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  1. Tahno
    Boxing Day is the day we treat malls like vending machines.
    Post by: Tahno, Dec 26, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Tahno
    Your thoughts, khv ?
    Thread by: Tahno, Dec 26, 2010, 23 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Tahno
  4. Tahno
    Unfortunately, only one man will rise from the ashes.
    Post by: Tahno, Dec 17, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Tahno
    And I am now playing World Of Warcraft 3, and I am currently levelling up a Ghillie Sniper.
    Thread by: Tahno, Dec 15, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Tahno


    I think I might puke!
    Help me guys.
    I think I might die.
    Thread by: Tahno, Dec 10, 2010, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Tahno
    Here's a good story:

    Once upon a time there was an ugly barnacle.
    He was so ugly that everyone died.
    The end!
    Post by: Tahno, Dec 3, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Tahno
    I would extract the living sh*t out of his body until he is nothing but 1 layer of skin.
    Then I would put the layer of skin in a fruit rollup packet and sell it to his mom.

    EDIT: I would also extract him with an extracto-device 5000 not...nevermind.
    Post by: Tahno, Dec 3, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Tahno
    You know that chill you get in your spine when you use the washroom.
    Thread by: Tahno, Dec 3, 2010, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Tahno
    After reading this, I must admit, you are actually a member on this site I have a lot of respect for.

    Anyways , on topic. What I should consider is you talking to your family about this, especially members of your family/people you can really trust.
    If this doesn't work, I recommend meditation of some sort, which doesn't mean to cross your legs like a guru and hum, but ease your mind, relax and find peace. This will give you time to breathe and to think.
    Post by: Tahno, Nov 20, 2010 in forum: Help with Life
  11. Tahno
    Leif Ericson.
    Post by: Tahno, Nov 20, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Tahno
    In which Leif Ericson was ruler of the world , however...
    Post by: Tahno, Nov 20, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Tahno
    Banned for adding a space between f and or.

    THREAD IS NOW LOCKED+//no duplicates of the "Your Banned Game".
    Post by: Tahno, Nov 19, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Tahno
    Ryan Reynolds is my wife.
    Post by: Tahno, Nov 18, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Tahno
    It seems you are going through some kind of a "phase", which has brought you into a state of slight depression. This is not a bad thing, we all go through phases in life, we all have our moments were we feel like giving up on life as a whole. I assume this state is because of your parents divorcing, and it is completely understandable of how you are feeling. It has caused your outlook on life to become different, and you tend to treat people differently than the way you treated them before. This is all how you are handling the divorce.

    With your opinion on Christians, I don't agree, and as you said, not everyone is like that. I'm a proud Christian, but I do admit that sometimes they can be outspoken about their beliefs and, in actuality it does get annoying. I have learned to not be outspoken about these beliefs, and a minor rule religious people should exercise is to keep it to yourself, and without a doubt, have a strong belief in what you think is right. But, not everyone is the same. The best thing to do is to ignore it when people seem a bit too arrogant because of their religious views and they think those specific views are correct.

    With the use of smileys, etc. I honestly think it is better for you to use them, than to try and avoid using them. It is your choice, and for people to take them away from you only brings much more stress on your shoulders. A good thing to do, perhaps, would be to tone them down a little bit if you think they get annoying to the person you are conversing with. But the choice is entirely up to you, and you must be free to your own decisions.

    In terms of your friendships, stay quiet, and keep a low-profile. DO NOT completely isolate yourself, though. It will make you a target, people will classify you as an outcast. Maintain the relationships you are in, and if you trust your friends enough, discuss your home-issues with them. And also, discuss these issues with any close family, possibly other than your parents, and get their opinions and views.
    Maintain a social status, but do not delve into an "outcast" classification.(I am not in any way implying that is the reputation you have now.)

    Make sure you discuss these issues with people you trust, and express your emotions to anyone who is willing to listen. Life does not always go as expected, but you are strong in a sense that you will get through this situation, you just need time for yourself to breathe, and think.

    I hope this will help, at least a little.
    Post by: Tahno, Nov 13, 2010 in forum: Help with Life
  16. Tahno
    Mrs. Pumpkin.
    Post by: Tahno, Nov 13, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Tahno
    Plug in the CD, and you will find the answer.
    Thread by: Tahno, Nov 13, 2010, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Tahno


    I have the movie, and I have to is quite good, considering it was based off of a video game.
    They had the basic idea of the plot, but didn't make it too relevant to whichever Tekken(s) it was based off of.

    Overall I rate it 6.5/10
    Post by: Tahno, Nov 12, 2010 in forum: Movies & Media
  19. Tahno
    Ten Seconds Of My Life...
    Thread by: Tahno, Nov 7, 2010, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Tahno
    This game is looking so far so great.
    The only thing I've been hoping for that currently isn't happening for Zack Fair and Genesis to be playable characters. Although Crisis Core is to FF7 as The Hobbit is to LOTR, I still think it would be pretty pleasing to fans to see this hero/villain duo to appear in a Dissidia game.
    Post by: Tahno, Nov 7, 2010 in forum: Gaming