if you want to, doesnt make much diference to me
yeah, ive already seen one of you, but u said it was from like 2 years ago or something....
y not, swordser2 had hers as an avatar.....
i dont think ive ever heard of something like that.... side note.....your only 16? i thought you were older than that.....at least to me you always came acroos as early twenties....
i dont think ive ever heard of "optio"
yo..... /filler ahhhhhh, gotcha.....i would offer to help, but i dont know what camera your using and how to work the program
i lol'd yeah, why not next week.....thats classic.... but i do understand.....though if i was youzzz, i wouldnt worry about it, itsjust a headband....get sometime next week
well, wat i SHOULD HAVE said was something else lol, sorry , i just had to do that....
this makes me want the game even more....
all of that may be true, but the fact remains i have yet to meet anyone who plays ice climbers well, and i know at the very least 2 dozen smash players....im sorry if i come off as beating on the ice climbers, its just tha i dont think they are worth bringing back is all....
well, lets se, if it helps you sleep at night, i guess you could call it, "creative money making"
yes, its a leaf, you probably never noticed because the top right is supposed to be the leaf stem, and bottom left is the end of the leaf.... and, lol, y no just ask....????
f.....y.....e o....o.....n r.....u.....t .......r.....e ..............r .............t .............a .............i .............n .............m .............e ..............n ..............t yeah, i was thinking about picking one up, but after i looked at it i saw a slash through the leaf an thought "isnt that sasukes headband?" and then put it down....
i know someone with a naruto headband, in fat i almost bought one for myself at FYE....
i feel like going to mall with empty pockets all the time, window shopping is something always within my budget....
ummm, im lost,m wats goin on now????? sorry, eating....
Durr, now there's a word I haven't heard in forever.....along with "doyy"
Did you try that program thatwe have....
Yes, I am still here, and yes I want to be a chef, and no, if I was talking to peter, I'd tell you....
I'VE BEEN SAYING THAT SINCE DAY 1!!!! And yes, I'm a senior this year, and yes I will probably be on more next year, I want to be a chef..... And hello stardust And I'm sorry I've been kinda on and off, I'm talking to yall on my phone, the service is ******ed near my brothers house