that this kid in School of Rock is wearing a Warning shirt? View attachment 42511 that makes it the best movie ever (after all of the other best movies ever)
guess i better start saving for a ps4
we'll get wacky courtroom puns in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice i expect to hear: how do you plead has the jury reached a verdict i rest my case ladies and gentlemen of the jury no further questions i'll allow it i'd like to call a new witness i plead the fifth Objection! something about being held in contempt do you swear to uphold truth, justice, and the american way, so help you god?
one day bots will be the dominant species and they will ban us what you don't know is that the being known as "Misty" is the prototype for a highly sophisticated (this is not a compliment) artificial intelligence.
they dont end movies like that anymore
beard murder
lists of my favorite writers and artists in comics. i didn't put a huge huge amount of thought into this. i basically just wrote down writers and artists that i like and organized them based on knee jerk reaction to how much i like their stuff. i want to see what other people would put down writers 1. Bendis 2. Paul Dini 3. Fraction 4. Wolfman 5. Scott Snyder 6. Miller 7. Simone 8. Morrison 9. Azzarello 10. JMS artists 1. Bagley 2. Manapul 3. Damion Scott 4. Capullo 5. Pichelli 6. Rocafort 7. Mazzucchelli 8. Bruce Timm 9. George Perez 10. Jock like I said if I sat down and put considerable thought into this it may be very different. I hesitate to put Bendis at the top because I'm not sure if I like him that much but I loved what I read of his early Daredevil stuff, his Guardians is kind of fun, and I'm having a profound experience with his Ultimate Spider-Man. I also don't know if I like Fraction enough for him to be all the way at #3 because I've read very little of his, but what I've read was very good and I liked everything about his style of writing (Sex Criminals is outstanding).
har har har
ask yourself: "does this movie have apes on horseback dual-wielding machine guns?" if the answer is no, move along.
View attachment 42001 you're welcome
Zeta, baby. your lines. your angles. ugh. UGH. I don't know what a wayfu is but ζ is my favorite i am in a mech mood rn
in which i gush over Char's Counterattack this is not going to be articulate. my brains like half dead rn I watched cca today for the second time in something like 5 years. The first time I watched it I hated it. Having watched it a second time, I think it's the best Gundam thing out there. This is something I've been experiencing a lot lately. I'll go back to things I watched long ago and find so many things that I didn't pick up on before. I guess this is to be expected, but it really is amazing how dramatically different your opinions can be when your primary interest is story and character and stuff, compared to your younger self who didn't even know what that was. The big thing about the film that's hard to get over is Quess Paraya. She and Hathaway were the main reason I didn't like it the first time I watched it. Quess is such a good character. She's without a doubt the most unlikable character I've ever seen, but that's the point. I still don't like Amuro very much. He's basically there to spout the typical Japanese anime idealistic platitudes that don't mean anything and detract from the actually interesting ideas coming from people like Char (who is now one of my favorite characters). the animation is gorgeous. so so gorgeous. even if you don't care about Gundam, watch it for the animation is nothing else.
1. when something seems amiss, just Bright Slap™ it back into place 2. if things start to get crazy, Bright Punch™ your problems away 3. afterwards, calm yourself with some tasty Bright Burgers™ this fixes literally everything. don't question me.
to be the one born to bear and read to all the details of our ending
things Tomino directs have awkward pacing and atrocious dialogue he's like George Lucas. has good ideas but needs someone else to realize them like i'm sitting here watching some Zeta and remembering how frustrating it is watching Tomino's shows
can i take zyrtec (cetirizine 10 mg) with tylenol extra strength (acetaminophen 500 mg)? my own research gave conflicting results i did something to piss off Spring so now its trying to murder me
big guns or big swords
do u do this to me devpro View attachment 41778 whyy like every other game
i win thread over mod close pls