More like Mike = Lame Am i right or am i right. Seriously kid stop caring about this forum and get some goddamn friends.
It's worth it, trust me.
Hey your friends with orange right. Could you do me a favor and convince her that me and her gettin it on is a good idea.
Is this thread missing something?
Fuckgoddamnitshitfuckcuntfuckshit. I could've been up there indefinitely, if it weren't for you meddling kids.
It's the questions or it's the answers, pick one. I'm working on it. At point five eight posts per day i should get there never.
Eh. It's cool, we can still be friends. Any other movies you recommend? (still haven't gotten to that wristcutters, but i'm working on it)
Pfft. **** was awesome, it's probably a bit too deep for you or something. :P Jesus **** i always get so sad when Richie tries to off himself....
I'm not the one who spouts proposals every time we have a conversation. What did you/didn't you like about it?
Wooden Sword.
Atlas 15 Male Anyone
Fuck you guys, i'm liking this intro. Okay nevermind what the fuck just happened i pressed ctrl once and i got hit by a motherfucking spaceship now i gotta watch this shit again.
So i was looking through our conversations to see if i told you to watch The Royal Tenenbaums (i haven't before, so i'm doing it now) WATCH THIS...
I tried to get a Bioshock RP going a while back. Was pushed down by millions of naruto/khv crossovers, or something of the sort.
tl:dr RP section on this forum is shit. Boring stories. One line posts. No character development at all, nothing interesting going on whatsoever.
How's it going.
The World's Greatest Conqueror was also the World's Greatest Pimp.
I'm no prince. Not sure how you would recognize me. I don't actually look like the avatar, you know. It's just a picture. Maybe when the season comes around, if CtR lets me. None of that, now. Pirates The cake is a pie.
I got Neku. Talking to him was alright, but kinda boring.
Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo That's pretty awesome. Oh thanks you too. I'm not doing much, to be honest. Going to the library, getting The...