now we just need Petru or someone who can use a Chazz deck and we will have some of the protagonists from Yugioh GX. Think of any new combos?
Haiiiiiii, how are you?
okay. I can wait
I posted this idea long ago in the stickied thread in the code vault but it seems the coders have neglected to check it so I was thinking we could have a thread listing names (and downloads, if that is okay) of coding tools like cheat engine 5.5, ps2Dis, pokesav and all the other stuff. This way people who to start coding can start helping other people in need of codes. Also this might reduce the amount of repeat threads because the these people might want to make the codes themselves rather than wait who knows how long to get the code they want. good idea?comments?
continuation of main phase 1 I summon twilight rose knight in attack mode and activate dark world lightning and discard Silva Warlord of the dark world to destroy your face down defense position monster now Silva is special summoned I synchro summon Dark End Dragon to the field in attack mode now i set 4 face downs battle phase I attack your sparkman and inflict 700 life point damage you- 7300 me- 7000
I activate 2 dust tornados to destroy your two face downs do you counter?
you realize it doesn't say edited at this time so I didn't edit it. go on with your move
yes you may but I still have 3 face downs
yes I do and I chain that with dust tornado to your other face down
It isn't January still, is it? The poetry contest needs to be judged and I think the other sections need it too.
of course I counter I activate anti spell fragrance
draw phase 6 cards in hand standby phase nothing main phase 1 I set 4 face downs and end my turn
Repliku noticed the aerial heartless that popped up and took control of them. Xerinas raised her hand and started draining the moisture and energy out of the replicas but she unintentionally was draining her allies. Repliku noticed and casted dark aeroga on his teammates protecting them attacks and drain enemy projectile attacks. Repliku rushed in and held the heart unlocker to the Replica Relix's neck and whispered "you're one of me. i am the original and you must follow my orders because Vexen plans on letting me drain you in the end. I really wouldn't like to do that so if you go and kill him I won't drain you, deal?"
who's first? and Jaden we agreed on using hand refill by the way. i'm testing out the deck I made for him with the deck I made. It's a dark deck
do you have pinky finger sandwiches?
would anyone like to duel?
OOC: Alright, Replicas, prepare to die. BIC: Repliku saw that a horde of replicas were running around. Repliku summoned 5 guardians to keep them in place. 5 guarian heartless chased after the replicas and tried to snatch them OOC: mind that they can block and endure any attack in the games so watch out Xerinas saw what was happening to her teammates and decided to join in. She lowered her hand and started crippling the blood in the replicas making them unable to run. Repliku looked at what Xerinas did and replied "good work Xerinas shall we help or destroy them too?"
I've got a spare Aster Phoenix deck that not many know about. Would you like the recipe? It has some anime exclusives and it's a pro deck so you...
Goodnight Jaden. I hope you sleep well
Well it's your business anyway, not mine. I'm sorry about the late response. I've been focusing on Jaden and homework. Is that you in the profile...