I main Tidus the son of Leonidas. EDIT: I also think they should put Crisis Core in there, it's too late now, but it would be awesomesauce to play as Genesis or Zack Fair.
This thread is sexy. =D
I enjoy how they are able to get up from being stabbed in the face.
Because........ I am now realizing that with an HDMI Cable + HD TV + PS3.. It is a pretty awesome game......
Well for your first situation, it is recommended that you do eat. I know of someone who is going through a similar situation, and trust me: The only solution is to eat. Whether it be grains, vegetables, meat, or any of your favorite foods, go ahead and try it. It is the mental thought of the food in your system which is making you feel sick, the thoughts of "will I puke?", "will this taste different" , etc. etc. Let those thoughts go, relax and ease your mind, that is the first healing factor. If this continues, then I highly recommend you consult a doctor, psychiatrist, or something of the like. As for your social status, DO NOT cut yourself anymore. I've been there, done that, and the result is the thoughts of suicide.(Luckily for me, I've only cut once.) Do not commit suicide, what will you gain? Nothing. What will you lose? Life. The best thing to do is relax, look at life differently. Try not to focus too much on the serious and negative points, and look at the positive points: -I have a purpose -I'll one day make a living from doing something I enjoy. And such ^ As for your social status, I do agree with what the counselors did, just ignore that and move on. Appreciate that the teachers are treating you nicely, but try to avoid them as much as possible. Do not pressure yourself and think you are the cause of the divorce between your parents, remember that most divorces happen when two do not get along, or one does not do as they're supposed to and the other parent decides to divorce. You were not the thing that came between them that allowed them to divorce, do not let that bother you. Your friends seem to be the type to turn on you in an instant. Ignore their behavior, and form your new network of friends and stick with them. What I would recommend in the future is to time when you tell something, and take into major consideration who you tell it to. Find new friends, there's many, who share the same interests as you(make sure they are in your grade) and you will begin to feel more noticed. Remember that there are people you can talk to on KH-Vids, and no that does not make you a loser at all, self-expression is key to taking advice. Hope this helps a little..
The title of this thread is what caught me. Anyways, sorry to hear about your dog, I've had a similar experience, only with my grandfather's pet. =(
Yes, I am currently going through the same thing. I know exactly how it feels, thinking you fit in but after brief contemplation, you realize your negative actions and such. Having trouble interacting, yes, I believe I am going through the same thing. Trust me, I know exactly how you feel, and I know it doesn't feel good. As Jayn mentioned, I believe it is tiredness, because I have recently lost a lot of sleep. And as Arc said, I think I have a slight case of Social Anxiety myself. I think the best healing factor for this is to simply relax your mind, forget about everything, and get a lot of rest. Rest is key to healing, and socializing may come naturally. Remember also, to stay calm as much as possible, and avoid conflict. I know this advice is brief, and is all I can give, since I am going through similar situations myself, but I hope it helps. =)
I am posting in these "post until you're toast" threads. How can we...
The misconceptions that people have of manga are starting to annoy me. I dislike the opinions people have of manga, who know nothing of it, such as: -Japanese characters running around making ******ed faces -Anime/Manga/Those "asian" shows are for nerds -"Haaah! I can shoot fire out of my hands!" ^I can't really think of anything specific and more descriptive, because I'm just going by the general misunderstandings of manga and anime. We all know that these stereotypes are false, but I'm guessing we all get annoyed at how people can take these stereotypes too far. Feel free to post more examples of these stereotypes, and general situations regarding these yourselves.
Well, my first suggestion would be to obviously get a guidance counselor. But, as I have previously been a knowledge-glutton and practitioner of martial artistry, I can tell you a few things to keep in mind when "beating him senseless". I do not wish to encourage this, and I'd prefer if you go with my first suggestion, but if things get out of hand, and you wish to defend yourself, and deliver the message fluently without causing major damage to him, then here are a few tips: - Keep your hands up, your rear hand blocking your face in case if he wants to make contact with your lips. -A soft jab(quick punch) and a cross(harder punch) should do if he is in close range -With a considerable amount of energy, something to consider if he is really trying to get into contact with any area is to uppercut to his stomach, and as I said with a considerable amount of energy, remember you do not want to damage him, but allow him to have some sort of pain, in which you can escape. If he tries to get any authority against you, you can explain your case and they'll completely understand it was out of self-defense. EDIT: a simple kick when he is down should be good, therefore he is on the ground and you have enough time to run. Only resort to my horrible advice if things get out hand, please. :) Hope it helps, anyhow.
Somewhat accurate.
The man who was capable of recruiting voyagers from the 16th century to help him find his wallet. The man who can create metaphors using chocolate chip cookies, The forum genius.. What? *blows rip-off version of whistle, commonly used in celebrations*
Well the only use my skin has is being scraped on concrete and having lotion applied to it.
Comme je l'ai moi-même convertie en français, Américains se sont convertis en noobian. ^Jk
And have a wonderful Thanksgiving at 12:00!
When 2012 comes, I shall resist the urge to see whiteness...
You know, speaking of Daft Punk, I believe I saw them in Tron.
^Thats the point! =D
I should have though of that sooner, good idea.