well I'm going to watch the scene to make sure. I know you're more trustworthy but still and thank you both
Finding out you can look up Selphy's skirt on DI. Hours of cheat codes testing too
thank you again
okay because I have a debate in government between the Loyalist and the Patriots and I wanted to Kanye someone
How do you kanye someone?
We use card pics from this site http:yugioh.wikia.com/ Also Jaden could you add it to the first post like the template so new duelists can start faster?
He has a problem with all my friends Styx. So it isn't just me
Xerinas headed towards Vexen and said "look at it now. Ice vs. Water. Which one of us is going to win I wonder. But before we fight I want to make quick work of your replicas. Xerinas rose her right hand and drained the replicas dry thus killing them. Repliku noticed that his treaty attempt had failed due to Xerinas' rash actions. Repliku summoned a copy of Xehanort's Heartless and sent it after Vexen and said "Ansem, grab Vexen and keep him from moving" Xerinas rose excalibur and casted Frozen mirror armor on Repliku, Xehanort's heartless, and herself. Repliku walked up to Vexen and said "hello creator. Nice to see you again. I have a heart of my own now. It looks like there isn't a use for you anymore."
which reminds me. Jaden can you put the template that Xak suggested in the rules?
True, the custom tag duel idea will need TDT as a player though since he makes good customs but we need to determine his teammate. Would Lawrence...
Nice. You still have to worry about battle damage though. What if the person were to use an Odion deck?
sure, I would love to see a Slifer combo
I know but we need to give him time Jade. He will get over this eventually.
Xerinas replied "We've had harder battles. Go on Relix." Xerinas threw two sapphire blue pendants to Relix and said "that will keep my spell intact when you enter the next world. It will heal you both too"
It's up to Jaden who is banned from the arena. not a duel term.
I don't accept, sorry.
Hello, how are you?
okay. I will hunting more down.
Xerinas noticed that Vexen had moved and he was heading towards Lia and Relix. Xerinas rose excalibur and casted Frozen Mirror armor on Lia and Relix. Xerinas yelled "Looks like you will have to fight with only physical attacks Vexen" That armor reflects any elemental attack and can only be destroyed by my excalibur OOC: she has two swords Excalibur and atlamillia sword Repliku saw the hordes of dusks coming and sent his Darkside Guardians after them. The guardians grabbed the dusks with shadow grip and crushed them into nothing. Repliku yelled "now! Cover the entire area with darkness so more can't come"
Good game Soldier. Would you like to go against my actual deck though? I'll copy the template LP: 16000 Customs: yes Anime Exclusives: yes Video Game Exclusives: yes God Cards: no Hand Refill: yes First Player: you choose Other conditions(luck based cards, handicaps, etc.): random effect be decided by another duelist member do you accept and if so I will give you time to make customs for yourself. i need to test out the ones I borrowed