My hands are really dry right now. And I have to study for my Psychology test.
*chucks Twilight series*
I haven't had Sonic in freakin' ever! I used to eat their with my mom when we were still living in Tennessee, which was around 10 years ago. Good Times... And as for the sugar in chicken deal, they probably injected some sort of chemical filled with gluclose in the chicken.
I stayed up until 7:30 this morning, then went to bed and got up around 4 in the afternoon. I'm happy a alot of you had a great Halloween. I'll have to remember to organize for next year.
My favorite boss would have to be Xion (I beat her my first try). My least favorite: The effin LeechGrave and stupid Ruler of the Sky... *stabs them both*
To make a long story short, I didn't get to do ANDYTHING for my favorite holiday. :/
It's a long story... I was planning on going to the store and get some candy for the Trick-Or-Treaters and also a costume, just in case I wanted to go to a party (or just wear around the apartment). Before I could get that stuff, one of my friends called and asked if they could do their laundary (the dorms washer/dryer runs on quarter, and they had no money) So I said yes. They got here around 2-3pm, and didn't finish until 11:45 or so. I managed to get the candy, but no T-Or-Ts showed up. I pretty much didn't do anything. And it sucks because I love Halloween.
My Halloween pretty much sucked.
*doesn't have a Wii* My Halloween pretty much sucked...
I can't do much of anything. I don't have a costume, and I would never go out on Halloween night without one. Last year I got my sucky Cleopatra costume on Halloween night (worst time EVER!! D< ). It didn't even fit right. ; ~; But I can still try to get one; it just won't be that great. Plus, I may get some T-or-T's at my place. I don't really know...
Disney Classics: The Great Mouse Detective The Rescuers Robin Hood
I need to go to GameStop though. >w>
No one. I never get invited... ; ~; Run around in a field filled with candy...?
Jayney :D Go Trick-or-Treating with?
No. I just want to play it over and over again. >w> No...I just want one for the DS... ; ~;
DemyxPlaysMySitar ^ _ ^ Eat cupcakes with..?
My college just recently added those automatic hand sanitizer machines (the ones that you stick your hand under and it automaticly gives you a certain amount). Sad thing about this is that my High School had them before my college did; two years ago. :/
D: I know. I want to get a Digimon game. :/
he quik brown fo jups oer he la dog The heck is this?! D:
=w= Good Job, Mate! :D