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  1. Luka
    I have a problem with how you wrote most of your arguements.

    1.There is no such thing as better exclusives. Also it's Killer Instinct not Fatal Instinct. There is no way you can say these games are better in any way before launch.
    Also only 3 of those games are first-party games(Forza, Spark and Killer Instinct), so there is a good probability most games will be ported to the PS4 in the future,e.g. Mass Effect,
    Bioshock, Dead Rising 2, etc. this generation.
    2. Tablet/smartphone integration will also be available on PS4, how is that a pro arguement?
    3. Media interconnectivity is also available on PS4, see above.
    4.Ability to record and upload game footage is also available on PS4, see above.
    5. Same goes for Cloud storage.
    6. Windows 8 apps will not work natively on Xbox one, they will have to be ported individually.
    7. How can you say that the Hardware difference between PS4 Xbox One won't affect game quality? PS4 has a much larger data bandwidth due to GDDR5 memory and the GPU is proven to have a 50% power advantage over the Xbone's.
    8. You say the Kinect adds more functions than the PS4, but can you name me one? Well I can, Microsoft has said that the Xbox One is designed around advertisement, meaning that the Kinect's built in mic and cam will monitor your behaviour and will supplement your dashboard accordingly. This is also the reason why Kinect is mandatory any use of the system.
    Post by: Luka, Jul 5, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  2. Luka
    He's also the guy in charge of Windows Surface, Windows Vista, Bing and Zune ;)
    Post by: Luka, Jul 1, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  3. Luka
    Thank god they did that. I would hate to have that continue, I'm still not gonna buy it though, as it's bigger, uglier (imo), less powerful and 100€ more. Choosing a console is a no-brainer this time.
    Post by: Luka, Jun 19, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  4. Luka
    Is that Yuna outfit for real?

    Also I'm considering buying this game. Maybe they finally figured out their combat system, even though I really never liked Lightnight as a character and I stoped playing FFXIII after 40 hours and never touched FFXIII-2.
    Post by: Luka, Jun 12, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  5. Luka
    So Ground Zeroes is not a seperate game? I certainly thought it was!
    Post by: Luka, Jun 12, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  6. Luka

    E3 2013

    PS4 399€ 399$
    Thank you Sony. It's been amazing so far.
    Post by: Luka, Jun 10, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  7. Luka
    Post by: Luka, Jun 10, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  8. Luka
    It's been so god damn long. Oh my god
    Post by: Luka, Jun 10, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  9. Luka
    Wow. just wow
    Post by: Luka, Jun 10, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Luka
    It's here. Finally. wow. This is so exciting!
    Thread by: Luka, Jun 10, 2013, 45 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  11. Luka
    Well I hear you can now jump, run around and block during battles. If you want to call that slightly tweaked then sure, otherwise not so much in my opinion anyways.
    Post by: Luka, Jun 7, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  12. Luka
    This game actually looks good. So glad they got rid of that cringeworthy combat system of XIII and XIII-2.
    Post by: Luka, Jun 7, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  13. Luka

    This is probably nitpicking, but the console war, atleast determined by sales, was actually won by Nintendo and the Wii, while the PS3 is a few thousand Units ahead of the 360, atleast fo now. I used to have a 360 myself, but sold it after I realized it didn't really offer anything I wanted that the PS3 could not offer me.

    Man I only hope the big publishers don't screw it up and put restrictive DRM on every game. Urgh! I really think the online pass system is so much better than what MS is trying to do. I hope they fail utterly. With the only reason being that I don't want anything that restrictive to be successfull. And I'm afraid that this might become the future. Most people say that restricting consumers results in bad sales, but just look at Apple/iOS. :/
    Post by: Luka, Jun 6, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  14. Luka

    E3 2013

    That picture was an obvious fake if anyone saw it. And really? League of Legends? I certainly hope not.
    Post by: Luka, Jun 4, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  15. Luka
    Banning used games would be like banning used books or used CDs. It is however not like buying a used car. One sells content and the other sells a real product that will degrade with use.
    Post by: Luka, Jun 3, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  16. Luka
    I must agree, X had the best story out of the ones I played, they omitted the world map and that obviously makes the game a bit more linear, but I feel it didn't take away anything from the experience, being able to change out characters while in battle is a HUGE plus, I have no clue why they didn't do that earlier and the Sphere Grid is probably the best leveling system out there.
    Post by: Luka, Jun 3, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  17. Luka
    and everything after FFX wasn't enjoyable to me, like at all. I played 40 hours of FFXIII and just gave up after being stuck on a boss fight. When the combat isn't fun, nothing really feels right. And the story didn't drive the game for me. I don't know, I hope they improve in the next few years. ALSO Why the hell do you make FFXI and FFXIV a numbered entry in the series. I don't think any of the core Final Fantasy gamers ever wanted that. Also what's with all the sequels. I always liked Final Fantasy for being their own games with minor similarities. I don't know the old games always fealt more polished to me and I was able to connect more to their characters. So yeah, old games, by far and not because of Nostalgia, I played most of the older games after playing those 40 hours on FFXIII
    Post by: Luka, Jun 2, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  18. Luka
    I certainly hope so!
    Post by: Luka, Jun 1, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  19. Luka
    I still wonder how the Pre-rendered cutscenes will look. Upscaling everything to 1080p and some AA, can already be done by using emulation, but I really hope they rework some of those cutscenes, as they really tend to look bad in HD. Back in the PS2 era those cutscenes were the best graphics I had ever seen at that time and if they screw that up I'll be dissapointed to say the least. If anyone has played the Sly Collection you'll know what I mean.
    Post by: Luka, May 31, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  20. Luka
    I don't even care about X-2, just finish it please.
    Post by: Luka, May 29, 2013 in forum: Gaming