I can be the one to tie up women with toilet paper? =D
Is my signature pic appropriate now? :3
Modify it into a family kind of thing..I suppose.
Sure, no problem.
Just got back from uber-customizing my profile. =D
Your sig proves it all. (Good thing)
This thread has progressed from being a boredom thread to being turned into an RP. I feel proud. An RP outline would be interesting. XD
Yeah, me2.
Wait...this thread is going to turn into an RP?! :O
Hey, wait..he had the right idea... *Picks up pistol & points it at Woflie & Xaale* Let's see what happens next. *Does Reno smile*
Oh, uhh.. :S I kinda..hosted..a party...in a house..which was kinda...you know.....empty?
Only if you can beatbox dubstep.
As expected. *facepalm*
My nunchaku is cardboard! =D EDIT: It is effective too. I wooped a cardboard samurai's ass with it.
But what do you normally use them for?
*Wakes up* Would people stop shoo --*shot for the 3rd time*
I would assume that they- *shot again*
*Throws pie in Marcell's face* I didn't do it.
*Does not follow* *Walks over to the oven* *Takes out pie*
*Realizing I got shot with a nerf gun, I get up*