I mostly buy games new and I agree that we should support developers, BUT DRM is not a ****ing solution, damnit! They should charge GameStop for used sales for all I care, but taking away our control over which games we're allowed to play is just outright wrong! I want to be able to lend games to friends and more importantly I want to play my console without having to connect to the internet, I mean who want's a bricked console whenever the internet is down for more than a day? That just makes no sence whatsoever.
I really want to get this game. Soon! C'mon Square. It can't be that hard.
I'm pretty sure most people think Gen II is best for obvious reasons (16 badges + all legendaries obtainable + extra challenges at the end)
I have never despised anything more than this new anti-consumer Xbox One. Wow, if Sony decides to pull off anything remotely similar, I'm just not gonna buy it period. Not supporting their stupid controll-everything crap.
Thanks for explaining that Engine problem Libre, I never really got that untill just now, I had so many Japanese games in the PS2 era and hardly any in the PS3 era. Go figure. I for one could not stand the FFXIII battle system. To me it was even worse than FFXII's. I had really high hopes for Versus, but I'm not even so sure about that anymore. I hope they can finally do some real good stuff after they release their new Engine!
Love it!
Here's a link to all the Rumors for the new Xbox http://www.vg247.com/2013/05/10/xbox-720-reveal-all-the-rumours-in-one-place/Man Always online requirement seems just really stupid, I really hope they don't actually try to pull that off, or if they do, that they fail utterly. Also What I really want for the PS4 is a PS2 Emulator, Please make it happen!
I hope that means we can get 1313 soon, please, thank you.
I think this definitely has potential, we'll see how it turns out, but count me in as hyped!
Which Console isn't a closed system? The only one I can think of right now is the Ouya, but it's not like consoles being closed systems is a new thing, right? In other news, Watch_Dogs has been confirmed as a launch title for PS4! Yay!
http://www.gamasutra.com/view/feature/191007/inside_the_playstation_4_with_mark_.php?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed: GamasutraNews (Gamasutra News) Basically all about how it will utilize an APU with shared RAM and how developers have wanted this for a long time. Also Huge launch Line-up or "strong" for that matter. PlayGo means you can start playing before the game has completely downloaded/installed. Very interesting read.
It's hard to believe this Thread is like 7 years old. When I bought a PS3 I was so excitied for this game. I Haven't seen Square do ANYTHING good after that initial promise.
Wow Msn's closing? I didn't even know. Feels kinda sad to me. :(
You are a horrible person.
Who are you and why should I care? What's your favourite food? Can you name at least 5 different genres of music that you frequently listen to? What's your nationality? How old are you? How did you find this Website? Have you considered joining the army? What video game consoles including handhelds have you owned before the age of 12? What's your view on abortion? What's your view on socialism? Who is the woman depicted in your avatar? What languages do you speak? (including programming languages)
Question Time... seems so long now ,that I had one.
Ukalay. Sounds like an instrument.
It's genious!
That price point makes no sence what so ever. I can build a PC with a mini-ITX motherboard for 1000$ and it won't be restricted to gaming. 1000$ for a gaming machine really doesn't seem like anything I would ever buy.