Fuk Atlas. You all know you want to.
I had all their songs on my old ipod but when i went to put them on my new one for some reason they didn't transfer right or something and now i...
**** yeah motion city soundtrack you are the best band ever.
DC isn't as cool as everyone told me it was. Went there on a school trip last year. Forced to go into the washington monument. I'm...
DC? Or just regular Washington?
Alright then, Haley, I'm Nick. And now that we're friends i'll stop being such an ass. It's just something i do for the public. What's up.
no your real name. Calling you StarGirl is weird. And why would i not know that? i can read, despite whatever evidence you may have to the...
hey what's your name again
Yay for those of us with both. You ever get your uni results?
That's because basically people are stupid. Not evil. Stupid. What picture did shiki post?
But i am a less-than-nice person. At least i play one on tv. Serioulsy being a dick is just something i do on khv. Like in real life if there's...
Eh. We could get some new people. I say we because i assume i'd be one of the few people left. Went on that bike ride today. 15 miles. Tired at...
Lol. It's what i do.
Listen, you worthless piece of shit. Jube made a fucking thread about this today. It's not the 36th reply. It's not. Read this. Stop being stupid. http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=84877
Shit cakes
Can't you just ban them. Like i know ******s are out there whining about abuse of power and all that but then you just ban them too and all the...
Any specific people? Why did that trizzle *** get banned?
I saw that shiki thread and i was gonna ask how you were doing but then i started playing xbox. Sorry. so why are you all those emotions
The burp after He finishes the sandwich, obviously.
edit: useless blather, now.