Spoiler sorry but that move was illegal http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Quick-Play_Spell_Cards
*pokes* *whispers* when is the duel arena going to have a custom tag duel? I want to be your teammate. I have a custom card that you and I can...
Xerinas took out her atlamillia sword and froze the dusks in time and said "this should be quite easy" She rose water from the cracks in the ground and grabbed the dusks and put them into a giant water ball. Xerinas clenched her hand and crushed the dusks into nothing. glowing white dusts dropped to the ground
Spoiler correction I have 3300 life points. i have to play honest. I chain the damage you inflicted to me with 3 Gorz, emissaries of darkness and for the first two Gorz' I special summon two tokens with the attack of 2100 and for the third gorz I inflict 2100 life point damage to you. I now activate raigeki and destroy both of your monsters Now I attack you with the 3 Gorz' inflicting 8100 life point damage do you counter somehow?
Alright, the idea....... get a video of the cutscene with Roxas getting a exploding pumpkin thrown at him by the trio and him fighting them. We name the video...... Don't let Roxas babysit your kids
is that blood on his shirt? lol
You destroyed my face downs which were 2 dark coffins now you must destroy 2 monsters, 2 cards in your hand or 1 card in your hand and 1 card on your field
Okay, I'll try to make it as burnable as possible.
Is it okay if I make you a deck for your birthday? You don't have to use it. I just want an opinion on a professional burn deck user and I like...
That fun? What did you do?
Really? wow, sounds cool. Was it fun?
Well I give up, where are you in that pic. i wanna know. C'mon pleasssseeeee?
I need your opinion in a suggestion thread
I chain your dust tornado with my seven tools of the bandit and i await a response
Well I am too so you aren't alone. Are you in church in your profile pic?
okay so I have to redo it?
sure Jaden, it technically wasn't a Yami Yugi card anyway. Knight of Twin Swords used those swords so that's the way I saw it.
No it isn't okay Matt. i want to respond quickly because I like having a good conversation. Is everything going okay at school?
darkness deck of course. A hybrid one