod got up from his crouched position.
    “I’ll tag along with ya, Sis. Shit’s gonna be awesome. Maybe I’ll kick Darky in the balls too, just for fu-“
    Before he could finish, a gauntlet clunked against his helmet. “You’re too much of an idiot to keep them safe, Advent. Even if Wolf is your sister,” a second male said, “I’ll go.”
    Advent laughed good naturedly over the communication link. “Want some alone time with her, eh? ‘Atta boy, Fayt!” Despite the number of bots on the other side of the wall, all the Sec Mods got a chuckle out of that.
    “Her mother will be with us, Advent. I’m not stupid.”
    Wolfie cleared her throat. “If both of you are done, we had an Admin to escort.”
    Both Sec Mod boys nodded. Advent gave a little two-finger salute. “Stay safe, Sis.”
    “You too, Advent. Same for you, Styx and Trigger.” The other two nodded but said nothing.
    “Alright, let’s move, Fayt.”

    It took the pair a few minutes to reach Suggestions. It was a swampy area, bogged down with mush and sludge, with various trees scattered about the place. It was fairly dangerous to anyone that didn’t know the area well, but they were all counting on it to slow down the bots if they broke through. In a short while they found CtR – who, much to Wolfie’s disappointment, had already found the Supermods – as well as Roxasvsriku, a handful of Coders, and a Reporter. CtR noticed the two Sec Mods and filled them in.
    “Good to see you two made it here okay. But unfortunately…those damn bots have somehow broken into the Staff CP. RvR and the Coders were in there trying to fix what they destroyed-“
    “But it’s no good,” RvR said. “They got to the security systems faster than we could undo the system overrides. They’re getting smarter and it’s costing us. All security doors are down, not even the Coders could come up with a Code to fix the security locks.”
    “Meaning anyone,” one of the Supermods said, “can get anywhere. Regardless of rank or if they’re even human.”
    The Reporter nodded. “Misty’s right. I’ve managed to get a look around the nearby Sections, there’s at least twenty bots in each. Most members seem unaware of their presence right now, some are even interacting with them without realizing it.”
    “And to make matters worse, we lost one of our Supermods while trying to eliminate the threats in other Sections,” Misty said. Wolfie and Fayt glanced at each other, they couldn’t believe that the bots had actually taken down a Supermod.
    “They’re that strong now?” Fayt asked. If it was true, that was a terrifying prospect.
    “Yes. It’s just me, Darky, and Repliku left now.”
    “Well shit,” Fayt said.
    One of the Coders spoke up. “Er, hello Mods – I know we’ve never really met before but it’s an honor all the same. I am Evilman, perhaps you’ve heard of me? Uh, regardless. There may be a way to secure the largest area of KHV if we abandon any efforts here, the largest area being of course the Rules & News Forum. The Coders – with the help of Admin RvR – may be able to create a digital shield of sorts around the area. But again that is only if we abandon this area now.”
    The other staff members regarded this with silence. The Sec Mods knew they had little say in this, and even the Supermods were strangely silent. Given the slight head movements from the two Admins, they all knew the two were using a private link. After a few minutes of this, CtR turned to the Sec Mods.
    “Alright. You two are coming with me, we’re going into the CP and making an announcement to the members to move to Rules & News. The Coders and Reporter will head to the Forum now and start working on that miracle. RvR and the Supermods are going to go down to Off Topic, picking up the Sec Mods there, and will rendezvous with us back in Rules & News. Understood?”
    Fayt and Wolfie stood at attention and saluted. “Yes ma’am!”
    “Good. Move out, Staff.”

    RvR moved through the section with ease. He could hear the footfalls of the Supermods behind him, and it was comforting in a sense. They were the only people here now and he could hear the sound of the fighting beyond the door of Suggestions. RvR activated a link to the Sec Mods, given their proximity.
    “Hey guys. RvR and Supermods incoming. What’s the sitrep?”


    “Sec Mods, come in. This is RvR, what is your current situation?”
    He was met with static again, but for a moment he heard Styx’s voice. “Not go- can- hold –em. Tri- own. Ad- nded. All t-ken he-y -amage.” More static, then Advent’s voice, “S- ry boss. Loo- we –ren’t read- -or this.” And then the static came back.

    RvR swallowed hard. “Goddamn. Supermods, let’s pick up the pace. We need to get down there now.”
    He felt like there was a weight compressing his chest, despite the fact that he was upright and sprinting. The group went through the door into Tech Support, only to be greeted by a harsh sight. The wall was badly damaged and the Sec Mods were pushed back to a small pile of debris near the door. Styx was the only one left standing, albeit barely; Trigger lay dead over the debris and Advent was propped up behind it. His helmet was smashed and he was breathing heavily, extensive damage evident on all of their armor. RvR heard Darky swear. This was no time for everyone to panic.
    “Darky, Repliku, Misty – get this section secure, bust through those bots and then blow what’s left of the wall. I don’t care how you do it, but get it done.” The Supermods nodded and charged forward without question, guns firing. He had faith in them, so he focused on the Sec Mods.
    “Stand down, Styx. We need to get you boys out of here.” Styx didn’t fight him. The Sec Mod stumbled through the door into Suggestions, and RvR followed soon after. He carried Advent in, carefully setting him down against one of the Section’s many trees. His second trip brought in Trigger. As he set the dead man down, RvR said, “You had your moments. Some bad more than good. But you were a decent soldier, Trig. You went down fighting.” He bowed his head for a moment then stood back up. Styx and Advent seemed stable, at the very least. Soon after he felt the rumble of an explosion, telling him that the Supermods were successful.
    Minutes passed, but he saw no sign of what was left of the Supermod Squad. As he was about to try and contact them on the com link, the three came crashing through the door. Or what he thought was the three of them. “There you are, I was starting to worr-“
    “Th-they got them. They got Darky and Repliku. I tried- I really tried to save them but they were covering me and as soon as I set the detonator on the wall- I turned around and they were gone. Just gone. I don’t know what they did with them but I knew there was no way to save them so I left and I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” Misty was shaken. And none would be able to blame her; she lost the three she was closest to in less than twenty-four hours.
    The news hit RvR like a brick. They’d never lost this many Staff at once. But what could he do?
    “Don’t apologize Misty. You…you got the job done. We’ll mourn later, but right now we have to get Styx and Advent back to Rules & News. We’ll take the Staff Access Tunnels, it’ll be faster.”
    “What about Trigger?”
    “…He didn’t make it.”
    They didn’t speak again for some time after that. RvR carried Trigger and Advent while Misty helped Styx walk. When they got to their destination, members were already gathered in the Forum. It was a good sign how many showed up, but he knew just from looking it wasn’t everyone. Regardless, he and Misty proceeded to the Staff’s headquarters. The Coders were busy at work and didn’t pay too much attention to them, and their Reporter – Mike – was looking through video surveillance of the Sections he could reach.
    “No sign of CtR, Wolf, and Fayt,” RvR muttered. He wasn’t too worried, not yet at least.
    The Admin and Supermod went through several doors and hallways until they came to the medical bay. They laid their fellow soldiers on the beds, though RvR pulled a sheet over Trigger.
    “Get them out of their armor if you can and get them set up on the machines,” RvR said to a nurse that followed them in. “And get any help you can in here. They are in critical condition.”
    He nodded to Misty, indicating she follow him. They made their way back to the main area where Mike and the Coders were.
    “Hey…RvR. Do you think they’re okay? CtR and the Sec Mods?”
    He didn’t want to answer Misty right away. If these things were strong enough to take out three Supermods and three Sec Mods, they were not to be taken lightly. “I’m sure they are. All of them are stubborn fighters, I don’t doubt they’ll be back soon.”
    “Yeah. You’re right. Guess we’ll just have to wait.”

    They didn’t have to wait long. Before the hour was up, a battered pair of Sec Mods came through the door of the Access Tunnel, supporting an unconscious CtR between them. Wolfie’s helmet fell off her head, nearly impossible unless the armor has taken critical damage.
    “We’re done. It’s over,” she said, panting. She fell to her hands and knees and vomited, CtR dropping to the floor next to her.
    Fayt removed his helmet and tossed it to the floor. He knelt down next to Wolfie, putting a cautious hand on her shoulder. She whipped around and hugged him, much to his surprise. He didn’t fight it and instead put his arm around her shoulders. She didn’t say another word.
    “All of this was some kind of stunt. One gone wrong, but a stunt nonetheless. We managed to get into the CP, but what did we find? Spdude. The bastard came back for a quick visit just to lower our security in hopes of getting more members registered before his rule ended. Of course he had no idea what he was doing, so he ended up leaving a massive hole in security that allowed these bots in,” Fayt said.
    The room was speechless. Not only had Spdude logged on, he was also the one that inadvertently let the bots in, killing those that kept KHV alive.
    “We tried to explain what he had done and stop him. He wouldn't listen. We couldn’t use our guns or grenades much because of damage it could do to the control system. It ended up being CtR getting in a brawl with Spdude while Wolfie and I sent out the announcement. After we got the message out, CtR seemed to have Spdude beaten-“
    Wolfie cut Fayt off. “But then the damn coward shot her. No accident, either. Shot her multiple times, not even the armor stood up to it…”
    She couldn’t finish. Despite her training and best personal efforts, the tears starting coming. The person that adopted her and took her in was now dead. It wasn’t a joke. She wasn’t coming back. CtR was dead and that was that.
    “She was…gone before we made it halfway through the tunnels,” Fayt said quietly.
    RvR was going to speak some sort of comforting words. The entrance of a nurse stopped him.
    “I’m sorry if I’m interrupting, sir. We tried everything we could, but we couldn’t save them. Both Styx and Advent have passed on.”
    She left the room as quickly as she came.

    No one spoke for several minutes. Staff was more or less broken, both as a physical team and mentally. With the threat of the bots and only four members of the frontal fighting force left, hope was slipping.
    Evilman spoke softly, “If…if it helps the mood at all. We have successfully secured the Rules & News forum. So we are safe.”
    RvR nodded and surveyed the room. “Coders, do you think you can make bot sensors and set them up on Forum perimeters throughout the next two days?”
    The Coders looked at each other, all giving signals of speaking on a private com link.
    “We don’t think we can,” Evilman said, “We will.”
    “Good,” RvR said, “I won’t beat around the bush. We have two Sec Mods, a Supermod, an Admin, a Reporter, and a handful of Coders left. In a lot of ways, we’re absolutely screwed. But there’s still hope. We have a lot of members here that are safe thanks to Fayt and Wolfie. Tonight, we’ll take care of our dead. We’ll honor and mourn them and get all the grief out. Tomorrow we start looking for new candidates. Get some rest everyone. These bots won’t take us down this easily.”

    They'd all suffered losses that day. But RvR knew from years of experience on the battlefront that losses were the fuel for revenge. If anything, it would make the survivors more vicious fighters. And that's exactly what they'd need in a time like this.
    Thread by: Korra, Aug 30, 2011, 32 replies, in forum: Archives
  17. Korra
    I am your worst nightmare.
    I am The Spammer

    Thread by: Korra, Aug 29, 2011, 23 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Korra
    Based off the book series by the same name, due in theaters March 23rd.
    Here's the teaser shown at the VMA awards.
    EDIT: Viacom'd.
    This link will work in the US only.

    For non-US go here.

    Katniss is being played by Jennifer Lawrence, as seen in the trailer.
    Peeta is played by Josh Hutcherson.
    Gale is played by Liam Hemsworth (and is the one speaking in the trailer).

    Other characters:
    • Willow Shields - Primrose Everdeen, the younger sister of Katniss.
    • Paula Malcomson - Mrs. Everdeen, Katniss and Prim's mother.
    • Elizabeth Banks - Effie Trinket, escort of District 12 tributes, Katniss and Peeta.
    • Wes Bentley - Seneca Crane, Head Gamemaker of the Hunger Games.
    • Stanley Tucci - Caesar Flickerman, Interviewer for the Hunger Games.
    • Woody Harrelson - Haymitch Abernathy, former Hunger Games victor and Katniss' and Peeta's mentor.
    • Latarsha Rose - Portia, stylist of Peeta and partner of Cinna.
    • Brooke Bundy - Octavia, member of Katniss' prep team.
    • Lenny Kravitz - Cinna, sylist of Katniss and partner of Portia.
    • Toby Jones - Claudius Templesmith, arena announcer for the games.
    • Amber Chaney - Lavinia, the redheaded Avox girl.
    • Kimiko Gelman - Venia, member of Katniss' prep team.
    • Nelson Ascencio - Flavius, member of Katniss' prep team.
    • Donald Sutherland - President Snow, the cruel and oppressive ruler of Panem.

    Official movie poster:

    This really looks great to me so far, even if the teaser wasn't much it definitely gives the feel of the books. The characters look quite accurate, as does the setting so far, and the main reason I have faith is that Susane Collins herself adapted the book for the screenplay, with assistance from director Gary Ross.
    The sequel Catching Fire is also going to happen.

    tl;dr I'm really really excited. Also that is Rue's four-note tune at the end (though it's cut off in this video).
    But yeah, thoughts/opinions/etc.?
    Thread by: Korra, Aug 29, 2011, 56 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  19. Korra
    We're going to make it through this just fine. We may not be built for hurricanes, but we're stubborn as hell.
    Stay calm, keep your wits about you, use common sense, and don't panic too bad. This applies even if you're not too well prepared. Should power go out and you don't think you have enough nonperishable food, don't open the doors unless you really have to. If you don't think you're prepared enough, it's not too late to move to a shelter if there's one nearby.
    I know I've talked to a few of you and we're all kinda freaked out. I won't lie, I'm pretty scared myself, but remember - so long as you're safe, material possessions can be replaced in the end.

    And to anyone that's not on the East, don't panic and assume the worst if some of us aren't online. If power goes out during this (which it probably will) the prediction is that it will be down for days.

    Like I said, no matter what this storm brings use common sense and we'll all be fine.
    Thread by: Korra, Aug 27, 2011, 34 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Korra
    Though I'm the one putting the thread up, I may have to ask Stardust to be my wingman again given my power might be out for a few days this weekend.
    But for now, vote on.
    Thread by: Korra, Aug 26, 2011, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone