Okay but I'm calling you Mr. Huggles. *hugs*
I drug him with nyquil and drink his cherry goodness No he doesn't it's like this Oh no OH NO OH NO OH NO OH YEAAAHHH
you'd be a better one
yeah it's backup. I also have like 6 cards that negate and destroy spells and 6 that negate and destroy traps in her deck
let's call this number. it may be his
If you need the japanese ones translated and remade I can do it for you but if you need a dueling partner then I can help you there too
Dragonball The waking the dragons thing. remember the blond-haired girl who used dueled Yugi because she thought that Yugi's grandpa tore up the 4th Blue Eyes White Dragon card
self destruct button ____________________________
Are you going to duel with that deck I gave you?
i'm not saying anything it's just I'm giving her combos that make it so the duel has a 75% chance of ending in a tie
Yugioh: Wake the Dragons_________
How do you like your deck?
She should be using a fairy deck that has a warrior as a support card. I made the deck and if I should say it has some backup cards that you will want to negate before you end the duel. Just a little tip. Never let the difference between your life points be 8000 or more or we will have 3rd place tied
I kind of borrowed them from YGOCardmaker people. I made the Black Rose though. I planned on using Barrel Behind the Door
The deed is done
okay, will do
I want you to judge the customs in my Atem deck on photobucket
Why use IE?
okay I'll get to work on it right now
I'm the deck maker of the Duel Arena and I was wondering if you would like me to make a deck for you