No official title yet, but it looks really interesting. I would really like to see a more modern setting for a Tales Of, kind of like how Square jumped from the knight-like settings of FFI-VI to the somewhat futuristic VII. It's a completely new world, and as it stands, price, platform, and release date are TBA, but more information will be announced June 2nd at the Tales of Festival. Currently a teaser site is up, but it's password protected, my guess would be until June 2nd. help me
Should be interesting. Spoiler
It was only a matter of time until I contributed something to Korra. I've started to mess around with vectoring more so what the hell. I think I'm starting to get more used to Illustrator's interface so I'll likely be doing a lot more stuff like this in the future. Spoiler: naga Spoiler: pabu They're meant to be desktop sized, so if you want to use either, feel free. If you need it resized, let me know and I'll PM it to you. That aside, cnc is appreciated/welcome.
This is my last summer free, and I'm spending the first part of it working (hopefully oh my god) or being glued to my PS3. BUT In August Fayt will be coming here and we're going to Florida for Star Wars Celebration VI and then after that spend a few days at Disney. Except I have no idea what Disney is like anymore because I haven't been there in over ten years? So yeah have any of you been there recently/fairly recently, what are the best places to go, etc. help please
accidentally starts fad
If the world we dreamed of exists anywhere, let’s go look for it. Beyond the wind, the freezing dawn, the parched midday, the trembling night. Let’s go see what’s at their end. ...So I recently got into Journey Spoiler This larger version probably looks better, if not blame the image host site. I wanted to keep it as simple as possible, so it's done entirely in Illustrator. Only thing is that Illustrator and I don't get along together well, so there's some stuff I might go back and fix up later because it was being an uncooperative jackass. I might do more of this to help get over this massive art block I've had since...January because all I've been doing is assignment-based work lately. Cnc etc.
I've opened this discussion once before, but now after doing more professional research and whatnot I'd like to do this again. I'll ask the following first, just to see what some responses are, then I'll post my own thoughts (because it would be very, very lengthy for an opening post). Right then, onward. How do you see video games? Do you play simply for entertainment? Do you think video games can be considered art? And I'm not talking just high-def CG. Take all aspects of the game into consideration. When you pick up a game, how often do you find yourself completely wrapped up in it? Have you ever played a game that has been considered to have terrible graphics (for the time it's from) but wanted to see the story, or vice versa (bad story/gameplay, good graphics)? Why do you think gaming has become such a huge part of our everyday lives? What is your opinion on the "video games make our kids violent" argument? Given that there is somewhat of a recession going on around the world, do you think the gaming industry will suffer from it? Overall, how do you think video games have progressed? Do you think that fewer very good games are being made in order to produce games that barely sell but are from big toy companies? Like Barbie games for example. How do you feel about games with multiple sequels? Do you think companies are opting to try and make sub-par sequels they know will sell rather than more thought out original ideas? For you, what makes a video game good? Has there ever been a game you've played that actually changed how you look at life, or at least made you think about things? What is your all-time favorite game and why? And for fun, what is the stupidest - yet somehow entertaining - game you've played or watched someone play?
I was going to post these a while ago but decided to wait till now because hey the movie is completely ripping up the box office and I saw it three times in a span of five days A friend of mine and I decided to do a photoshoot in December, and we ended up going out on one of the coldest/brightest days of winter. Which really blew, but I think we got some good shots - most of these have very slight post production editing, if any. The bow and quiver are very real; the bow I repainted as well as its sport arrows which can be seen here. I did not bring them with me to this shoot because it was at a public park and safety was a concern. Anyway, myself as Katniss, photos by my friend. First time I've done a photoshoot too. Climbing trees - I was about 20-30 feet up a pine tree for these. Be warned, if you have no experience tree climbing, don't do this. The ground is always farther down than you think. Spoiler: 1 Spoiler: 2 Spoiler: 3 Ground shots - Mostly with one of the knives I made. Plywood, hand cut, sanded, painted and detailed. Spoiler: 4 Spoiler: 5 Spoiler: 6 (my friend made a really stupid comment while I was "cutting" the tree branch and you can probably tell I was fighting back a laugh...which was bad because I almost fell 15 feet out of a tree) There is a second part to this but I didn't want to make a really huge post so I'll put them up later. Cnc, questions, anything really is welcomed.
seeing yourself on tv and in news articles especially when you're a really shy person to begin with :|
hey there khv I survived the hardest term of my freshman year wassup
I've been under quite a lot of stress lately and have had some problems since getting back to college this term and I've made the decision to take a break. Some of you may know what kind of crap I put up with here (mostly my roommates) and it's starting to stress me out to the point where I can't sleep and I'm just kind of a wreck. Plus my work takes a lot of time now because the program I'm in is very art intensive and rather than exams and tests we have massive time consuming projects instead. So with that said, I'll be scarce for the next few weeks. Stardust will be handling Question Time until I return and I'll deal with Secret Santa when I get back too since there's a few things that need to be worked out that involve talking to some members. Very sorry for the delay on that but it will be done. If you really need to contact me for some reason, I'll be on tumblr for the most part and Facebook for those that have me. MSN too, but don't always expect me to respond because the busy status does mean I'm busy. My work needs to take priority at this point in time. Take care guys.
in the depths of the scum on Nar Shaddaa does anyone else have TOR yet ;~;
Finished up Skyward Sword yesterday and my god it was amazing. But now I have my PS3 set up and don't know what to play first - Metal Gear Solid, Nier, or Uncharted. I really haven't followed any of these series so I am undecided. :c
Well, it's the big day at last, and now's your turn to post your gifts! Simply post your gift (or a link to it) and who it's for. Several people have contacted me saying they'll be a bit late, so if you still haven't seen anything posted for you by the New Year, please let me know. Merry Christmas!
Vote on .
I've been playing Skyward Sword like a maniac and working on my own Mandalorian costume, so this sketch I did last night on a whim. Once I get my first set of armor approved in the Mandalorian Mercs, I fully intend to make this a reality. Link as a Mando, gonna clean it up and color it tonight (probably). Sword used in the design exists and will be bought as soon as I have some extra cash. Aside from that, there may or may not be chainmail involved in parts of the armor - haven't decided on that yet. CnC appreciated, looking mainly for feedback on overall design. Spoiler Final version of the lines and base color (missed erasing a spot here and there but took care of that in the final) Spoiler and finished. Shading I did around 3 in the morning so the lighting may not make complete sense. But it works well enough, I think.
Though he seems to have gone from a Pikachu to a contract-making-hell-cat-thing, P has always been here in some form or another. Here's your chance to harass him, kids. Now as always, before we begin I have some rules for you guys - but if you notice, the question cap has been moved up to ten, as Prems tend to be more active: 1 - Keep it within the rules of the forum, nothing over PG-13. It's still on KHV. 2 - The person in the spotlight does NOT have to answer all the questions. 3 - The person in the spotlight will have to answer the question on a regular basis, daily would be preferred, so dedication will be needed. 4 - You must be nominated in order to be in the spotlight. 5 - Don't start an argument with the person getting questioned. Keep it clean and don't use it as an attempt to flame the person. 6 - Don't ask too many questions. Give the person some time to answer, and let others have a chance to ask. Maximum amount of questions asked to the person in the spotlight by one member is 10, and no more than 50 questions can be put forth at one time. Once that member has answered you may ask more. If you ask more than ten questions at once your post will be edited, and if you continue to do so you may be taken off the list for the following week's vote. Ask on.
[video=youtube;kecWETS1Zck][/video] Actually seems legit.