neh, dont worry about it, just messing with ya....
wat? i dont get a hello? how rude....
diet coke with 3 mentos does the trick, u need to drop them in at the same time....
lol, it didnt work, funny.....
hey all, wat did i miss....????
i think its the 21st
go to, find the video you want...... go to this address, enter the address, and click download..... after its done downloading, go to this address, choose the file, choose the file type when its going in, scroll down, in the box on the left, scroll to "WINDOWS", click convert.... i gtg, dinner....
it says " not.....much to.....look at....
ummmmmmm, drifloon?????
well, confirmation was the last time i ever stepped foot in a church....about 3-4 years ago.... oooo, europe......i couldve gone to italy this summer, but i didnt sign my school, a few of the teachers get to gether and take 30-40 kids to some foreign country.....this year it was italy....and last year it was greece....i couldve gone....opted not to....
alright now im getting kinda brain-dead from gonna call it a night, c yall tamara
WAIT!!!! sora isnt in neverland yet.....hes at the end of either halloweentown, or atlantica, but riku is in neverland.....maybe that helps....
it is neverland.....very early.....maybe 5-10 minutes into the clip.....kh1
over there its actually earlier, over there its like 10.....and sweet!!!styx it currently watching code is one of the greatest shows eva!!!! EDIT: alright, if no ones gonna say something i guess ill see yall on the flip side....
yeesh, alright, sorry....hmmmm, lets about "nothing lasts forever", maroon 5......wait, no, scratch that....."come sail away", styx
okay, now your just makin fun of me....
*flashes back* lol......*comes back from flash back* i flash backed to about ten seconds ago....
YAY!!!! i love flashbacks!!!!! *flashes back....*.................i love wendy's chicken nuggets....
okay, but y not just put it onto this profile as well????