Yea , alot of things go on within this house. A guy who keeps watch of cops would be completely useful, considering I've already s--*shot*
I never knew that humans could possibly live in this man. I suppose that is the source of his logic? EDIT: but then again, I'd say that 94% of the members on khv are not human.
*Thinks about it* *Does Spongebob 'you like krabby patties' smile*
I can offer you the finest weapons for killing if you do not kill us, miss. =)
Only if KH-Vids had a "Like" button ^
If the movie is animated...then you would have a chance. If you suggest a movie with real actors, and it turns out like Dragonball: Evolution, I'm afraid KH-Vids will have to kill you... EDIT: ^That wasn't flaming btw, & if you're looking to contact Disney, I'm afraid you will fail. Working for Disney/PIXAR would increase your chances of actually getting a Kingdom Hearts movie out there.
The way you think is legendary
I predict this thread will turn into a role-playing thread..
I would be the guy who is always playing video games.
What role would you play/how would you act within the house?
I suppose close friends would work well then. As for your teacher, I suppose what you're doing is the correct way to handle it. He seems stubborn and closed-minded in thought. Basically, keep doing what you are doing, things will work out well. And I am glad that I have helped. =) It makes me glad that I am not the only one who doesn't know about that website.
I'm not surprised that you wouldn't mention your recent dilemmas to your parents, they're constantly fighting. Avoiding them would be the best thing to do until things cool off. Maybe even trying to go to friends' houses as much as possible would be a good solution, especially friends you trust & are close to. I would recommend talking to a relative that isn't involved much within your household problems, so you can let your emotions out verbally, in addition to typing. Talking to friends would be a secondary option. Anyone who is knowledgeable and you know you can trust, would be the spot on person for you to discuss your feelings with.(I'd firstly recommend a relative though, considering what you've mentioned about your friend(s). As for your Capstone situation, I've been in a similar situation, where a teacher wants to prove their authority by pushing their students to a limit they cannot fully handle at the moment. What I would recommend(from not knowing too much about the course you are taking) is to just to be consistent, and continue doing what you are doing. If that doesn't work, then being slightly rebellious and showing him that you are not ready to go by his unfair agenda, but in the nicest way possible. (I wouldn't recommend doing that though). What you should consider doing is relaxing, and taking a second to think things through and forgetting about the negatives. Take a look at the good that you have done, reflect on things that you've accomplished which make you feel proud. Building confidence and some optimistic thought will allow you to take on the challenges that are thrown at you. Do not commit suicide no matter how tough things may seem to get. I hope I did help a bit..
Now answer this question: Can you eat 5 tacos in 5 seconds? =D
Hello Starfire. Answer this question: Can you lift up a car?
Hm. Scruffy, I like the sound of that..I just don't know why. Anyhow, do you actually DJ? =D
Fortunately, I am the guy in the 1st episode who gets run over by a truck.(Also known for being the 1st guy Light Yagami kills)
I am leading this rebellion.
That works too, we should form a KHV rebellion against him(and J.B.)
Oh God, I thought after iyiyi he would simply fade away. This thread needs to be closed.
What Lady Gaga does in her spare time? I'd assume she frequently shops for meat, therefore when the time is right, she can one day showcase her beach-house made out of meat.