i understand, its gonna be a big day....*wipes tear from eye* btw, lol, i gots a 4 day weekend....it was a 3 day week, and last week (the first week of school) was also a 3 day week, my school rocks!!!!
long tme no see....
ECHO!!!! ECHO!!!! ECHO!!!! ECHO!!!! ECHO!!!! ECHO!!!! ECHO!!!! ---hi---*sniffles*
oh yeah.... i forgot, you downloaded that demo thing....geez, when is the expiration on it????
eh, the usual.... show up, die of boredom, go home, do it over again.... you????
aye, that....*sniffles* ....i am....
that it is....but, it is also for ds....
lets see.... 1. fox 2. mewtwo 3. falco 4-25. most everyone else 26. jigglypuff
this looks, actually, pretty good.... official trailer.... official trailer #2
i love the episod where mac has a sleepover, but it wasnt his idea, and bloo eduardo and wilt just kinda show up.... my favorite part is when cheese is riding on top of eduardo on the bike, and he screams at the top of his lungs: I LIKE CHOCLATE MILK!!!! of all the things you coud scream, that is definately the best.... ---gotta go gotta go gotta go gotta go gotta go gotta go gotta go gotta go --- ooo, ooo, when mac is making a movie for a class project and bloo completely takes over, and gets tom hanks to play an alien for a total of about 3 seconds....that was great.... and the episode with the flea market, and at the end we find out that ed is really, filthy stinkin' rich....classic....
ahhhhh, good times, good times.... *walks around kinda wobbly* sorry, im sick, and i feel kinda light-headed....wat a day to be sick.....on a day off....if i was gonna get sick, i would have chosen a monday when we were in school to be sick, we have today and tomorrow off for rash hashanna(or something like that)..... *sniffles* but yes, the family was started by the people who spammed the contest....and wat a contest it was.... @black phoenix, i like the idea....it isnt bad, as for the amv....i liked it, it just had too any clips reused....
yes, its the same thing as having tabs on your internet browser...
i do, my laptop, and my moms laptop.....and a third at my dads house....and a fourth(desktop) in my parents room....
*cough* clip used 10 times *cough....*****lol****** i thank u for the video, i do, but it was unnecessary....thanks anyways
talkin bout science class, and uniforms
brain fart.... in my school, we call it "earth science", 9th grade stuff....
i took chem last year, this year its physics....
no, i HAVE TO wear a uniform, the school im hoping i get into is "johnson and whales"