i know, its just usually when someone says they have to go(on this site anyways) i dont see em for a day or 2.... well, now i have to go, ill be back in about an hour and a half.....so i hopes to see ya then....
ohh, well, alright, sounds good to me....
hmmm, thought you said you had to go? not that i mind....
alight, c ya, and i understand about the icing, id do the same.....if it some other flavor..... my guess is that stardust is working on an amv, got logged out by the system and is that 1 guest viewing this page.....stardust, if im correct, dont say anything.... --------a minute later-------- yep, im correct.....
and now it did.... echo!!!!! echo!!!!! echo!!!!! echo!!!!! echo!!!!! echo!!!!! echo!!!!!
take out the parenthisies---> ()()()()()()()()() and take out the "v="
larxel, because you always type in red, there needs to be a space between what you type and "[/color]" otherwise, it wont work, i have the same problem in my sig.....if i try to put links to certain images that i put in my sig, it comes out wrong..... either that, or try putting outside of the color brackets....
this video?
finished refurbing.....this is the vid i would like to enter into the contest.....wen its finished uploaing ill post it here for larxel.....
XD lol.....
its really just--> [youtube=(numbers)](numbers)[/youtube ]
i saw it done by roxasvsriku in the super smash bros brawl thread, then i tried it out..... when you go to you tube and click a vid.....in the url it always says "http://youtube.com/watch?v=" followed by random numbers and letters......copy those random numbers and letters into this format--> [youtube=(*random numbers here*)](*random numbers here*)[/youtube ] ****but you have to take out the space at thje end..... c ya later....
i ramble nots
hmmm, sounds good to me....soory ive been idle for the past few minutes....working on another amv....refurbishing this amv ---->>> man, i love doin that....
paints? or pants?
a hypocrite is someone.....hmmmm....example ----> -some one tells not to smoke, then pulls out a cigarette and lights it....
i edited my post^^^^^^^
even when its against me i love it.....because about 100% of the time, the irony isnt against me....the only way irony creeps up on you is when your a hypocrite.... EDIT: ACTUALLY, THAT CAME OUT WRONG......the only way irony sneeks up on you wen someone involved is a hypocrite....
lol, i love irony.....
kairi.....if kairi were never in the game, the game would have never existed.....if sora were never there, the keyblade would have chosen another person and the game would have played through as normal....