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  1. 61


    you have no food at home and have to eat out of the vending machine that was once so tempting but you now realize is actually satan and youre trying to make a decision between two things but the nutrition facts arent clear and you find out you made the wrooooooong choice.

    curse you satan
    Thread by: 61, Jun 14, 2016, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. 61

    its true that

    iron giant is the best movie ever right?

    thought so.
    Thread by: 61, Jun 14, 2016, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. 61


    how many more fantasy-based action/rpg games need to be made until the entire gaming community's collective gag reflex triggers and the thought of picking up another sword and wearing another suit of armor and fighting another wtfever makes everyone literally throw up

    just wondering

    and i would ask the same thing of jrpg's, but the problem there's not a single aesthetic thats been done ad nauseam

    where's my hard sci-fi game? where's my sc-fi anything that's not guy with fancy gun shoots monster?
    im sure they're out there but it seems like i have to dig deep to find anything worthwhile

    no man's sky is prob gonna suck but it looks like a step in the right direction for someone like me

    ps i have no idea what im talking about
    Thread by: 61, Jun 13, 2016, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. 61


    comic shop experience always

    me going in:
    "alright im only buying those two issues and nothing more because im saving money for important things"

    guy at the shop mid-conversation:
    "hey this issue looks neat i think youd like it"

    "cool i'll buy the whole series."

    me leaving
    "im so so so stupid"

    also i got an aquaman rebirth variant cover by mistake and that kinda destroys me inside. i was too distracted by my excitement at getting the shops last copy to consider it maybe being a variant cover.
    Thread by: 61, Jun 8, 2016, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. 61

    so like

    if im


    a fan of both pokemon and persona

    would cyber sleuth be something i would like?

    and are they going to make more


    is digimon story going to be an ongoing thing?

    because thatd be pretty cool
    Thread by: 61, Jun 2, 2016, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. 61


    View attachment 44608
    Thread by: 61, May 21, 2016, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. 61

    what happened

    why is the internet so stupid

    suddenly i have to have a google account to use youtube and nothing makes sense anymore

    then editing anything about that profile is the most unintuitive thing ever (which is weird since google is literally a white screen with a search bar)

    now i can somehow have multiple email accounts attached to one in yahoo. i think. but for some reason im not allowed to change my profile picture.

    i dont understand anything anymore. technology should have stopped progressing once we hit 2006. everything was pretty perfect for a couple years, now i feel like an old man trying to make sense of a scary new world.

    one of the things i learned in creative writing is that at some point you have to stop editing and step away because you keep seeing things that you think need to be fixed, and whether or not they actually do is beside the point because what you'll end up doing is losing sight of what's best for the story and connection with the reader. now i know technology is a little different from creative writing, but i cant help but think the same principle should be applied here. i mean do we really need all of the technological wonders we have in 2016. nah. ipod nano's got the job done just fine. i aint need no touch screen and i dont give a shit fuck about your twitters and youtube money. christ.

    stress ventilated, everything back to normal. whew.
    Thread by: 61, May 17, 2016, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. 61

    heck ye

    a i wanna follow anime girls View attachment 44593

    yknow someone should really step in and stop me from posting things atp
    Thread by: 61, May 13, 2016, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. 61
    of willpower to not start every day based off of

    thats a waynes world reference

    i love that movie

    thats a redlettermedia reference
    Thread by: 61, May 10, 2016, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. 61


    lazy title bc creative juices aint flowin atm

    cuttin this short - i started walking again because i need some way to keep my fabulous body (lol) in shape since i wont be walking around campus during summer. since walking is boring ill be listening to a backlog of music ive been meaning to get to. it works out to about 1 album per day. the past two days I listened to Californication and By the Way by Red Hot Chili Peppers.

    Basically the point of this thread is post what new music youve been listening to recently and what you think about it. i get a lot of people consume music passively, and not to sound pretentious, but i like listening to music the same way that i read or watch things. calculated and religiously. with an album being the base unit of audible art, not the single. obv this isnt the only way i listen, but you get the point hopefully.

    so to get things started.
    I loved Californication. It's brilliant. It's the first RHCP album ive listened to from front to back rather than select songs here and there.

    By the Way was pretty boring. I like funky RHCP and By the Way is mostly long drawn out mellow songs. If youre into that thing I guess its good but I didn't enjoy it. I liked the By the Way and Can't Stop and that's about it.

    if theres a thread already exactly like this delete this or merge it or something idgaf
    Thread by: 61, May 10, 2016, 0 replies, in forum: Music
  11. 61
    i think someone should invent the internet license. put an age limit on this thing. every few years you have to get it renewed to make sure you can still use this monster properly because by all accounts mine should have been revoked a long time ago or i should have never been given one

    i say this because i go to youtube and search right on time thinking the rhcp song is gonna be the first thing to come up but instead i get a white kid in a snapback rapping or whatever and i cant help but think the world benefits not at all from this and it would be better if this type of thing wasn't allowed to exist
    Thread by: 61, May 8, 2016, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. 61
    "nope not for me"
    Thread by: 61, May 5, 2016, 16 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. 61

    when you

    walk down the hot pocket aisle and take a moment of silence bc they dont make your favorite kind anymore

    that feel brooooo
    Thread by: 61, May 2, 2016, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. 61



    nevermind i was wrong
    Thread by: 61, Apr 26, 2016, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. 61

    kh sucks

    i was in ling class and we were doing greek stuff and the prof was talking about x so naturally i started thinking about kh.

    and i realized some stuff

    the reason i dont like bbs is bc thats when the kh story started getting really ****ing stupid and too involved. it was already dumb before that and you could maybe argue that kh2 was when things actually startef getting too dumb, but bbs introduced a ton of new concepts on top of what had already been added and it was just too much. but whats more, i think i can actually point to where kh went wrong for me.

    and its that stupid x-blade. that they added an entire layer of mythos thats based on a pun is just the dumbest **** i can imagine. its all that xehanort x blade stuff that makes me play these games solely for the gameplay now. when i was a kid kh gave me a lot of emotions. now all it gives me is headaches.
    Thread by: 61, Apr 22, 2016, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. 61

    if unchained

    has taught me anything its that i would lose so much money if they put out another kh tcg



    Thread by: 61, Apr 18, 2016, 38 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. 61
    of my comic shop. someone brought these and put them here for some reason.
    View attachment 44505
    Thread by: 61, Apr 16, 2016, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. 61

    you know how

    music you listen to during a bad time in your life can be tainted for the future and its hard to go back to it?

    i hate that
    Thread by: 61, Apr 14, 2016, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. 61

    i i i i i

    one of my friends has this stupid thing, and the only reason i bring this up is because i know there are a lot of people like is, where if there's any screaming in music she just automatically won't listen to it. and that frustrates me because (now i cant play like any music i like for her) there's no appealing to that. there's no "well the music's great if you can just get past the vocals." theres a lot of music i like where i have to almost tune out the vocals because i dont like them. hell, i ALWAYS like singing over screaming. and i almost never remark on good screaming. just not my thing. but to see a person ignore all musical value based on the fact that theres unclean vocals is just such an alien menality to me. what the **** decade is this? do you have a kid who's rockin out to i want to hold your hand? christ. get over it. i understand not liking music. i dont like rap. but the reason i dont like it is not the rapping itself, i can get past that. its the music. so to say you wont give anything with x vocal quality a chance seems so ****ing childish.

    like im here vibin on this

    and i cant play it for them because despite all of the stellar music and vocals some of those vocals arent clean
    Thread by: 61, Apr 5, 2016, 22 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. 61


    Thread by: 61, Apr 4, 2016, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone