Guess the date this screen cap was taken!
Oh wow I've definitely missed a lot. :D Yeah sometimes i prefer Skype over Msn though.
Yeah i see you're a mod now :D Congratulations. We should talk sometime it's really been long. It's 2012 :D For some reason I decided to check...
Forsaken? It has definitely been a while. :D I'm fine btw, hope you can say the same about yourself :)
Once you have to explain a joke, don't!
: D
Like :D
I'm with ya there
What type of candy?
Future of gaming? <:
This is the khv I know :D
o.o .
Luka is actually my real name :v
Uhm what exactly is vocaloid?
I'm getting the next two weeks off o.o
Aw damnit we're back to pink -.-
I've never been to a concert where they checked the age. Parties and clubs yes but concerts nope. If they really do ask say you fogot your ID.
Haha haven't talked to you in quite some time <: How are you?
All my notifications are gone I don't have to awnser any of those Visitor Messages
I just noticed a few things in this Thread :)